European Union Politics

(The H4-Index of European Union Politics is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Influence, affluence and media salience: Economic resources and lobbying influence in the European Union25
Together we stand? Transnational solidarity in the EU in times of crises24
National identity profiles and support for the European Union22
Differentiated integration in the European Union: Institutional effects, public opinion, and alternative flexibility arrangements21
A new divide? Assessing the transnational-nationalist dimension among political parties and the public across the EU21
What asylum and refugee policies do Europeans want? Evidence from a cross-national conjoint experiment20
The conditional effects of the refugee crisis on immigration attitudes and nationalism20
One agenda-setter or many? The varying success of policy initiatives by individual Directorates-General of the European Commission 1994–201618
Economic determinants of public support for European integration, 1995–201816
Voting for a social Europe? European solidarity and voting behaviour in the 2019 European elections15
Populist and nativist attitudes: Does ingroup-outgroup thinking spill over across domains?14
The Brexit deterrent? How member state exit shapes public support for the European Union13
Issues that mobilize Europe. The role of key policy issues for voter turnout in the 2019 European Parliament election13
Electoral responses to the increased contestation over European integration. The European Elections of 2019 and beyond13
Do Spitzenkandidaten really make a difference? An experiment on the effectiveness of personalized European Parliament election campaigns13