Scottish Geographical Journal

(The TQCC of Scottish Geographical Journal is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Surging glaciers in Scotland10
Contributions of Scottish community woodlands to local wellbeing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic8
Factors influencing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: the case of seven horticultural farms in the United Kingdom5
A Calanais myth and an alignment of the east stone-row with both the rising of the Pleiades and crossovers of Venus at sunrise on the summer solstices5
‘In the critical department’: refreshing the Scottish Geographical Journal5
Troubled transition? The relationship between curriculum for excellence geography and Scottish undergraduate geography4
COP26 protests in Glasgow: encountering crowds and the city3
First a wudd, and syne a sea: postglacial coastal change of Scotland recalled in ancient stories3
Shaping landscapes and industry: linking historic watermill locations to bedrock river knickpoints3
Boredom and the politics of climate change3
Growing love for the world: COP26 and finding your superpower2
Translation urgency in our climate-challenged times: co-producing geographical knowledge on El Niño in Peru2
How glaciation impacted evolutionary history and contemporary genetic diversity of flora and fauna in the British Isles2
Rural lives during COVID-19: crisis, resilience and redistributing societal risk2
The geography of geographical education in Scotland: who studies geography and why?2
COP26, human geography and earth futures: introduction to a theme section2
Location, location, location: reassessing W.H.K. Turner’s legacy for industrial geography in Scotland and beyond2
Encountering COP26 as a security event: a short walking ethnography2
An investigation of an Aberdeenshire ritual landscape: a site of human sacrifice associated with Venus2
Strange witness: Rachel Whiteread’s art of the immemorial2
Traps, apps and maps: to what extent do they provide decision-grade data on biodiversity?2
‘Powerless to separate from the clouds’: Badiou, mathematics and geography2
Loss and Damage from climate change: legacies from Glasgow and Sharm el-Sheikh2
The Scenery of Scotland revisited: retrospective assessment of a classic geomorphological text2
Paul Bishop: the early years in Australia and Ethiopia2
The impacts of COVID-19 on digitalisation and social capital in crofting communities in Scotland2
Cop26 and opening to postcapitalist climate politics, religion, and desire2
An innovative tool for mapping forest fire risk and danger: case studies from eastern Mediterranean2
Ukraine, Russian fascism and Houdini geography: a conversation with Vitali Vitaliev2
Scottish Landform Example: subaqueous moraines around the Summer Isles and in the approaches to Loch Broom (Wester Ross Marine Protected Area)2