Mind Brain and Education

(The TQCC of Mind Brain and Education is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The Role of Positive Emotions in Education: A Neuroscience Perspective35
Opportunities and Limitations of Mobile Neuroimaging Technologies in Educational Neuroscience27
Going Beyond Mathematics Anxiety in Primary and Middle School Students: The Role of Ego‐Resiliency in Mathematics21
Teaching by Analogy: From Theory to Practice20
Professional Development on the Science of Learning and teachers' Performative Thinking—A Pilot Study16
Believing in Neuromyths Makes Neither a Bad Nor Good Student‐Teacher: The Relationship between Neuromyths and Academic Achievement in Teacher Education15
Stress and Learning in Pupils: Neuroscience Evidence and its Relevance for Teachers15
A New Method for Evaluating Knowledge, Beliefs, and Neuromyths About the Mind and Brain Among Italian Teachers15
Impact of Sensory Processing on School Performance Outcomes in High Functioning Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder13
Examining the Relations Between Spatial Skills, Spatial Anxiety, and K‐12 Teacher Practice13
Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on Motivation and Learning: Revisiting Self‐Determination Theory11
Neuromyths About Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Misconceptions by Educators and the General Public11
Teachers as Orchestrators of Neuronal Plasticity: Effects of Teaching Practices on the Brain10
Questions in a Life‐Sized Board Game: Comparing Caregivers' and Children's Question‐Asking across STEM Museum Exhibits10
Translating Laboratory Evidence into Classroom Practice with Teacher‐Led Randomized Controlled Trials—A Perspective and Meta‐Analysis10
Naturalizing Critical Thinking: Consequences for Education, Blueprint for Future Research in Cognitive Science8
A Flourishing Brain in the 21st Century: A Scoping Review of the Impact of Developing Good Habits for Mind, Brain, Well‐Being, and Learning8
Four Pillars of the Montessori Method and Their Support by Current Neuroscience7
Measuring Educational Neuromyths: Lessons for Future Research7
A Place for Neuroscience in Teacher Knowledge and Education7
“Why Can't I See My Friends and Family?”: Children's Questions and Parental Explanations About Coronavirus7
Two Mechanisms for Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Terms of Fictive Motions6
Partnering to Learn: A Collaborative Approach to Research Translation for Educators and Researchers6
EEG Data Quality in Real‐World Settings: Examining Neural Correlates of Attention in School‐Aged Children6
Cognitive and Neurological Mechanisms of Cuteness Perception: A New Perspective on Moral Education6
Reimagining Mathematics: The Role of Mental Imagery in Explaining Mathematical Calculation Skills in Childhood6
The Potential of a Mindfulness‐Based Coloring Intervention to Reduce Test Anxiety in Adolescents6
Mechanisms by Which Early Eye Gaze to the Mouth During Multisensory Speech Influences Expressive Communication Development in Infant Siblings of Children with and Without Autism6
Understanding Critical Thinking Practice in Everyday Life Through Stages of Critical Thinking Skills and Disposition5
Reading Aloud Narrative Material as a Means for the Student's Cognitive Empowerment5
E‐Learning for Continuing Medical Education of Neurology Residents5
Teacher and Students' Mathematics Anxiety and Achievement in a Low‐Income National Context5
Identifying Children with Persistent Developmental Dyscalculia from a 2‐min Test of Symbolic and Nonsymbolic Numerical Magnitude Processing5
Reduced Emotional Intelligence in Children Aged 9–10 caused by the COVID‐19 Pandemic Lockdown5
Relational Reasoning: A Foundation for Higher Cognition Based on Abstraction5
Grounding Second Language Vocabulary Instruction in Cognitive Science5
The Role of Executive Functions in Fluent Reading: Lessons from Reading Acquisition and Remediation4
The Influence of Creative Expertise on the Sensitivity and Selectivity of Analogical Reasoning4
Martial Arts‐Based Curriculum Reduces Stress, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems in Elementary Schoolchildren During the COVID‐19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study4
Are there Age‐Related Differences in the Effects of Prior Knowledge on Learning? Insights Gained from the Memory Congruency Effect4
Guidelines for Choosing Cognitive Load Measures in Perceptually Rich Environments4
Classroom Design and Children's Attention Allocation: Beyond the Laboratory and into the Classroom4
Loudness and Intelligibility of Irrelevant Background Speech Differentially Hinder Children's Short Story Reading4
Impact of Electronic Device Usage Before Bedtime on Sleep and Attention in Adolescents4
Uncovering the Mechanisms of Real‐World Attentional Control Over the Course of Primary Education4
How Early Life Adversity Transforms the Learning Brain3
Stress, Anxiety, and School Burnout Post COVID‐19: A Study of French Adolescents3
Physiological Characterization of Student Engagement in the Naturalistic Classroom: A Mixed‐Methods Approach3
An Undergraduate Student‐Led Neuroscience Outreach Program Shows Promise in Shifting Teen Attitudes About Drugs3
Framing Executive Function as a Construct and its Relation to Academic Achievement3
The Relationship between Behavioral Inattention, Meta‐Attention, and Graduate Students' Online Information Seeking3
Exploring Sources of Individual Differences in Children's Interest in Science3
The Role of Executive Function in Reading Development and Reading Intervention3
Developing Sustaining Authentic Partnership Between MBE Researchers and Local Schools3
Implementing Full‐Body Movements in a Verbal Memory Task: Searching for Benefits but Finding Mainly Costs3
Teaching the Teachers the Genetics of Learning: An Application of the Mixed Blessings Model3
An Understanding of (Mis)Understanders: Exploring the Underlying Mechanisms of Concept Learning Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging3