
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions18.017
2 Landscape and Urban Planning15.887
3 Computers Environment and Urban Systems12.189
4 Journal of Transport Geography11.040
5 Journal of Rural Studies10.364
6 Progress in Human Geography10.229
7 International Journal of Geographical Information Science8.110
8 Applied Geography7.345
9 Economic Geography7.017
10 Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie6.854
11 Geoforum6.762
12 Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society6.278
13 Moravian Geographical Reports6.150
14 Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space6.022
15 Regional Studies5.986
16 Political Geography5.968
17 Antipode5.846
18 Dialogues in Human Geography5.680
19 Environment and Planning D-Society & Space5.629
20 Journal of Economic Geography5.381
21 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers5.245
22 Mobilities5.146
23 Competition & Change5.062
24 Annals of the American Association of Geographers4.764
25 Urban Geography4.718
26 Geopolitics4.701
27 European Planning Studies4.679
28 Geographical Analysis4.610
29 Sociologia Ruralis4.541
30 Local Environment4.466
31 Transactions in GIS4.011
32 Journal of Geographical Systems4.009
33 Journal of Geography in Higher Education3.925
34 Global Networks-A Journal of Transnational Affairs3.903
35 Papers in Regional Science3.758
36 Cartography and Geographic Information Science3.749
37 Eurasian Geography and Economics3.703
38 Population Space and Place3.678
39 Territory Politics Governance3.653
40 Journal of Maps3.597
41 Geography Compass3.564
42 Childrens Geographies3.460
43 Geographical Journal3.403
44 Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography3.382
45 Emotion Space and Society3.362
46 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research3.328
47 Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space3.292
48 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science3.258
49 Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie3.147
50 Professional Geographer3.092
51 Journal of Geography3.079
52 Annals of Regional Science3.053
53 Geographical Research3.039
54 Social & Cultural Geography3.024
55 Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy2.953
56 Area2.887
- Geografiska Annaler Series B-Human Geography2.887
58 Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space2.862
59 Australian Geographer2.732
60 Landscape Research2.401
61 South African Geographical Journal2.342
62 Asia Pacific Viewpoint2.313
63 Island Studies Journal2.253
64 Human Geography2.031
65 Geographical Review1.899
66 Gender Place and Culture1.874
67 Cultural Geographies1.867
68 Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography1.788
69 Urban Policy and Research1.771
70 Space and Culture1.717
71 Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien1.586
72 Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography1.574
73 Geography1.436
74 Cartographic Journal1.387
75 Erdkunde1.315
76 New Zealand Geographer1.184
77 Geografie1.153
78 Scottish Geographical Journal1.028
79 Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles0.840
80 Journal of Historical Geography0.804
81 Revista de Geografia Norte Grande0.750
82 Geodetski Vestnik0.456
83 Revue de Geographie Alpine-Journal of Alpine Research0.423
84 Scripta Nova-Revista Electronica de Geografia y Ciencias Sociales0.405
85 Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft0.218
86 Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography0.172