Transnational Environmental Law

(The TQCC of Transnational Environmental Law is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Rights of Nature, Legal Personality, and Indigenous Philosophies51
Stop Burying the Lede: The Essential Role of Indigenous Law(s) in Creating Rights of Nature41
Recognizing the Martuwarra's First Law Right to Life as a Living Ancestral Being40
Constitutional Law, Ecosystems, and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia: Biocultural Rights and Legal Subjects39
River Co-governance and Co-management in Aotearoa New Zealand: Enabling Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being20
Transnational Corporate Liability for Environmental Damage and Climate Change: Reassessing Access to Justice afterVedantav.Lungowe15
Non-Judicial, Advisory, Yet Impactful? The Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee as a Gateway to Environmental Justice14
The Australian Energy Transition as a Federalism Challenge: (Un)cooperative Energy Federalism?13
Steps Towards a Legal Ontological Turn: Proposals for Law's Place beyond the Human13
Mind the Compliance Gap: How Insights from International Human Rights Mechanisms Can Help to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity11
China's State-Centric Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility Overseas: A Case Study in Africa10
Making Infrastructure ‘Visible’ in Environmental Law: The Belt and Road Initiative and Climate Change Friction10
Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China: A Critical Examination9
The Duty of Care of Fossil-Fuel Producers for Climate Change Mitigation9
Towards a Holistic Environmental Flow Regime in Chile: Providing for Ecosystem Health and Indigenous Rights9
The Concept of Essential Use: A Novel Approach to Regulating Chemicals in the European Union8
A Just Energy Transition and Functional Federalism: The Case of South Africa8
Energy Transition in the European Union and its Member States: Interpreting Federal Competence Allocation in the Light of the Paris Agreement7
Children and Youth in Strategic Climate Litigation: Advancing Rights through Legal Argument and Legal Mobilization7
Of Ebbs and Flows: Understanding the Legal Consequences of Granting Personhood to Natural Entities in India7
Science and Law in Environmental Law and Policy: The Case of the European Commission7
Renewable Energy Federalism in Germany and the United States6
Lessons from a Distorted Metaphor: The Holy Grail of Climate Litigation6
Re-imagining the Making of Climate Law and Policy in Citizens’ Assemblies6
‘Soft Law in a Hard Shell’: India, International Rulemaking and the International Solar Alliance6
Strengthening the Paris Agreement by Holding Non-State Actors Accountable: Establishing Normative Links between Transnational Partnerships and Treaty Implementation5
Addressing Climate Change through International Human Rights Law: From (Extra)Territoriality to Common Concern of Humankind5
Indigenous Water Rights in Comparative Law5
Paving the Way for Rights of Nature in Germany: Lessons Learnt from Legal Reform in New Zealand and Ecuador5
Can Nature Hold Rights? It's Not as Easy as You Think5
Justifying Representation of Future Generations and Nature: Contradictory or Mutually Supporting Values?5
Calculative Practices in International Environmental Governance: In (Partial) Defence of Indicators4
Harnessing Local and Transnational Communities in the Global Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage4
Of Markets and Subsidies: Counter-intuitive Trends for Clean Energy Policy in the European Union and the United States4
From Bushfires to Misfires: Climate-related Financial Risk after McVeigh v. Retail Employees Superannuation Trust4
Public Voices and Environmental Decisions: The Escazú Agreement in Comparative Perspective3
Conceptualizing the Transnational Regulation of Plastics: Moving Towards a Preventative and Just Agenda for Plastics3
Softness in the Law of International Watercourses: The (E)merging Normativities of China's Lancang-Mekong Cooperation3
Engaging Asian States on Combating IUU Fishing: The Curious Case of the State of Nationality in EU Regulation and Practice3
Mitigation and Adaptation through Environmental Impact Assessment Litigation: Rethinking the Prospect of Climate Change Litigation in China3
Federalism and Mitigating Climate Change: The Merits of Flexibility, Experimentalism, and Dissonance3
Retroactive Liability in China's Soil Pollution Law: Lessons from Theoretical and Comparative Analysis3
An Apology Leading to Dystopia: Or, Why Fuelling Climate Change Is Tortious3