
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Religions4872
2 Religious Studies Review2375
3 HTS Teologiese Studies-Theological Studies1310
4 Church History1055
5 Journal of Religion & Health999
6 Expository Times932
7 Journal of Ecclesiastical History914
8 Heythrop Journal799
9 Journal of Theological Studies549
10 Catholic Biblical Quarterly526
11 Theological Studies476
12 Journal of Religious History413
13 Nova Religio-Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions401
14 Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia372
15 Horizons363
16 Studies in Christian Ethics361
17 Zygon357
18 Journal of Church and State350
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion350
20 Ecumenical Review348
21 Scottish Journal of Theology347
22 Modern Theology337
23 Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses326
24 Ecclesiastical Law Journal320
25 Journal of Religion317
26 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality316
27 Dialog-A Journal of Theology315
28 Religious Studies309
29 International Journal of Systematic Theology296
- Religion296
31 Journal of Contemporary Religion286
32 Revue de l'Histoire des Religions281
33 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion277
34 Acta Theologica256
35 Interpretation-A Journal of Bible and Theology254
36 Theology Today237
37 European Journal for Philosophy of Religion236
38 Religion Brain & Behavior234
39 Theology and Science232
40 Journal for the Study of the New Testament228
41 Politics Religion & Ideology224
- Religion and the Arts224
43 Vetus Testamentum221
44 Zeitschrift fuer Religions-Und Geistesgeschichte220
45 Material Religion217
46 Journal of Anglican Studies215
47 Hispania Sacra211
48 Religious Education210
49 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics205
50 Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education203
- Review of Faith & International Affairs203
52 Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik201
53 Laval Theologique et Philosophique198
54 Sociology of Religion196
55 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament192
- International Journal of Public Theology192
57 Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses191
58 Zeitschrift fuer Antikes Christentum-Journal of Ancient Christianity187
59 Islam-Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients183
60 Journal of Religious Ethics182
61 Irish Theological Quarterly179
62 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations176
63 Studies in World Christianity175
64 Journal for the Study of Judaism174
- British Journal of Religious Education174
66 Review of Religious Research171
67 Politics and Religion168
68 Journal of Jewish Studies166
- New Testament Studies166
- Muslim World166
71 Spiritus-A Journal of Christian Spirituality159
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion159
73 Vigiliae Christianae158
74 Journal of Early Christian Studies156
75 Harvard Theological Review150
76 AJS Review-The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies146
77 Journal of Quranic Studies144
- Social Compass144
79 Journal of Ecumenical Studies143
- Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft143
- Biblical Interpretation-A Journal of Contemporary Approaches143
82 Numen-International Review for the History of Religions141
83 Studia Theologica-Czech Republic139
84 Literature and Theology137
85 Dead Sea Discoveries133
- Novum Testamentum133
87 Arabica132
88 Welt des Islams131
89 Exchange-Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context129
- Journal of Psychology and Theology129
91 Journal of Biblical Literature128
92 Method & Theory in the Study of Religion127
93 Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie126
- Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques126
95 Feminist Theology124
96 British Catholic History119
97 Biblische Zeitschrift116
98 Al-Qantara103
99 History of Religions99
- International Journal of Hindu Studies99
101 East European Jewish Affairs98
102 Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique97
103 Religion & Literature93
104 Augustinian Studies92
105 International Journal for the Psychology of Religion91
106 Zeitschrift fuer die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der alteren Kirche82
- Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament82
108 Buddhist Studies Review81
- Christian Bioethics81
110 International Journal of Childrens Spirituality75
111 Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Kirche71
112 Islamic Law and Society70
113 Neotestamentica69
114 Archive for the Psychology of Religion-Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie67
115 Nordic Journal of Religion and Society62
116 Sefarad60
117 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion50
118 Japanese Journal of Religious Studies44
119 Tyndale Bulletin39