
(The TQCC of Film-Philosophy is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Thinking, Feeling and Experiencing the “Empty Shot” in Cinema12
A Cinema for the Ears: Imagining the Audio-Cinematic through Podcasting3
Transferring Suspiria: Historicism and Philosophies of Psychoanalytic Transference2
The Human Chameleon: Zelig, Nietzsche and the Banality of Evil2
Breathing, Cinema and Other “Nobjects” in Camille Vidal-Naquet’sSauvage2
On Pros and Cons and Bills and Gates: The Heist Film as Pleasure2
Murray Smith (2017) Film, Art, and the Third Culture: A Naturalized Aesthetics of Film1
“I Saw a Different Life. I Can't Stop Seeing It”: Perfectionist Visions inRevolutionary Road1
Bad Faith in Film Spectatorship1
A Miraculous Materialism: Lines of Flight inWe Have a PopeandCorpo Celeste1
Synthetic Vision in Virtual Reality Documentaries1
Empty Time as Traumatic Duration: Towards a CinematicAevum1
The Politics of Humour in Kafkaesque Cinema: A World-Systems Approach1
Hegel and Hitchcock’s Vertigo: On Reconciliation1
White Material: Ivory tiles, white womanhood, and white supremacy in Jean-Marc Vallée’s Sharp Objects1
The Availability of Jim Jarmusch’s Film-Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Derrida and Private Language in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai1
Deadly Barks: Acousmaticity and Post-Animality in Lucrecia Martel'sLa ciénaga1
Nico Baumbach (2019) Cinema/Politics/Philosophy0
Black Cinematic Poethics0
Is It a Wonderful Life? Frank Capra and Objective List Theories of Worth0
Cinematic Rehearsals of Phenomenology: On the Ontic-Ontological Schema and Heideggerian Film Theory0
Death as Film-Philosophy’s Muse: Deleuzian Observations on Moving Images and the Nature of Time0
Matilda Mroz (2020). Framing the Holocaust in Polish Aftermath Cinema: Posthumous Materiality and Unwanted Knowledge0
Angels, Guests and Sadists: On-Screen Poetry in the Cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini0
Silence as Elective Mutism in Minor Cinema0
Padraic Killeen (2022). The Dark Interval: Film Noir, Iconography, and Affect0
David Lynch, Embodiment and Mediality: Dealing With a Human Form0
Mario Slugan (2020) Fiction and imagination in early cinema: A philosophical approach to film history0
The Prehistoricity of Cinema: Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams0
Strata, Narrative, and Space inIci et ailleurs0
Kate Ince (2017)The Body and the Screen: Female Subjectivities in Contemporary Women's Cinema0
Agnieszka Piotrowska (2019) The Nasty Woman and the Neo Femme Fatale in Contemporary Cinema0
Barry Nevin (2018) Cracking Gilles Deleuze's Crystal: Narrative Space-time in the Films of Jean Renoir0
Love Objects: Eros and the Materialistic Aesthetics of Ernst Lubitsch0
A Mud Doctor Checking Out the Earth Underneath: Ruminations on Malick’s Days of Heaven and Loht’s Phenomenology of Film0
Robert Sinnerbrink (2019) Terrence Malick: Filmmaker and Philosopher0
An Ambiguous World of Film: Cinematic Immersion beyond Early Heidegger0
Robert Pippin (2020) Filmed Thought: Cinema as Reflective Form0
Sean Cubitt (2020)Anecdotal Evidence: Ecocritique from Hollywood to the Mass Image0
Hunter Vaughan (2019) Hollywood's Dirtiest Secret: The Hidden Environmental Costs of the Movies0
Kelli Fuery (2022). Ambiguous Cinema: From Simone de Beauvoir to Feminist Film Phenomenology0
Film as Artificial Intelligence: Jean Epstein, Film-Thinking and the Speculative-Materialist Turn in Contemporary Philosophy0
Film as Museum: One-of-a-Kind Objects in Berkun Oya's Bir Başkadır0
Michelle Devereaux (2019) The Stillness of Solitude: Romanticism and Contemporary American Independent Film0
Time Metaphors in Film: Understanding the Representation of Time in Cinema0
Allan James Thomas (2018) Deleuze, Cinema and the Thought of the World0
Catherine Wheatley (2019) Stanley Cavell and Film: Scepticism and Self-Reliance at the Cinema0
Laura McMahon (2019) Animal Worlds: Film, Philosophy and Time0
Lost and Beautiful or the (Environmental) Ethics of the Lyric Essay Film0
Martin P. Rossouw (2021) Transformational Ethics of Film: Thinking the Cinemakeover in the Film-Philosophy Debate0
Francesco Sticchi (2019)Melancholy Emotion in Contemporary Cinema: A Spinozian Analysis of Film Experience0
Shane Denson (2020), Discorrelated Images0
Eliza Steinbock (2019) Shimmering Images: Trans Cinema, Embodiment, and the Aesthetic of Change0
Disgust, Race and Ideology in Carl Franklin’sDevil in a Blue Dress0
Sarah Cooper (2019). Film and the imagined image0
Poetic Objects: Bachelardian Reverie, Reverberation and Repose in Claire Denis' 35 Shots of Rum0
Hans Maes and Katrien Schaubroeck (2021) (eds.) Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: A Philosophical Exploration0
Trembling Meaning: Camera Instability and Gilbert Simondon's Transduction in Czech Archival Film0
Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva, and Steven S. Gouveia (eds.) (2019) Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides0
Eugenie Brinkema (2022). Life-Destroying Diagrams0
Rethinking Inside and Outside: The Door in Ernst Lubitsch's When I Was Dead and Charlie Chaplin's The Adventurer0
Genevieve Yue (2021). Girl Head: Feminism and Film Materiality0
Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra (2020) The Empathic Screen: Cinema and Neuroscience0
Take My Breath Away: Review of Mila Zuo (2022) Vulgar beauty: Acting Chinese in the global sensorium0
Aesthetic Puzzlements: Jonas Mekas's Diary Films and Ludwig Wittgenstein0
Immortality, the Good Life and Romantic Love in Groundhog Day and Only Lovers Left Alive0
The Scream Itself: MasochisticJouissanceand a Cinema of Speechlessness inLa Grande Bouffe0
Machine Vision and Encoded Behaviour in Harun Farocki's Later Work0
Receptivity, Simultaneity: The Thin Red Line as Ecological Cinematic Poesis0
Kant and Burke’s Sublime in Werner Herzog’s Films: The Quest for an Ecstatic Truth0
Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli (2017) Mythopoetic Cinema: On the Ruins of European Cinema0
Lucy Bolton (2019) Contemporary Cinema and the Philosophy of Iris Murdoch0
Bernd Herzogenrath (ed.) (2017) Film as Philosophy0
Truth, Beauty and Goodness: Freedom and the Platonic Triad in Eric Rohmer’s Film Theory0
David Martin-Jones (2018)Cinema Against Doublethink: Ethical Encounters with the Lost Pasts of World History0
Alyssa DeBlasio (2019) The Filmmaker’s Philosopher: Merab Mamardashvili and Russian Cinema0
The Monstrous Mark of Cinema: Mulholland Drive, Spherology, and the “Virtual Space” of Filmic Fiction0
The Colour of Film-Philosophy0
Tiago de Luca (2021) Planetary Cinema: Film, media and the earth0
Haunted by the Other: Levinas, Derrida and the Persecutory Phantom0
Response to Critical Views of Phenomenology of Film0
Elizabeth Ezra (2017)The Cinema of Things: Globalization and the Posthuman Object0
Narrative Difference: Jacques Rancière, Gilles Deleuze andUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives0
The Matter of Manual Traces: Letters, Photographs and Bean Paste in Naomi Kawase’s Cinema of Touch0
Daniel Shaw (2019) Stanley Cavell and the Magic of Hollywood Films0
Thomas Elsaesser (2019) European Cinema and Continental Philosophy: Film As Thought Experiment0
The Kierkegaardian Existentialism of Richard Linklater's Before Trilogy0
Ewa Mazierska and Lars Kristensen (eds.) (2020) Third Cinema, World Cinema and Marxism0
The Intensive-Image and the Poetic Film Tradition: Notes on Ruiz, Deren, Pasolini, Buñuel and Deleuze0
When Sympathy Hesitates: An Empathetic Understanding of Cinematic Slowness in Stray Dogs0
Love's Revival: Film Practice and the Art of Dying0
“I Said Something Wrong”: Transworld Obligation inYesterday0
Ethics, Gender and Vulnerability in the Films of Mia Hansen-Løve0
Two Cats, One Fish: The Animal,Leviathanand the Limits of Theory0
Affective Assemblages of Material Culture: Qi Pao, Mahjong and Performance in Ang Lee’s Lust, Caution0
New Sincerity andFrances Hain Light of Sartre: A Proposal for an Existentialist Conceptual Framework0
Lúcia Nagib (2020) Realist Cinema as World Cinema: Non-cinema, Intermedial Passages, Total Cinema0
The Cinematic Anthropocene and the Future Politics of Killing0
Reflexive Wonderings: Prospects and Parameters of a Heideggerian Approach to Film as Philosophy0
Countering the Disadvantage: Stasis as an Emancipatory Minimalist Legacy in Chantal Akerman's Cinema0
In the Mood for Heideggerian Boredom? Film Viewership as Being-in-the-World0
Freedom and the Weight of the Crown: Sartrean and Beauvoirian Existentialism in Peter Morgan'sThe Crown0
Hitchcock's Undertexts: Objects and Language0
Beller, Jonathan (2018) The message is murder: The substrates of computational capital Beller, Jonathan (2021) The world computer: Derivative conditions of racial capitalism0
Gilberto Perez (2019) The Eloquent Screen: A Rhetoric of Film0
Documentary Fictions: Jacques Rancière and the Problem of Indexical Media0
Rupert Read (2019) A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment0
Rupture, Suture, Nietzsche: Impossible Intersubjectivity in Alien0
Humility and Greatness in Damien Chazelle’s First Man0
Sisyphean Unproductivity in Narrative Film0
Rebecca A. Sheehan (2020) American Avant-Garde Cinema's Philosophy of the In-Between0
Kara Keeling (2019) Queer Times, Black Futures0
Dasein and the Question of the Heterogenous Film Viewer: A Commentary on Loht’s Heideggerian Phenomenology of Film0
Michel Serres, Topology and Folded Time in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk0
The Disrobing of Aphrodite: Brigitte Bardot inLe Mépris0
Mary Ann Doane (2021) Bigger Than Life: The Close-up and Scale in the Cinema0
Rituals Within Walls: Thinking Post-War Japan’s History through Cinematic Allegories of Everyday Life0
Lee Grieveson (2018) Cinema and the wealth of nations: Media, capital, and the liberal world system0
Joshua Sikora (Ed.), A Critical Companion to Terrence Malick0
Mendacity, Rule Consequentialist Ethics and The Ploughman's Lunch0
Introduction: Heidegger and the Phenomenology of Film0
Ben Tyrer (2016)Out of the Past: Lacan and Film Noir0
Picturing the Autobiographical Imagination: Emotion, Memory and Metacognition inInside Out0
Given (No) Time: A Derridean Reading of Denis Villeneuve's Arrival0
André Bazin's Eternal Returns: An Ontological Revision0
Editorial: Film-Philosophy-Poetry0
David Huckvale (2020) Terrors of the Flesh: The Philosophy of Body Horror in Film0
(Re)sounding Audre Lorde: Queer Crip Chorus in Lana Lin’s Experimental Documentary0
Introduction to Special Issue: Film Objects0
Robert Breer’s Perpetual Motion Machine0
Becoming-Flashdrive: The Cinematic Intelligence of Lucy0