Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 SAGE Open3809
2 Patient Education and Counseling1925
3 Accident Analysis and Prevention1527
4 Systems1301
5 Technology in Society1233
6 Archives of Sexual Behavior1166
7 Social Indicators Research934
8 International Journal of Qualitative Methods782
9 Journal of Safety Research661
10 American Behavioral Scientist636
11 Qualitative Health Research631
12 Disability & Society573
13 International Journal of Intercultural Relations547
- Journal of Homosexuality547
15 Social Inclusion525
16 Sexuality Research and Social Policy520
17 Qualitative Inquiry510
18 Journal of Sex Research499
19 Applied Research in Quality of Life494
20 Journal of Happiness Studies490
21 Society485
22 Evaluation and Program Planning450
23 Journal of Gender Studies433
24 Social Science Journal422
25 Globalizations415
26 Child Indicators Research397
27 Big Data & Society389
28 International Journal of Heritage Studies364
29 Systems Research and Behavioral Science357
30 Journal of Youth Studies346
31 Social Science Computer Review311
32 Semiotica294
33 Qualitative Research290
34 Daedalus287
35 Journal of Risk Research282
36 Andamios275
37 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science273
38 Human Relations270
39 Public Opinion Quarterly260
40 International Journal of Social Research Methodology251
41 Social & Legal Studies249
42 Crime Law and Social Change245
43 Disasters243
44 Social Epistemology232
45 Zeitschrift fuer Sexualforschung231
46 Youth & Society230
47 Critical Social Policy218
48 Cultural Trends216
49 Emotion Space and Society206
50 Movimento-Porto Alegre203
51 Group Decision and Negotiation200
52 International Journal of Sexual Health199
53 Travail Genre et Societes197
54 RSF-The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences192
55 American Journal of Evaluation187
56 GLQ-A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies180
57 Journal of Children and Media178
58 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews173
59 Evidence & Policy171
60 Science & Society168
61 Journal of Black Studies166
62 Human Organization160
- Social Science Japan Journal160
64 Space Policy156
65 Journal of Mixed Methods Research151
66 Race & Class150
67 Evaluation149
68 Adaptive Behavior146
69 Policy Sciences143
70 Childhood-A Global Journal of Child Research141
- JASSS-The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation141
72 Island Studies Journal140
73 Longitudinal and Life Course Studies136
74 Journal of East Asian Studies135
75 Negotiation Journal132
76 New Perspectives on Turkey131
77 Dados-Revista de Ciencias Sociais127
78 Young125
79 Race and Social Problems124
- Revista de Estudios Sociales124
81 Time & Society123
- Zeitschrift fuer Evaluation123
83 Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales122
84 Minerva119
85 Field Methods114
86 Continuity and Change112
87 Adolescent Research Review109
88 Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning102
89 Social Philosophy & Policy100
90 Journal of Poverty and Social Justice97
91 Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales90
92 Trames-Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences88
93 Action Research87
94 Cross-Cultural Research75
95 Clothing and Textiles Research Journal73
96 Asian Journal of Social Science35