Politics & Gender

(The TQCC of Politics & Gender is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
Gender Differences in COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Beliefs76
Gender and Political Leadership in a Time of COVID67
Toxic Mask-ulinity: The Link between Masculine Toughness and Affective Reactions to Mask Wearing in the COVID-19 Era66
Evidence of Exacerbated Gender Inequality in Child Care Obligations in Canada and Australia during the COVID-19 Pandemic61
Pandemic Performance: Women Leaders in the COVID-19 Crisis53
Democratic Backsliding and the Instrumentalization of Women's Rights in Turkey32
Of Masks and Men? Gender, Sex, and Protective Measures during COVID-1928
Women Leaders and Pandemic Performance: A Spurious Correlation25
A Queer Approach to Understanding LGBT Vulnerability during the COVID-19 Pandemic25
Masculine Norms and Infectious Disease: The Case of COVID-1924
Feminist Mobilization and the Abortion Debate in Latin America: Lessons from Argentina22
Strange Bedfellows: Interrogating the Unintended Consequences of Integrating Countering Violent Extremism with the UN's Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in Kenya18
Gender and Violence against Political Candidates: Lessons from Sri Lanka16
It's a Long Way to the Top: Women's Ministerial Career Paths16
The Gendered Debate: Do Men and Women Communicate Differently in the House of Commons?14
Local Responses to a Global Pandemic: Women Mayors Lead the Way13
Who Controls the Purse Strings? A Longitudinal Study of Gender and Donations in Canadian Politics13
Hostile Sexism, Benevolent Sexism, and American Elections12
Beyond Feminism? Jineolojî and the Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement12
The Intersectional Dynamics of Descriptive Representation12
Power Struggles in the Implementation of Gender Equality Policies: The Politics of Resistance and Counter-resistance in Universities12
Wearing the Pants(suit)? Gendered Leadership Styles, Partisanship, and Candidate Evaluation in the 2016 U.S. Election11
Hidden Casualties: The Links between Armed Conflict and Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia11
The Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 amid Agrarian Distress: Opportunities for Comprehensive Policy Response in Agrarian South Asia11
“The President's Prerogative”? The Cabinet Appointment Process in Ghana and the Implications for Gender Parity10
Double Whammy: Why the Underrepresentation of Women among Workplace and Political Decision Makers Matters in Pandemic Times10
The Political Asceticism of Mamata Banerjee: Female Populist Leadership in Contemporary India9
Not Just Sticks and Stones: Psychological Abuse and Physical Violence among U.S. State Senators8
Feminist Governance in the European Parliament: The Political Struggle over the Inclusion of Gender in the EU’s COVID-19 Response8
Who Does the Caring? Gender Disparities in COVID-19 Attitudes and Behaviors8
Antidemocratic and Exclusionary Practices: COVID-19 and the Continuum of Violence7
Why Women Earn High Marks: Examining the Role of Partisanship and Gender in Political Evaluations7
Are You My Candidate? Gender, Undervoting, and Vote Choice in Same-Party Matchups7
Blessing in Disguise? How the Gendered Division of Labor in Political Science Helped Achieved Gender Parity in the Chilean Constitutional Assembly7
Gender, Benevolent Sexism, and Public Health Compliance7
Criminalizing Violence against Women in Politics: Innovation, Diffusion, and Transformation7
How African Autocracies Instrumentalize Women Leaders7
Flowers for Sexual Assault Victims: Collective Empowerment through Empathy in Japan's #MeToo Movement7
Where Are the Women? Descriptive Representation and COVID-19 in U.K. Daily Press Briefings7
Gender Is Not a Proxy: Race and Intersectionality in Legislative Recruitment7
#MeToo in China: How Do the Voiceless Rise Up in an Authoritarian State?6
Resilient Aspirants: Women's Candidacies and Election in Times of COVID-196
Gender Gaps, Partisan Gaps, and Cross-Pressures: An Examination of American Attitudes toward the Use of Force6
Gender and Family Ties in Latin American Legislatures6
Gender, Sex, and Trust in Government6
Coalition-Based Gender Lobbying: Revisiting Women's Substantive Representation in China's Authoritarian Governance6
Contraception Deserts: The Effects of Title X Rule Changes on Access to Reproductive Health Care Resources6
Crisis, Gender Role Congruency, and Perceptions of Executive Leadership6
Implementing Intersectionality in Public Policies: Key Factors in the Madrid City Council, Spain6
Identifying the Institutional Micro-Foundations of Gender Policy Change: A Case Study of Police Governance and Violence against Women and Girls6
The Gendered Religious Response to State Action on the Coronavirus Pandemic6
Do Elites Discriminate against Female Political Aspirants? Evidence from a Field Experiment5
Time Spent in the House: Gender and the Political Careers of U.S. House Members5
Gen Z, Gender, and COVID-195
Women Leaders and Policy Compliance during a Public Health Crisis5
Introduction: (Re)integrating Feminist Security Studies and Global Political Economy: Continuing the Conversation through Empirical Perspectives5
Understanding the Gender and Partisan Dynamics of Abortion Voting in the House of Representatives5
Beyond #WithYou: The New Generation of Feminists and the #MeToo Movement in South Korea5
That Woman from Michigan: How Gender Resentment Shapes the Efficacy of Stay-at-Home Policies5
A Chamber of One's Own: Institutional Claim-Making on Gender Equality and the Symbolic Role of Parliaments4
The Conditional Effect of Scientific Knowledge and Gender on Support for COVID-19 Government Containment Policies in a Partisan America4
Masculinity and Sexuality in Populist Radical Right Leadership4
Gender Attitudes and Candidate Preferences in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary and General Elections4
Experience, Knowledge, and Political Representation4
Representations of Political Leadership Qualities in News Coverage of Australian and Canadian Government Leaders4
Gendering Gamson's Law4
News Coverage of Child Care during COVID-19: Where Are Women and Gender?4
Traditional Gender Attitudes, Nativism, and Support for the Radical Right4
Party Control, Intraparty Competition, and the Substantive Focus of Women's Parliamentary Questions: Evidence from Belgium4