Environmental Archaeology

(The TQCC of Environmental Archaeology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The Taphonomy of Plant and Livestock Dung Microfossils: An Ethnoarchaeological and Experimental Approach19
The Ideal Distribution Model and Archaeological Settlement Patterning17
A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Investigate Use-Related Biogenic Residues on Palaeolithic Ground Stone Tools14
Auto-Fluorescent Phytoliths: A New Method for Detecting Heating and Fire13
Spatially-Resolved Ca Isotopic and Trace Element Variations in Human Deciduous Teeth Record Diet and Physiological Change12
The Sicilian Countryside in the Early Middle Ages: Human–Environment Interactions at Contrada Castro11
The Association of Arable Weeds with Modern Wild Cereal Habitats: Implications for Reconstructing the Origins of Plant Cultivation in the Levant11
Decomposing Habitat Suitability Across the Forager to Farmer Transition9
Understanding the Collapse of the Longshan Culture (4400-3800 BP) and the 4.2 ka Event in the Haidai Region of China – from an Agricultural Perspective9
Fire on the Mountain: The Ideal Free Distribution and Early Hunter-gatherer Demography in the Tennessee River Drainage, USA9
Dietary and Weaning Habits of the Roman Community of Quarto Cappello del Prete (Rome, 1st-3rdCentury CE)9
Pig-Breeding Management in the Early Medieval Stronghold at Mikulčice (Eighth–Ninth Centuries, Czech Republic)8
The Southernmost Pre-Columbian Dogs in the Americas: Phenotype, Chronology, Diet and Genetics8
Feeding Shimao: Archaeobotanical and Isotopic Investigation into Early Urbanism (4200-3000 BP) on the Northern Loess Plateau, China8
Innovation and Intensification: The Use of Cattle in the Roman Rhine Region7
Changing Plant-based Subsistence Practices among Early and Middle Holocene Communities in Eastern Maghreb7
Agropastoral Economies and Land Use in Bronze Age Western Anatolia6
‘Seeing Shit’: Assessing the Visibility of Dung Tempering in Ancient Pottery Using an Experimental Approach6
Towards an Integration of Historical Trees into the Mediterranean Archaeological Record: Case Studies from Central Israel6
Isotopic Ecology in Modern and Holocene Populations of Pampas Deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) from Eastern Central Argentina. Implications for Conservation Biology and Ecological Models of Hunter5
Socioecological Dynamics Structuring the Spread of Farming in the North American Basin-Plateau Region5
Paleoclimate of the Little Ice Age to the Present in the Kankakee Valley of Illinois and Indiana, USA Based on18O/16O Isotope Ratios of Freshwater Shells5
Breastfeeding and Weaning in Roman Thessaloniki. An Investigation of Infant Diet based on Incremental Analysis of Human Dentine5
Production and Transport of Goods in the Roman Period: Residue Analysis and Wine Derivatives in Late Republican Baetican Ovoid Amphorae5
Exploring Diversity in Neolithic Agropastoral Management in Mainland Greece Using Stable Isotope Analysis5
Medieval Whalers in the Netherlands and Flanders: Zooarchaeological Analysis of Medieval Cetacean Remains5
Caprine Mobility on the Balearic Islands During the Middle and Late Bronze Age (ca. 1600–850 BC): First Results Based on Strontium Isotopes (87Sr/86Sr)5
Social Dynamics and Resource Management Strategies in Copper Age Italy: Insights from Archaeological and Isotopic Data5
Islands of Difference: An Ecologically Explicit Model of Central European Neolithisation4
Project nEU-Med. The Contribution of Isotopic Analysis in the Differential Diagnosis of Anemia, the Case of the Medieval Cemetery of Vetricella (Scarlino, GR) in Tuscany4
The Presence of Decayed Wood in Iron Age Contexts of Northwest Iberia: Wood-borer Galleries and Fungal Hyphae4
Social Context of Late Medieval and Early Modern Deforestation Periods in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) based on an Integrated Evaluation of Historical and Paleobotanical Records4
Multiple Factors Affecting the Historical Development of Agriculture in the Hei River Basin, Northwestern China4
Reconstruction of the Use of Space at Tianluoshan, China, Based on Palynological and Lipid Evidence4
Mangrove Archives: Unravelling Human-environment Interactions from Deeply Buried Deposits at the Site Anse Trabaud, Martinique, Lesser Antilles (1290–780 cal BP)4
Domestication in Motion: Macrofossils of Pre-Colonial Brazilian Nuts, Palms and Other Amazonian Planted Tree Species Found in the Upper Purus4
Landnám, Land Use and Landscape Change at Kagaðarhóll in Northwest Iceland3
The Visibility of Mobility: Coprolites, Dung and Neolithic Herders in Central Saharan Rock Shelters3
Perinatal Remains of Livestock: An Under-utilised Line of Evidence for Animal Penning in the Neolithic of Southwest Asia3
Detecting Medieval Foodways in the North-eastern Baltic: Fish Consumption and Trade in Towns and Monasteries of Finland and Estonia3
Coastal-Hinterland Exchange and Garden Hunting Practices Prior to the European Invasion of Hispaniola3
Summer Camps Location and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Neuquén (Northwest Patagonia)3
The Roman Legacy on European Chestnut and Walnut Arboriculture3
Wood in Pre-Columbian Funerary Rituals: A Case Study from El Caño (Panama, AD 880–1020)3
Climate Change and the Migration of a Pastoralist People c. 3500 cal. Years BP Inferred from Palaeofire and Lipid Biomarker Records in the Montane Western Ghats, India3
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Human–Environmental Interactions at the Roman-Byzantine Ibida Fortress (Dobrogea, South-Eastern Romania)3
Environmental Impact of Roman Mining and Metallurgy and Its Correlation with the Archaeological Evidence: A European Perspective3