Journal of Women Politics & Policy

(The median citation count of Journal of Women Politics & Policy is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
“Women Deserve Better:” The Use of the Pro-Woman Frame in Anti-abortion Policies in U.S. States16
Gender Role Violations and Voter Prejudice: The Agentic Penalty Faced by Women Politicians12
Gender Equality Policy and Universities: Feminist Strategic Alliances to Re-gender the Curriculum11
Feminist and Anti-Feminist Identification in the 21st Century United States10
A Fall from Grace: Women, Scandals, and Perceptions of Politicians9
Gender, Ideology, and Dominance in Supreme Court Oral Arguments7
The Importance of Gender Quotas in Patriarchal and Clientelistic Polities: The Case of Pakistan7
Militarization and Gender Inequality: Exploring the Impact7
“Hey Mama;” “Dear Sister;” “Sister Love”: Black Women’s Healing and Radical Self-Care through Epistolary Work6
Advancing Research on Gender and Gubernatorial Campaign Finance6
Gender and Politics in Northeast Asia: Legislative Patterns and Substantive Representation in Korea and Taiwan6
The Gender Conservatism of Pro-life Activists6
Media Coverage of Female Candidates’ Traits in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary4
The Community Matters: Finding the Source of the Radical Imagination of Black Women’s Political Ambition4
Women in the Majority: Critical Mass and the New Hampshire Senate4
Black and Desi: Indian American Perceptions of Kamala Harris4
Sex Objects: How Self-Objectification Undermines Political Efficacy and Engagement4
Vive la Différence? Is There a Gender Gap in Campaign Strategy and Spending, and Does It Matter?4
How Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Their Intersections Shape Americans’ Issue Priorities4
Candidate Gender Quotas and Campaign Spending in Open-List Proportional Representation Systems: The Case of Chile3
Women of Color Mobilizing: Sistahs are Doing It for Themselves from GOTV to Running Candidates for Political Office3
Intersectional Stereotyping in Media Coverage: The Case of Stacey Abrams Versus Stacey Evans in Georgia3
Menstrual Activism, Insider-Outsider Alliances and Agenda-Setting: An Analysis of the Campaign to End the “Tampon Tax” in Canada3
Gender and the Policy Priorities of Canadian City Councilors3
Women Voters and the Utility of Campaigning as “Women of Color”3
Doing More than Thanking Black Women: The Influence of Intersectional Solidarity on Public Support for Policies2
Critical Analysis of the Implementation of Clean India Mission in the Rural Areas: A Gender Perspective2
‘He Burned himself Up for Us’ Or The Wisdom of Selflessness, Reading Rhonda Magee’s The Inner Work of Racial Justice2
Friends or Foes? U.S. Women’s Perceptions of Racial Justice and the Black Lives Matter Protests during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Works Well with Others: Gendered Mediation of Collaborative Leadership Skills2
The Transformative Potential of Feminist Foreign Policy: The Case of Sweden2
Women Behaving Differently: Anti-Establishment Party Membership and Female Parliamentary Activity2
Guy-Guessing Democracy: Gender and Item Non-Response Bias in Evaluations of Democratic Institutions2
The Impact of Gendered Policies on Women’s Voting Behavior: Evidence from the 2015 British General Election2
Transformative Radical Self-care by Women in African and Pan-African Spiritual Traditions: Divine Power of Joy, Lemonade Self-care, Self-love Holiday2
Which Women, Exactly? Examining Gender Gaps in Legislative Responsiveness to Women’s Issue Advocacy through an Intersectional Lens2
Litigating Lives and Gender Inequality: Public Defenders, Policy Implementation, and Domestic Violence Sentencing2
Women of Color Political Elites in the US: An Introduction, Personal Reflections, and a Call for Scholarly Engagement2
Is the Expansion of Women’s Access to Political Leadership Rewarded? Evidence from the Allocation of US Foreign Aid2
Female Candidate Performance and Gender Quotas: The Case of Ecuador2
Signaling Woman and Leader: Navigating the Double Bind as a Foreign Policy Decisionmaker2
Gender Stereotyping Questions Accurately Measure Beliefs About the Traits and Issue Strengths of Women and Men in Politics2
Galvanizing Grief: Black Maternal Politics, Respectability, and the Pursuit of Elected Office1
The Black Women of the US Congress: Learning from Descriptive Data1
Standing Up for Women? How Party and Gender Influence Politicians’ Online Discussion of Planned Parenthood1
Legislating as Your Full Self: Queer Women of Color in US State Legislatures1
Immigrants, Intersectionality and the Politics of Substantive Representation1
Gender, Political Resources, and Expressions of Democratic Evaluations1
Prejudice, Information, and the Vote for Women in Personalized PR Systems: Evidence from Brazil1
Gender Egalitarian Attitudes and Support for Islamist Parties in the Middle East and North Africa1
Gender, Entry, and Victory in State Legislative Primary Elections1
Female Candidates’ Incumbency and Quality (Dis)Advantage in Local Elections1
Her Honor: Black Women Judges’ Experiences with Disrespect and Recusal Requests in the American Judiciary1
Appointees versus Elected Officials: The Implications of Institutional Design on Gender Representation in Political Leadership1
Fighting for Abortion Rights in Latin America: Social Movements, State Allies and Institutions1
How Gender Affects Negative and Positive Campaigning1
Writing Gender Out or Working It Back In? Media Coverage of Child Benefits in Canada1
Broken Pathways to Politics: Clearing a Path from Grassroots to Representative Politics1
Agree to Disagree? Ideological Cleavages in Paid Parental Leave and Abortion Rights Support1
Opposition to Women Political Leaders: Gender Bias and Stereotypes of Politicians Among Japanese Voters1
Female Appointed Successors in the United States Senate1
Leading from the inside Out: Contemplative Practice as Radical Self-care for BIPOC Activists1
“Unity in Diversity”: Neopluralism, the ESA Model, and the Rise of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs1
Constrained Communication and Negativity Bias: Gendered Emotional Appeals on Facebook1
Prone to Agreement: Does Context Matter for Men and Women in Political Discussions?1
Abortion, Attitudes and Appointments: How Gender and Reproductive Rights Shaped Views on Amy Coney Barrett and Voter Turnout in 20201
Understanding Electability: The Effects of Implicit and Explicit Sexism on Candidate Perceptions1
Engendering Revolution: Women, Unpaid Labor, and Maternalism in Bolivarian Venezuela0
Queer in Africa: LGBTQI Identities, Citizenship, and Activism Queer in Africa: LGBTQI Identities, Citizenship, and Activism , edited by Zethu Matebeni, Surya Monro, and 0
Solidarity Through Difference? How Italian and Spanish LGBTQIA* Organizations Frame Solidarity Through an Intersectional Lens0
An Exploratory Study of State-Level Policies to Address Domestic Violence-Related Needs of Asian Indian Marriage Migrants: Perspectives of Service Providers Across Five States0
Studying Latina Mobilization Intersectionally, Studying Latinas Mobilizing Intersectionality0
De-Whitening Romani Women’s Intersectional Experience0
The 2018 Congressional Midterms, Symbolic Empowerment, and Ayanna Pressley’s Mobilizing Effect: A Case Study for Future Analysis of Historic Firsts0
Tracking the Trackers: ‘Menstruapp’ Privacy Policies Following the Dobbs Decision0
The Impact of Party Quotas on Women’s Political Ambition0
“Take a Moment to Ask Yourself, If This Is How We Fall Apart?” Practices for Mutually Reinforced Resilience in the Time of Reckoning More Lessons from The Manual for Liberating Survival0
A Century of Votes for Women: American Elections since Suffrage0
Gender and Political Theory: Feminist Reckonings0
Still Underrepresented? Gender Representation of Witnesses at House and Senate Committee Hearings0
“Deeply Rooted”: Abortion Federalism, Divided Citizenship, and Disability Reproductive (In)justice0
Intersectional Politics of the International Women’s Strike0
“Better Too Much Than Not Enough”: The Nomination of Women of Color to the Federal Bench0
Two Sides of the Coin: Women, Men, and the Politics of Sexual Harassment0
Higher Expectations, Greater Disappointment: Ambivalent Sexism and Backlash After the Impeachment of the First Woman President of South Korea0
Transgender Rights: From Obama to Trump0
Forging the Path: A Conversation with Dr. Wendy Smooth0
Risk, Resistance and Resilience: Birth Control Policy in the Wake of Dobbs0
Role Model Do No HARM: Modeling Achievable Success Inspires Social Belonging and Women’s Candidate Emergence0
There’s No Women’s Mafia: Women’s Donor Groups in State Legislative Elections0
Gender Differences in Protest Participation: Findings from the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2013–2014 Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine0
Invisibility or Inclusion? Ethnic Parties, Ethnic Seats, and Gender Quotas and the Representation of Minoritized Women0
Affirming Fissures: Conceptualizing Intersectional ‘Ethnic’ Feminism in Aotearoa New Zealand0
About the Contributors0
Gender, Advice, and the Candidacy Gap in American Politics0
A Conversation with Mary Hawkesworth on Intersectionality, Political Science, and Challenging the Discipline0
Sit Still, Talk Pretty: Partisan Differences Among Women Candidates’ Campaign Appeals0
Who is Afraid of More Women in Politics, and Why? An Analysis of Public Opinion in 28 European Countries0
“What about the Rapists?” The Political Psychology of Women’s Policing Attitudes0
The Ties that Bind: Public Opinion and Linked Fate among Women of Color0
About the Contributors0
One Faith, Two Authorities: Tension between Female Religious and Male Clergy in the American Catholic Church0
Gender, Sexism, and Contempt in Candidate Evaluation0
Beyond Consensus: Gender, Chief Justices, and Leadership on State Supreme Courts0
Centering Black Women Political Elites, A Review0
The Link Between Familial Care, the Covid Pandemic and Gender Linked Fate0
Confronting Anti-Muslim Racism and Islamism: An Intersectional Perspective on Muslim Women’s Activism in Germany0
Toward Intersectionality, A Review0
Political Advocacy and its Interested Citizens: Neoliberalism, Postpluralism, and LGBT Organizations0
Competing Paternalisms: Robert George v. Adrian Vermeule and the Post- Dobbs Battle for Guiding Anti-Abortion Jurisprudence0
Introduction: Bringing Activism Back In0
An Invitation0
About the Contributors0
Seeding a Black Feminist Future on the Horizon of a Third Reconstruction: The Abolitionist Politics of Self-Care in Octavia Butler’sParable of the Sower0
Love and Rage: the path of liberation through anger0
Dobbs , Gender Animus, and the Impact on Abortion Providers0
The Structure of Presidential Evaluations: White Men, White Women, and Trump0
More Than Abortion: Why Reproductive Justice Matters in Cincinnati Post- Roe0
Gendered Ambivalence: The Structure of Attitudes About Female Candidates0
Sex-B(i)ased List Promotion: The Effect of Previous Electoral Performance0
Bringing the Ts and (N)Bs to the Table: Estimating Intersectional Candidate Gender Identity and Sexuality Effects on Vote Choice0
Open Season: The Targets of Dobbs0
The Future of Black Feminism and Black Women Political Elites: A Reflexive Interview with Duchess Harris0
Gendered Citizenship: Understanding Gendered Violence in Democratic India0
Creating Commonality Through Storytelling? Social Media Responses to Identity Appeals in Thrifting Narratives0
Feminists, Nationalist, Combatants, Activists. A Conversation with Vjosa Musliu on the Multi-Faceted Role of Women in Kosovo0
At the Intersections of Gender Inequality and State Fragility in Africa0
When a Politician Disappoints: The Role of Gender Stereotypical Expectations in Post-Scandal Judgment0
Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender and Political Psychology0
Denial of Care: Framing the Loss of Abortion Rights Post- Dobbs0
About the Contributors0
Gubernatorial Elections and Coattail Effects of Women Candidates0
Gender Candidate Evaluations and Campaign Donations0
About the Contributors0
About the Contributors0
The Re-Emergence of Childcare as a Women’s Issue? Analyzing Gender in Australian and Canadian COVID-19 Childcare Policymaking0
Examining the Relationship Between Perceptions of Pregnancy and Fetal Development Timing and Support for Abortion Bans0
“Why Do People Hate You, Mommy?” Militarized Masculinities and Women in Postwar Kosovar Politics0
Moving beyond Niceness: Reading bell hooks into the Radical Potential for the Discipline0
Bystanders or Contesters? Women’s Political Representation and Quality of Government in the Local Councils of Albania0
Strategies of Resistance in the Everyday: The Political Approaches of Black Women Living in a Public Housing Development in Chicago0
Fixing Parental Leave: The Six Month Solution0
American While Black: African Americans, Immigration, and the Limits of Citizenship0
Deconstructing Dobbs : An Introduction to the Special Issue0
Glass Half Full or Half Empty: Does Optimism about Women’s Representation in Elected Office Matter?0
Authors’ Response to Book Review of Race, Gender, and Political Representation: Toward a More Intersectional Approach0
“Sorry That Happened to You”: Testifying, Trauma, and the Politics of Child Marriage in the United States0
Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy0
Intersectional Feminist Activism and Practices of Transformation: Perspectives from Indian Feminisms0
Gender Differences in Public Opinion: Values and Consequences0
Clash of the Titans: Escalating Conflict Between Surrogacy Contract Provisions and the Recriminalization of Abortion0
Sister Style: Response from the Authors0