International Journal of Islamic Architecture

(The TQCC of International Journal of Islamic Architecture is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Records of Dispossession: Archival Thinking and UNESCO's Nubian Campaign in Egypt and Sudan6
Investigating Syrian Refugees’ Choice of Location in Urban Areas as a Subjective Process: A Cross-case Comparison in the Neighbourhoods of Önder (Ankara) and Yunusemre (İzmir)4
Syrian Children’s Imagination and Play Areas beyond the Physical Reality of Urban Spaces in Beirut3
‘Even in death, we’re being denied our place as human beings’: Geographic Islamophobia and Muslim Cemeteries in the English-Speaking West3
Déjà Vu at the Archive: Photography, National Narratives, and the Multiple Histories of the Smyrna Fire3
The Right to the Suburb: The ‘American Dream’ of Palestinian Citizens of Israel3
A Gift of Compassion: Welfare, Housing, and Domesticity in Contemporary Iran2
On Ruins: The Art and Politics of Architectural Heritage2
Archives as Fields of Heritage-Making in Istanbul's Historic Peninsula2
Mualla Eyüboğlu’s Work in Village Institutes: A Hands-On Approach to National Architecture in 1940s Turkey2
From Garden to Landscape: Lessons from the Taj and the Alhambra2
Islamic Architecture on the Move: Publishing Architectural History in the Digital Age2
Borderscape: Forced Syrian Migration and New Spatial Practices in Lebanon2
The Khan Al-Shilan: Appraising and Synthesizing Cultural Heritage Significance and Its Impact on Conservation Practices2
A Teaching Methodology on the Combination of Architectural Tradition and Parametric Design: A Case Study with Birdhouses2
Modern Architecture and Colonialism in the Islamic World2
Continuity and Rupture in Islamic Architecture2
New Universities for a New Nation: American Architects Redesign Higher Education for a Modern Pakistan1
Displaying Islamic Arts in Global Cities1
The Concrete Rupture: An Examination of Yugoslav Islamic Heritage in the Aftermath of the 1963 Skopje Earthquake1
Consolidating the Rule of Experts: A Model Village for Refugees in the Jordan Valley, 1945–551
Neo-Eurocentrism and Science: Implications for the Historiography of Islamic Art and Architecture1
The Destruction of the Old Bridge in Mostar: A Rupture in Collective Urban Space and Life1
'#OccupyGezi Architecture' and Archival Tactics of Resistance1
Facing Challenges Through Innovation: Redefining the Field of Islamic Architecture at IJIA1
Islamic Architecture in Print: Reflections on Ten Years of IJIA1
Tehran’s Decentralization Project and the Emergence of Socio-Spatial Boundaries1
Transitions: A Postscript1
Ibb’s Grand Mosque: Heritage at Risk in Yemen’s Hinterland1
Curating the ‘Islamic’: The Personal and the Political1
Commemorations of Sinan: Creating a National Hero in Turkey in the 1930s1
‘A Place of Our Own’: Puerto Rican Muslims and Their Architectural Responses as Quadruple Minorities1
The Impact of the Mongol Conquests on Earthen Cities in Central Asia1
Field as Archive / Archive as Field1
Reorienting Perspectives: Why I Do Not Teach a Course Titled ‘Islamic Architecture’1
The Rebirth of the Madrasa Through Deconstructive Architecture: The Case of the College of Islamic Studies in Qatar1
The Search for the Mosque of Florence: A Space of Negotiated Identities1
The ‘Islamic-Modern’ Project in this Age of Uncertainty1
‘Islam is a Place Inside Myself’: Material and Immaterial Re-Positioning of Religion in the Living Experience of Unaccompanied Muslim Minors in Italy1
Which Ground Do Your Feet Touch? On the Metaverse, Image, and the Materiality of Architecture1
Views of Islamic Architecture and on the Field: Photographs from IJIA’s First Decade1
Cultural Encounters, Local Practice, and Historical Process in the Ancient Middle East1
Ronald Lewcock (1929–2022): In Memory of a Mentor1
The Study of Islamic Architecture: Reflections on an Expanding Field1
Ex Africa Aliquid Novum [There is something new coming from Africa]: Herman Haan and Aldo van Eyck’s Journeys in a Pseudo-Ethnographic Vein1
Trauma as Evidence: Rifat Osman on Edirne1
A Field Without Fieldwork: Sustaining the Study of Islamic Architecture in the Twenty-first Century1
The Anecdotal Archive: Building Design, Oral History, and the Notion of an Alevi Place of Worship1
From Vision to Reality: Tehran’s Urban Expansion Under Naser al-Din Shah (1848–96)1
A Trinity of Values in Architecture for Muslim Societies1
Pray to the Archive: Abstracting History in Zanzibar1
Widening the Horizons for the Study of Islamic Architecture1
Hosting Syrian Refugees in Saida (Lebanon) Under Protracted Displacement: Unfolding Spatial and Social Exclusion1
Islamic Art and Architecture in a Contested Region: Negotiating the Muslim Heritage in Meskheti, Georgia1
Carving an Epistemological Space for Southeast Asia: Historiographical and Critical Engagements1
Constructing a Refugee Through Producing a Refugee Space: Russian Migrants in Occupied Istanbul (1919–22)1
Dis-Placed: Space, Settlement, and Agency1
Documenting Islamic Architecture: Objectives and Outcomes in a Time of War1
Hinterland of a Hinterland: The Changing Capital Cities of Sultanate and Mughal Bengal1
A Time for Solidarity: Rethinking the Architectural Establishment in the Age of COVID-191
Illustrating Islamic Architecture: On Visual Presentation and Scholarship1
Ideology, Nationalism, and Architecture: Representations of Kurdish Sites in Turkish Art Historiography1
Relevance, Tradition, and Practice in Islamic Architecture: A Personal Journey1
The Garden of Babur in Kabul: A Dynastic Project of the Mughal Dynasty and Its Survival1
Conducting Research on West Bank Settlements: Architecture as Punctum and Archive1
The Question of Deaccessioning1
Silencing Palestinian Architectural History in Israel: Reflections on Scholarship and Activism1