Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

(The TQCC of Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
Understanding food experience in sharing-economy platforms: insights from Eatwith and Withlocals30
Developing poor communities through creative tourism28
Understanding the heritage experience: a content analysis of online reviews of World Heritage Sites in Istanbul25
Corporate social responsibility and the role of rural women in strengthening agriculture-tourism linkages in Nigeria’s oil producing communities25
A land of cheese: from food innovation to tourism development in rural Catalonia23
Impact of tourism on intangible cultural heritage: case of Kalbeliyas from Rajasthan, India21
Chinese cultural theme parks: text mining and sentiment analysis18
How social media influences resident participation in rural tourism development: a case study of Tunda in Tibet18
Cultural heritage and nation branding – multi stakeholder perspectives from Portugal16
Impacts of tourism in predicting residents’ opinions and interest in tourism activities13
The changing nature of the cultural tourist: motivations, profiles and experiences of cultural tourists in Budapest13
Baby-boomers hitting the road: the paradoxes of the senior leisure tourism13
Intangible cultural heritage listing and tourism growth in China11
Learning through culinary tourism and developing a culinary tourism education strategy10
Impacts of COVID-19 on local tour guides9
Unfolding authenticity within retail gentrification in Mouraria, Lisbon8
A critical debate of the cultural and social effects of Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture8
Seaside hotel location and environmental impact: land use dilemmas8
Overtourism and the impact of tourist traffic on the daily life of city residents: a case study of Poznan8
Different cultures, different images: a comparison between historic conservation area destination image choices of Chinese and Western tourists8
Tourist ethnocentrism and tourism intentions during a political crisis6
Rural tourism development perceived by involved local farmers: evidences from Gaochun County of China6
From livestock to families: taking pets to tourism activities in China6
Nicknaming tourism as development: commercialization of culture and nature in CHT, Bangladesh5
Plant-based diets and destination image: a holistic approach5
What draws Shia Muslims to an insecure pilgrimage? The Iranian journey to Arbaeen, Iraq during the presence of ISIS5
A quest for the healthy lifestyle and learning experiences in olive oil tourism5
Buddhist gaze and power in a post-war destination: case study of Jaffna, Sri Lanka5
The tourist-pilgrim continuum in consumer behaviour: the case of international visitors to Kykkos Monastery, Cyprus4
Locals’ perspectives on the role of tourism in the preservation of a diaspora language: the case of Veneto in Mexico4
From escape to seeking: understanding drug tourists4
Ancient town tourism and the community supported entrance fee avoidance – Xitang Ancient Town of China4
Narrating values-based entrepreneurs in tourism4
Populism in mediated anti-tourism discourse: a critical analysis of the documentary tourist go home!4
How do degrowth values in tourism influence the host–guest exchange? An exploratory analysis in small towns in the rurality4
Modelling pilgrim-tourist experience in Hindu religious destinations: an Interactive Qualitative Analysis4
Tourism and coastal & maritime cultural heritage: a dual relation4
Road mapping recovery from the impacts of multiple crises: framing the role of domestic self-drive tourism in regional South Australia4
Affinity tourism and exotic tourism in Bali. The Chinese and Indian tourist gaze in the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park4
Are they the ‘other'? The ethno-nationalism experiences of Iranian Kurdish ethnic tourists4
Understanding continuous sharing behavior of online travel community users: a case of TripAdvisor4
The role of creative tourism through arts and crafts in promoting inclusive tourism in Zimbabwe4
Tourism and inequality: problems and prospects4
In search of traces of ‘The Tourist Gaze’ on locals: an ethnographic study in Garmeh village, Iran4