Demographic Research

(The H4-Index of Demographic Research is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The impact of COVID-19 on fertility plans in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom100
Coronavirus and care: How the coronavirus crisis affected fathers' involvement in Germany57
Age and COVID-19 mortality: A comparison of Gompertz doubling time across countries and causes of death50
Recent trends in the Chinese family: National estimates from 1990 to 201046
Explaining the MENA paradox: Rising educational attainment yet stagnant female labor force participation35
Knowledge, risk perceptions, and behaviors related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Malawi27
Marriage intentions, desires, and pathways to later and less marriage in Japan27
Monitoring global digital gender inequality using the online populations of Facebook and Google23
Population age structure only partially explains the large number of COVID-19 deaths at the oldest ages22
COVID-19 risk factors and mortality among Native Americans20
The formal demography of kinship II: Multistate models, parity, and sibship19
Gender division of housework during the COVID-19 pandemic: Temporary shocks or durable change?19
Mobile phones, digital inequality, and fertility: Longitudinal evidence from Malawi18
The power of the government: China's Family Planning Leading Group and the fertility decline of the 1970s18
Child mortality levels and trends: A new compositional approach17
Using race- and age-specific COVID-19 case data to investigate the determinants of the excess COVID-19 mortality burden among Hispanic Americans16
Singlehood in contemporary Japan: Rating, dating, and waiting for a good match16
Women's employment and fertility in a global perspective (1960–2015)16
Life expectancy loss among Native Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic16