Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology

(The TQCC of Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Prevalence and Persistent Shedding of Fecal SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Patients With COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis104
Urinary NGAL as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Marker for Acute Kidney Injury in Cirrhosis: A Prospective Study57
Marked Elevation of Lipase in COVID-19 Disease: A Cohort Study54
Human Intestinal Barrier: Effects of Stressors, Diet, Prebiotics, and Probiotics51
The Gut Microbiome in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis Is Characterized by Significant Dysbiosis and Overgrowth by Opportunistic Pathogens48
Esophageal Pathophysiologic Changes and Adenocarcinoma After Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis38
Fecal Calprotectin Predicts Mucosal Healing in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis Treated With Biological Therapies: A Prospective Study35
The Spectrum of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Patients With Coronavirus Disease-19: Predictors, Relationship With Disease Severity, and Outcome35
Tumor Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 Level Predicts the Efficacy of Lenvatinib in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma33
Low-Grade Endotoxemia and Thrombosis in COVID-1932
Breath Biopsy Assessment of Liver Disease Using an Exogenous Volatile Organic Compound—Toward Improved Detection of Liver Impairment32
Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Disease Prevalence, Classification, and Comorbidities: A Cohort Study of the UK BioBank30
Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Cancer, and Their Metabolic Sequelae: Projected Burden to 205030
Chronic Pancreatitis Is a Risk Factor for Pancreatic Cancer, and Incidence Increases With Duration of Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis30
Psychological Burden of Hepatic Encephalopathy on Patients and Caregivers30
Associations Between Gastric Cancer Risk and Virus Infection Other Than Epstein-Barr Virus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Based on Epidemiological Studies29
Probiotic/Synbiotic Treatment and Postoperative Complications in Colorectal Cancer Patients: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials28
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Ulcerative Colitis: The Optimum Timing and Gut Microbiota as Predictors for Long-Term Clinical Outcomes28
Gastric Microbiota in a Low–Helicobacter pylori Prevalence General Population and Their Associations With Gastric Lesions28
Feasibility of a Very Low Calorie Diet to Achieve a Sustainable 10% Weight Loss in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease27
Entecavir vs Tenofovir in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prevention in Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis26
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Lean Subjects: Associations With Metabolic Dysregulation and Cardiovascular Risk—A Single-Center Cross-Sectional Study26
Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Coil Embolization With Absorbable Gelatin Sponge Appears Superior to Traditional Cyanoacrylate Injection for the Treatment of Gastric Varices24
Moderate-Intensity Aerobic vs Resistance Exercise and Dietary Modification in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial23
Rising Incidence of Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults Corresponds With Increasing Surgical Resections in Obese Patients23
Low Pepsinogen I/II Ratio and High Gastrin-17 Levels Typify Chronic Atrophic Autoimmune Gastritis Patients With Gastric Neuroendocrine Tumors23
Efficacy and Safety of Nadroparin Calcium-Warfarin Sequential Anticoagulation in Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhotic Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial23
Diagnostic Performance of FibroTouch Ultrasound Attenuation Parameter and Liver Stiffness Measurement in Assessing Hepatic Steatosis and Fibrosis in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease22
Liquid Biopsy for Colorectal Adenoma: Is the Exosomal miRNA Derived From Organoid a Potential Diagnostic Biomarker?22
Determination of Urinary Gluten Immunogenic Peptides to Assess Adherence to the Gluten-Free Diet: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study22
Hepatitis C Virus Clearance by Direct-Acting Antivirals Agents Improves Endothelial Dysfunction and Subclinical Atherosclerosis: HEPCAR Study21
The Incidence of Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia in the Well-Defined Region of a Dutch Mesenteric Ischemia Expert Center21
Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial of Experimental Hookworm Infection for Improving Gluten Tolerance in Celiac Disease21
Outcome Prediction of Covert Hepatic Encephalopathy in Liver Cirrhosis: Comparison of Four Testing Strategies20
Endoscopic Resection Before Surgery Does Not Affect the Recurrence Rate in Patients With High-Risk T1 Colorectal Cancer20
Aspirin Reduces the Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Receiving Oral Nucleos(t)ide Analog20
Genetic Variants of the MGAT5 Gene Are Functionally Implicated in the Modulation of T Cells Glycosylation and Plasma IgG Glycome Composition in Ulcerative Colitis20
Internet Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Painful Chronic Pancreatitis: A Pilot Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial20
Role of Extended Mesenteric Excision in Postoperative Recurrence of Crohn's Colitis: A Single-Center Study20
Metabolic Dysfunction–Associated Fatty Liver Disease Increases Colon Cancer Risk: A Nationwide Cohort Study20
Efficacy of Norfloxacin Prophylaxis to Prevent Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis20
Independent Validation of a Tissue Systems Pathology Assay to Predict Future Progression in Nondysplastic Barrett's Esophagus: A Spatial-Temporal Analysis19
Smoking, Genetic Predisposition, and Colorectal Cancer Risk18
Detection of Early-Stage Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma From Blood Samples: Results of a Multiplex Biomarker Signature Validation Study18
Human Milk Oligosaccharides Support Normal Bowel Function and Improve Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multicenter, Open-Label Trial18
Multiparametric MR Is a Valuable Modality for Evaluating Disease Severity of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease17
Prediction of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Liver Stiffness Measurements Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography After Eradicating Hepatitis C Virus17
Clinical Impact of Pathogenic Germline Variants in Pancreatic Cancer: Results From a Multicenter, Prospective, Universal Genetic Testing Study17
Global Burden and Trends in Incidence, Mortality, and Disability of Stomach Cancer From 1990 to 201716
A Potential Oncogenic Role for PFKFB3 Overexpression in Gastric Cancer Progression16
The Long-Term Clinical and Endoscopic Outcomes of Cronkhite–Canada Syndrome16
Serological Biomarkers of Tissue Turnover Identify Responders to Anti-TNF Therapy in Crohn's Disease: A Pilot Study15
Identification of High-Risk Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Using Noninvasive Tests From Primary Care and Endocrinology Real-World Practices15
Identification of Individuals at Increased Risk for Pancreatic Cancer in a Community-Based Cohort of Patients With Suspected Chronic Pancreatitis15
Simultaneous Recognition of Atrophic Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia on White Light Endoscopic Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks: A Multicenter Study15
Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Barrett's Esophagus, Dysplasia, and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Differ Similarly Compared With Healthy Controls15
Comparison of Prognostic Scores in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated With Sorafenib15
The Association Between Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors and Colorectal Cancer in a National Cohort of Patients15
Potential Benefits of Underdilation of 8-mm Covered Stent in Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Creation15
A Novel 5-Cytokine Panel Outperforms Conventional Predictive Markers of Persistent Organ Failure in Acute Pancreatitis15
Incidence, Factors, and Patient-Level Data for Spontaneous HBsAg Seroclearance: A Cohort Study of 11,264 Patients15
The Effect of Adiposity on Anti–Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Levels and Loss of Response in Crohn's Disease Patients14
Public Preferences and Predicted Uptake for Esophageal Cancer Screening Strategies: A Labeled Discrete Choice Experiment14
An Herbal Formulation of Jiawei Xiaoyao for the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia: A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Clinical Trial14
Infliximab Originator, Infliximab Biosimilar, and Adalimumab Are More Effective in Crohn's Disease Than Ulcerative Colitis: A Real-Life Cohort Study14
Sleep Duration, Sleep Quality, and the Development of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Cohort Study13
A Novel Deep Learning System for Diagnosing Early Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Multicenter Diagnostic Study13
Relationship of the Esophageal Microbiome and Tissue Gene Expression and Links to the Oral Microbiome: A Randomized Clinical Trial13
Validation of the Clinical Frailty Scale for the Prediction of Mortality in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis13
Alterations in Heart Rate Variability Associated With Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis13
Real-World Data on the Impact of COVID-19 on Endoscopic Procedural Delays13
Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Versus Surgery for Superficial Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Propensity Score-Matched Survival Analysis13
Empiric Versus Clarithromycin Resistance–Guided Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Based on Polymerase Chain Reaction Results in Patients With Gastric Neoplasms or Gastric Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tiss13
Magnetic Resonance Enterography and Histology in Patients With Fibrostenotic Crohn's Disease: A Multicenter Study13
Decreased Gut Microbiome Tryptophan Metabolism and Serotonergic Signaling in Patients With Persistent Mental Health and Gastrointestinal Symptoms After COVID-1913
Collagenous Gastritis in Children: Incidence, Disease Course, and Associations With Autoimmunity and Inflammatory Markers13
Autoantibodies Toward ATP4A and ATP4B Subunits of Gastric Proton Pump H+,K+-ATPase Are Reliable Serological Pre-endoscopic Markers of Corpus Atrophic Gastritis13
Long-Term Follow-up of Gastric Precancerous Lesions in a Low GC Incidence Area12
Increased Fecal Neopterin Parallels Gastrointestinal Symptoms in COVID-1912
No Effect in Alcoholic Hepatitis of Gut-Selective, Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics on Bacterial Translocation or Hepatic and Systemic Inflammation12
Safety, Tolerability, and Physiological Effects of AXA1665, a Novel Composition of Amino Acids, in Subjects With Child–Pugh A and B Cirrhosis12
Double Stenting for Malignant Biliary and Duodenal Obstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis12
Functional Dyspepsia, Peptic Ulcer, and Helicobacter pylori Infection in a Rural Community of South Asia: An Endoscopy-Assisted Household Survey12
Community Health Behaviors and Geographic Variation in Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer Survival Among Women12
Impact of Feeding Strategies With Acid Suppression on Esophageal Reflexes in Human Neonates With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Single-Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial11
Gastric Cancer Risk of Intestinal Metaplasia Subtypes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies11
Clinical and Genetic Risk Factors of Recurrent Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease After Liver Transplantation11
Translating Fecobionics Into a Technique That Addresses Clinical Needs for Objective Perineal Descent Measurements11
The Association Between Cholecystectomy, Metabolic Syndrome, and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Population-Based Study11
Lymph Node Tumor Burden Correlates With Tumor Budding and Poorly Differentiated Clusters: A New Prognostic Factor in Colorectal Carcinoma?11
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial to Assess Safety and Tolerability of (Thetanix) Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in Adolescent Crohn's Disease11
The Protection Conferred by HSD17B13 rs72613567 Polymorphism on Risk of Steatohepatitis and Fibrosis May Be Limited to Selected Subgroups of Patients With NAFLD11
Detection of Circulating Tumor DNA Methylation in Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer10
Fasting Plasma Glucose Variability and Gastric Cancer Risk in Individuals Without Diabetes Mellitus: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study10
Oncogenic Features in Histologically Normal Mucosa: Novel Insights Into Field Effect From a Mega-Analysis of Colorectal Transcriptomes10
Diagnostic and Prognostic Values of KRAS Mutations on EUS-FNA Specimens and Circulating Tumor DNA in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer10
Impaired Proximal Esophageal Contractility Predicts Pharyngeal Reflux in Patients With Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Symptoms10
Circulating Macrophage Activation Markers Predict Transplant-Free Survival in Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis10
Validation of the “Six-and-Twelve” Prognostic Score in Transarterial Chemoembolization–Treated Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients10
Animal Naming Test Is Associated With Poor Patient-Reported Outcomes and Frailty in People With and Without Cirrhosis: A Prospective Cohort Study10
Antifibrotic Effects of the Thiazolidinediones in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Pathologic Remodeling: A Preclinical Evaluation10
Droplet Digital PCR Detects Low-Density Infection in a Significant Proportion of Helicobacter Pylori-Negative Gastric Biopsies of Dyspeptic Patients10
Development and Validation of Prognostic Models to Estimate the Risk of Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy After TIPS Creation: A Multicenter Study10
Metformin and Gastrointestinal Cancer Development in Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: A Population-Based Study in Korea10
Controlled Delivery of Bile Acids to the Colon10
A Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Quality Control System Incorporated With Deep Learning Improved Endoscopist Performance in a Pretest and Post-Test Trial9
Development and Validation of an Automatic Image-Recognition Endoscopic Report Generation System: A Multicenter Study9
A Potential Treatment of Congenital Sodium Diarrhea in Patients With Activating GUCY2C Mutations9
The Number of Interstitial Cells of Cajal Differs Among Different Subtypes of Achalasia and is Related to Patients' Prognosis9
A Multicenter, Open-Label, Single-Arm Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Saroglitazar in Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis9
Characterization of Patients With Obstructed Defecation and Slow Transit Constipation With a Simulated Stool9
Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 Inhibits Postprandial Gallbladder Emptying in Man: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Crossover Study9
Disparities in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastric Cancer in Relation to Disabilities9
Impact of Inadequate Bowel Cleansing on Colonoscopic Findings in Routine Screening Practice9
Relationship Between Hepatic Gene Expression, Intestinal Microbiota, and Inferred Functional Metagenomic Analysis in NAFLD9
Transcutaneous Electrical Acustimulation Improves Constipation by Enhancing Rectal Sensation in Patients With Functional Constipation and Lack of Rectal Sensation9
Host Genetic and Gut Microbial Signatures in Familial Inflammatory Bowel Disease9
Patient-Specific Stress–Abdominal Pain Interaction in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: An Exploratory Experience Sampling Method Study9
Repeated Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Esophageal Neoplasia Located Close to a Previous Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Scar9
Pain Severity Correlates With Biopsy-Mediated Colonic Afferent Activation But Not Psychological Scores in Patients With IBS-D9
Clinical Penetrance of Hereditary Hemochromatosis-Related End-Organ Damage of C282Y Homozygosity, A Newfoundland Experience9
Implications of Abdominal Adipose Tissue Distribution on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: A Chinese General Population Study9
Risk Factors for Bile Aspiration and its Impact on Clinical Outcomes9
Bariatric and Metabolic Endoscopy: A New Paradigm9
Risk Factors for Bleeding After Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Gastric Cancer in Elderly Patients Older Than 80 Years in Japan9
Role of the Outer Inflammatory Protein A/Cystine–Glutamate Transporter Pathway in Gastric Mucosal Injury Induced by Helicobacter pylori8
A Practical Overview of the Stool DNA Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening8
Leveraging Fecal Microbial Markers to Improve the Diagnostic Accuracy of the Fecal Immunochemical Test for Advanced Colorectal Adenoma8
Risk and Risk Score Performance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Patients With Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seroclearance8
Anatomical Variation in Mesenteric Macrophage Phenotypes in Crohn's Disease8
Association of Serum and Fecal Bile Acid Patterns With Liver Fibrosis in Biopsy-Proven Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Observational Study8
Association Between Peripheral Blood Monocyte Count and Mucosal Healing in Japanese Patients With Ulcerative Colitis8
History of Hepatic Encephalopathy Is Not a Contraindication to Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Placement for Refractory Ascites8
Follow-up of 3 Million Persons Undergoing Colonoscopy in Germany: Utilization of Repeat Colonoscopies and Polypectomies Within 10 Years8
A Randomized Pilot Study to Compare the Effectiveness of a Low FODMAP Diet vs Psyllium in Patients With Fecal Incontinence and Loose Stools8
Differential Expression of Long Noncoding RNA HOTAIR in Intestinal Metaplasia and Gastric Cancer8
Pretreatment HLADQA1-HLADRB1 Testing for the Prevention of Azathioprine-Induced Pancreatitis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study8
Difference in Defecation Desire Between Patients With and Without Chronic Constipation: A Large-Scale Internet Survey8
Artificial Intelligence and Device-Assisted Enteroscopy: Automatic Detection of Enteric Protruding Lesions Using a Convolutional Neural Network8
Activin A Modulates Inflammation in Acute Pancreatitis and Strongly Predicts Severe Disease Independent of Body Mass Index8
Adult-Onset Autoimmune Enteropathy in an European Tertiary Referral Center8
Infection Control in Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography: A Human Factors Perspective8
Targeted Albumin Infusions Do Not Improve Systemic Inflammation or Cardiovascular Function in Decompensated Cirrhosis8
Discovery and Validation of Serum Autoantibodies Against Tumor-Associated Antigens as Biomarkers in Gastric Adenocarcinoma Based on the Focused Protein Arrays8
Strongly Divergent Impact of Adherence Patterns on Efficacy of Colorectal Cancer Screening: The Need to Refine Adherence Statistics8
Preserved SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Cell-Mediated Immunogenicity in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Immune-Modulating Therapies8
Liquid Biopsy in Gastric Cancer: Analysis of Somatic Cancer Tissue Mutations in Plasma Cell-Free DNA for Predicting Disease State and Patient Survival8
Depressed Colorectal Cancer: A New Paradigm in Early Colorectal Cancer8
Antibiotic Therapy and Risk of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer: A National Case-Control Study8
Association of Chronic Opisthorchis Infestation and Microbiota Alteration on Tumorigenesis in Cholangiocarcinoma8
Bridging the Gap: Patient Navigation Increases Colonoscopy Follow-up After Abnormal FIT8
Ileal Crohn's Disease Exhibits Similar Transmural Fibrosis Irrespective of Phenotype8
β6-Integrin Serves as a Potential Serum Marker for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma8
Antitumor Necrosis Factor Agents to Treat Endoscopic Postoperative Recurrence of Crohn's Disease: A Nationwide Study With Propensity-Matched Score Analysis8
Bleeding After Elective Interventional Endoscopic Procedures in a Large Cohort of Patients With Cirrhosis8
Significant Medical Comorbidities Are Associated With Lower Causality Scores in Patients Presenting With Suspected Drug-Induced Liver Injury8
The 5Ms of Geriatrics in Gastroenterology: The Path to Creating Age-Friendly Care for Older Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Cirrhosis8
Prevalence of Sarcopenia in Liver Cirrhosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis8
Artificial Intelligence for Detecting and Delineating Margins of Early ESCC Under WLI Endoscopy8