Journal of Cognition and Development

(The TQCC of Journal of Cognition and Development is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Advancing Developmental Science via Unmoderated Remote Research with Children51
Children’s Understanding and Use of Four Dimensions of Social Status25
Children’s Math Anxiety Predicts Their Math Achievement Over and Above a Key Foundational Math Skill18
A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Motor Skills and Executive Functions in Typically-developing Children15
Patterns of Development in Children’s Scientific Reasoning: Results from a Three-Year Longitudinal Study15
Symbolic Magnitude Understanding Predicts Preschoolers’ Later Addition Skills14
Whether and How Knowledge Moderates Linkages between Parent–Child Conversations and Children’s Reflections about Tinkering in a Children’s Museum14
Parent Math Anxiety Predicts Early Number Talk14
Self-regulation in Preschool Children: Factor Structure of Different Measures of Effortful Control and Executive Functions13
Why Doesn’t Executive Function Training Improve Academic Achievement? Rethinking Individual Differences, Relevance, and Engagement from a Contextual Framework12
Children’s Poverty Exposure and Hot and Cool Executive Functions: Differential Impacts of Parental Financial Strain11
Studying Executive Function in Culturally Meaningful Ways11
Prosocial Behavior: The Role of Theory of Mind and Executive Functions10
The Structure of Processing Speed in Children and Its Impact on Reading10
Beliefs about Unobservable Scientific and Religious Entities are Transmitted via Subtle Linguistic Cues in Parental Testimony10
The Propensity to Learn Shared Cultural Knowledge from Social Group Members: Selective Imitation in 18-month-olds10
Questions – And Some Answers – About Young Children’s Questions10
Reconciling the Context-Dependency and Domain-Generality of Executive Function Skills from a Developmental Systems Perspective10
An Ecological Systems Perspective on Individual Differences in Children’s Performance on Measures of Executive Function9
Lexical Processing of Nouns and Verbs at 36 Months of Age Predicts Concurrent and Later Vocabulary and School Readiness9
People Do Not Always Know Best: Preschoolers’ Trust in Social Robots8
Subtle Increments in Socioeconomic Status and Bilingualism Jointly Affect Children’s Verbal and Nonverbal Performance8
Supporting Children’s Second-order Recursive Thinking and Advanced ToM Abilities: A Training Study8
Science Conversations during Family Book Reading with Girls and Boys in Two Cultural Communities8
A Cross-Cultural Study of Theory of Mind Using Strange Stories in School-Aged Children from Australia and Mainland China8
Age Affects Strategic But Not Spontaneous Recall in 35- and 46-Month-old Children7
Selective Social Belief Revision in Young Children7
Rethinking Executive Functions in Mathematical Cognition7
Constructing Ideas of the Supernatural7
Enduring Positivity: Children Of Incarcerated Parents Report More Positive Than Negative Emotions When Thinking about Close Others7
Exploring the Neural Basis of Selective and Flexible Dimensional Attention: An fNIRS Study7
Testing What You’re Told: Young Children’s Empirical Investigation of a Surprising Claim7
The Role of Theory of Mind and Wishful Thinking in Children’s Moralizing Concepts of the Abrahamic God6
Three-year-olds’ Perspective-taking in Social Interactions: Relations with Socio-cognitive Skills6
Contributions of Reading Comprehension Subskills to Arithmetic Word-Problem Solving among Chinese Primary School Students6
Mixed-Effects Models for Cognitive Development Researchers6
Boosting Children’s Persistence through Scientific Storybook Reading6
Mother-Child Reminiscing and First-Graders’ Emotion Competence in a Low-Income and Ethnically Diverse Sample6
Executive Function and Theory of Mind in Children Living in Poverty: A Short-term Longitudinal Study5
Intergenerational Features of Math Skills: Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Magnitude Comparison and Written Calculation in Mothers and Children5
Children’s Flexible Attention to Numerical and Spatial Magnitudes in Early Childhood5
Metacognitive Monitoring and Control in Children’s Prospective Memory5
The Role of Non-symbolic and Symbolic Skills in the Development of Early Numerical Cognition from Preschool to Kindergarten Age5
Eye Tracking Lateralized Spatial Associations in Early Childhood5
Learning Improper Fractions with the Number Line and the Area Model5
Children’s Evaluations of Informants and their Surprising Claims in Direct and Overheard Contexts5
Mathematics Clusters Reveal Strengths and Weaknesses in Adolescents’ Mathematical Competencies, Spatial Abilities, and Mathematics Attitudes5
Left Digit Effects in Numerical Estimation across Development5