Kritika-Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History

(The TQCC of Kritika-Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
"Not Just Tea Drinking": The Red Teahouse and the Soviet State Public in Interwar Uzbekistan3
Late Socialism as a Time of Weeping: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Vladimir Vysotskii2
Comrades on Elephants: Economic Anti-Imperialism, Orientalism, and Soviet Diplomacy in Afghanistan, 1921–232
KGB "Evangelism": Agents and Jehovah's Witnesses in Soviet Ukraine2
Multiple Paths to Autonomy: Moderate Ukrainians in Revolutionary Petrograd2
"Writers Live Only in Moscow and Leningrad"? Navigating Soviet Spatial and Cultural Hierarchies, 1941–451
The Oil Lamp and the Electric Light: Progress, Time, and Nation in Central Asian Memoirs of the Soviet Era1
Aridity and the History of Water in Central Asia and Beyond1
Obsessed by Efficiency and Productivity in Agriculture?1
AIDS/HIV and Homophobia in the USSR, 1983–901
Archives of the Terror: Developments in the Historiography of Stalin's Purges1
Custiniana: The Many Histories of a Single Trip to Russia 180 Years Ago, and Why It Matters Today1
The NKVD and the Political Origins of Socialist Realism: The Persecution of the Boichukisty in Ukraine1
Through a Glass, Darkly1
Coping with Disaster: History and Historians in the Wake of War1
Soviet Cultural Diplomacy with Scandinavians after the Great Terror: VOKS and Visitors from Denmark and Norway in 19391
Emotions and Psychological Survival in the Red Army, 1941–421
Ukrainian "National Science" from a Spatial Perspective: How the Hutsul Lands Were Mapped1
Ні війні!/No to War!/Нет войне!0
Seeing a Life through the Eyes of the Police0
"May That Never Be Forgotten": Analyzing Regimes of Historicity in Adyghe Colonial War Songs0
Feminist in Actions if Not Name0
Game Over? Russia’s Conquest of Central Asia Reconsidered0
Fear and Loathing in the Far East: Bandits, Law, and the Russo-Japanese War0
Land Redemption in Muscovy during the Reign of Ivan IV0
Gentry Culture and Lifestyle in the 18th-Century Russian Provinces0
Hough and History0
Managing the Arts in Soviet Ukraine0
Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and the Way Things Looked from Kyiv0
Against Empires and Wars: Exiles, Escapees, Artists, and Communists between Russia and Japan0
Patriotism and Culture during World War I0
Foreigners' Historical Research and Life in the Soviet Union0
Childhood and Youth in the Soviet Union under Stalin0
"The Duty of Perfect Obedience": The Laws of Subjecthood in Tsarist Russia0
Russia's Handling of the Past: An Inventory before 24 February 20220
"A Little Help Is Better Than a Lot of Pity"0
Marxism, Psychology, and the Soviet Mind0
Managing Disasters during the Cold War0
Contributors to This Issue0
Contributors to This Issue0
Creating Modern Russian and Soviet Children through Words, Deeds, and Images0
The Black Sea Coast as a Landscape of Cold War Intelligence0
Nationality as Choice of Path: Iakov Shul´gin, Dmitrii Pikhno, and the Russian-Ukrainian Crossroads0
Close Quarters: Dealing with Difference in the (Post-)Soviet Realm0
A Daughter's Memories0
KGB Photography Experimentation: Turning Religion into Organized Crime0
The Provinces in Russian Fiction0
Engineering Soviet Society with Passports0
Money, Love, and Friendship in the Late Imperial Artistic World0
Crossing Boundaries: Maya Peterson’s Pipe Dreams0
Gulag Medical Releases: A Response to Stephen G. Wheatcroft0
Introducing History Ex Silo0
Royal Illness, Professionalized Loyalty: The Wife of Alexander II under Count Aleksandr Adlerberg's Care0
"Thy Name Is as Ointment Put Forth": The Image of St. Vladimir Sviatoslavich in Late 17th-Century Ukraine0
Collaboration, Resistance, and Imperial Power0
Ovsei Shkaratan and the Soviet Social Structure after Stalin0
The Making of a Bolshevik0
Spatial Utopianism and Russian Images of Distant Lands, 1880–19000
In Apollo’s Sphere: Stalin and the Arts0
Dissent on the Belarusian Literary Front0
The Gordian Knot of Justice: Prosecuting Jewish Holocaust Survivors in Stalinist Courts for "Collaboration" with the Enemy0
The Historian in the Age of COVID-190
Secularization and Lived Religiosity à la Russe0
Jerry Hough's Soviet Union: Its Progress and Demise0
Everyday Life, Work, and Survival on the Soviet Home Front in World War II0
In Search of a New Face for Muscovy0
Good Intentions Gone Wrong: Russian Historical Scholarship and the Proliferation Effect0
"A Sixth Part of the World": The Career of a Spatial Metaphor in Russia and the Soviet Union (1837–2021)0
Telling Russian History through Things0
Not a Threat? The Russian Elites' Disregard for the "Islamist Danger" in the North Caucasus in the 1990s0
Interview with the Editors of Quaestio Rossica0
"By and for Disabled Veterans": An Alternative History of Russia's Great War and Revolution0
War Monuments and the Transformation of Russian Memorial Culture in the Long 20th Century0
Police Talk: The Culture and Practices of the Secret Police in the Soviet Bloc0
The Watchmaker: Entangled Histories of Eurasia's 19th Century Viewed through the Prism of a Traveler's Odyssey0
Marxists in a Declining Empire0
Soviet Whale Scientists and the Crisis in the World's Oceans0
The Mortality of Released Prisoners and the Scale of Soviet Penal Mortality, 1939–450
Views from Our Terraces0
An Elusive Consensus0
An Anthropocene History of Central Asia0
Cybernetics and Surveillance: The Secret Police Enter the Computer Age0
Re-Reading Two Classics of Russian Cultural History0
Russian History Pre-1600: A Turn to a Postcolonial Perspective?0
The Ethical Imperatives Deriving from War: Decolonization Begins at Home0
Émigrés, Immigration, and the Historical Profession in the United States0
Back to the Other Shore: The Prerevolutionary Russian Emigration0
Contributors to This Issue0
Thinking North-South, and a New Call for Papers0
Philippa Hetherington (1984–2022)0
The Myth of Catherine the Great and the Horse: A Critical Review of the Historiography0
Hippies and Soviet Liminality0
Revolutionary Reform, Stillborn Revolution0
Unfinished Business: Stalinist Anti-Jewish Investigations before and after the Death of Stalin0
Russian Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective0
The Last King of Poland: Nicholas I's Warsaw Coronation and Russian-Polish Historical Memory0
Contributors to This Issue0
Millions of Living Dead: Fugitives, the Polish Border, and 18th-Century Russian Society0
Contributors to This Issue0
The Russia Company and Russo-British Trade after 16000
The Gulag's "Dead Souls": Mortality of Individuals Released from the Camps, 1930–550
The Making of Minorities on Europe's Periphery0
Homosexuality in the Late Imperial Russian Navy: A Microhistory0
The Protagonists of Pipe Dreams0
Ivan Denisovich on Trial: Soviet Writers, Russian Identity, and Solzhenitsyn’s Failed Bid for the 1964 Lenin Prize0
Contributors to This Issue0
Contributors to This Issue0
From State to Society: The Komsomol in Yeltsin’s Russia0
Recent Studies on Early Rus´ Chronicles0
Contributors to This Issue0
The Many Disciplines of Eurasian History0
Contributors to This Issue0
Social Deviants, Urban Myths, and the Socialist Everyday0
Communist Museums in Transition to Museums of Communism0
Cultural Tropes and Political Power in Early Modern Russia0
Narrating the Blockade: Young Female Diarists and the Siege of Leningrad0
Crime, Punishment, and the Early Soviet Camps0
Re-Reading Fainsod in Smolensk0
Russia's Borders in East and West0
Slavic Seiðr? Reconsidering the Volkhvy of Northern Rus´0
Who Read, Typed, and Distributed Samizdat in the Soviet Union?0
Jerry Hough and the Challenge to Area Studies0
Living under Stalin's Rule in Kazakhstan0
The Counting Curse0
Rethinking Political Repression in the Tatar Republic, 1917–410
Lenin, the Anarchist? A Constructive Misinterpretation0
A Field in Crisis: Thoughts on Causes and Solutions0
Collapse from Inside-Out or Outside-In?0
Remobilizing the Dead: Wartime and Postwar Soviet Burial Practices and the Construction of the Memory of the Great Patriotic War0
Central Asia, Russia, and the Deficiencies of European Models0
Welcome, Not Welcome: The North Caucasian Diaspora's Attempted Return to Russia since the 1960s0
Moving Towns: Military Camps in the Polish-Lithuanian Southern Borderlands, 1479–15640
Contributors to This Issue0
How Was Russia Governed Locally? Teachers' Complaints and Institutional Disarray in the Kazan Region, 1895–19080
The Soviets Abroad: The NKVD, Intelligence, and State Building in East-Central Europe after World War II0
The Mug Shot and the Close-Up: Identification and Visual Pedagogy in Secret Police Film0
Re-Visions of the Leader: Lenin Biopics in the Post-Stalin Era0
Reading Practices and the Uses of Print in Russian History0
Diversity, Belonging, and Violence in the Russian and Soviet Empires0
William G. Wagner (1950–2021): Pioneering New Fields0
Contributors to This Issue0
Japanese Modernity from the Siberian Silo0
The Cultural and Political Imaginary of Cybernetic Socialism0
Celebrating Ogonek, 1899–20200
From Comparative to Entangled Histories0
Hiding in Plain Sight: Russia in World History0
Russia and the United States—Comparative vs. Connected History?0
Julia Obertreis (1969–2023)0
Rethinking the Colonial Past0
Dissecting Post-Soviet Memory Politics0
Local Factors Matter0
Less Conspiratorial and More Human0
State Power, Social Life, and Russian Nobles in the 18th Century0
Precursor to Invasion: The History of Russia and Ukraine: Introduction0
Placing Capitalism at the Service of Socialism: Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko's Unpublished "Notes on America"0
Maya K. Peterson (1980–2021)0
Liberalism and the Law in Late Imperial Russia0
The Many Shades of Soviet Dissidence0
The Lands beyond the Rivers: Directions and Potentials in Riparian Histories of Russian and Soviet Eurasia0
Shifting Perspectives on the Cold War0
Between Soviet and Ethnic: Cultural Policies and National Identity Building in Soviet Belarus under Petr Masherau, 1965–800
Depicting a Meritocratic Empire0
Equality, Welfare, Myth, and Memory: The Artek Pioneer Camp at the Height of the Khrushchev Era0
Infrastructures of Empire in Central Asia0
Officious Aliens: Tatars' Involvement in the Central Asian Revolution, 1919–210
Weaponizing Self-Determination in 1918: Crimea as "German Riviera" and Tatar National State0
Stephen F. Cohen (1938–2020)0
The Museum Visitor Book as a Means of Public Dialogue about the Gulag Past: The Case of the Solovki Museum0
Shaping the Soviet Empire from Below0
Reading The Soviet Prefects Today0
Contributors to This Issue0
Jerry Hough, Scholar and Entrepreneur0
Soviet Democracy and Repression in the Late 1930s0
Mediums of Power and Powerlessness in Soviet and Post-Soviet Central Asia0
Magomet-Bek Hadjetlaché and the Muslim Question: Deceit, Trust, and Orientalism in Imperial Russia after 19050
Modernity's Contested Scent0
Contributors to This Issue0
Women, Education, and Science in Imperial Russia0
"A Dishonor to You and to the Church": Patriarch Tikhon, Pogroms, and the Russian Revolution, 1917–190
Congo on the Dnipro: Third Worldism and the Nationalization of Soviet Internationalism in Ukraine0
Connections between 18th-Century Russian and European Culture0
The Castrates, the Specter of Pugachev, and Religious Policy under Nicholas I0
Interview with Diane Koenker0
Archival Insights and the Secret Police0
Counting the Gulag's Dead and Dying0
Interview with Ronald Grigor Suny0
Pillars of the Soviet Dictatorship at the Local Level0
"A Past Charged with the Time of the Now": How Do Radical Movements Sustain a Sense of Past?0
David Joravsky (1925–2020)0
Bringing Theology Back In: The Russian Orthodox Church, the State, and the West in Imperial Russia0