Nan Nu-Men Women and Gender in China

(The TQCC of Nan Nu-Men Women and Gender in China is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Yan’an’s Labor Heroines and the Birth of the Women of New China2
Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China, written by Yuhang Li1
The Empress in the Pepper Chamber: Zhao Feiyan in History and Fiction, written by Olivia Milburn1
Reforming the Relations of the Sexes: Zhou Zuoren’s Translation and Imitation of William Blake’s Poems about Love and Sexuality1
The Love Child and the State: Transnational Family Formation in Guangzhou1
Women in Song and Yuan China, written by Bret Hinsch0
The Afterlife of a Tang Monk: Buddhist Masculinity and Transformations of the Image of Xuanzang in East Asia0
The Poetics and Politics of Sensuality in China: The “Fragrant and Bedazzling” Movement (1600-1930), written by Xiaorong Li, 20190
Embodying Middle Class Gender Aspirations: Perspectives from China’s Privileged Young Women, written by Kailing Xie0
Literati Encomia on Embroidered Buddhist Icons, c.700-900 CE0
Citizens of Beauty: Drawing Democratic Dreams in Republican China, written by Louise Edwards0
Cunluo li de danshenhan 村落裏的單身漢 (Single men in the village), written by Peng Dasong 彭大松0
Seeking Western Men: Email-Order Brides under China’s Global Rise, written by Monica Liu0
The Animal-Riding Lute Player: a Lens on Gender and Ethnicity in Art and Texts0
Women as Vernacular Knowers in China’s Long Republic (1894-1954): What We Can Learn from Cheap Print0
Shi bian xia de Wudai nüxing 世變下的五代女性 (Five Dynasties women in a time of transition), written by Yamaguchi Tomoya 山口智哉, Li Zonghan 李宗翰, Liu Xiangguang 劉祥光, and Liu Liyan 柳立言0
Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China, written by Jinhua Jia, 20180
“Still Holding the Pipa to Hide Half Her Face”: Visions of Bai Juyi’s ‘Song of the Pipa’ in Republican China0
Han Emperors and Their Male Favorites: The “Ningxing” Chapters of Shiji and Hanshu0
Nüxing, hunyin yu geming – Huabei ji Shan-Gan-Ning genjudi nüxing hunyin wenti yanjiu 女性、婚姻與革命 – 華北及陝甘寧根據地女性婚姻問題硏究, written by Yue Qianhou 岳謙厚 and Wang Yali 王亞莉, 20180
Animals and Beauties: Zoomorphic Inscriptions of a Modern Gender Hierarchy0
Women in Tang China, written by Bret Hinsch0
Conflicting Masculinities in Ha Jin’s Waiting: Talented Scholars and Ruthless Men of Action in China’s Mao and Post-Mao Eras0
The Politics of Reproductive Health in Twentieth-Century China0
War as Culture: Merging the Martial and the Cultural with Gender in China0
Footbinding as Fashion: Ethnicity, Labor, and Status in Traditional China, written by John Robert Shepherd, 20180
Transmutations of Desire: Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China, written by Li Qiancheng0
Religion, Gender, and the Chinese Communist Revolution0
A Fashionable Century: Textile Artistry and Commerce in the Late Qing, written by Rachel Silberstein0
Jesuits and Matriarchs: Domestic Worship in Early Modern China, written by Nadine Amsler, 20180
Dame Wang’s Dumplings: Mediating the Obscene in Manchu Translations of Erotic Literature at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century0
Dreadful Desires: The Uses of Love in Neoliberal China, written by Charlie Yi Zhang0
Gender and Life after Death in the United States, Japan, and Particularly China: Why Do Women Believe in Life after Death More than Men Do?0
Threatening Beauty and Demonic Seduction: Unveiling Hārītī’s Sexuality0
The Trouble with Rubbers: A History of Condoms in Modern China0
Divine, Demonic, and Disordered: Women without Men in Song Dynasty China, written by Hsiao-wen Cheng0
The Argument for a Woman’s Authorship of the Hou Honglou meng0
Muru yu niunai: Jindai Zhongguo muqin juese de chongsu (1895-1937) 母乳與牛奶 – 近代中國母親角色的重塑 (1895-1937), written by Lu Shuying 盧淑櫻, 20180
Oral Traditions, Ritual, Gender, and the Status of Chinese Women0
Nüjie zhi xingqi: Wanqing Tianjin nüzi jiaoyu yu nüxing xingxiang goujian 女界之興起: 晚清天津女子教育與女性形象構建 (The rise of ‘nüjie’: Female education in Tianjin and the formation of women’s image in the late Qing),0
A Companion to The Story of the Stone. A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide, written by Susan Chan Egan and Pai Hsien-Yung0
Bibliography of Women and Gender in China (2018-2022)0
Women and China’s Revolutions, written by Gail Hershatter0
Staging Personhood: Costuming in Early Qing Drama, written by Guojun Wang0
Textual Memorial Temples: Writing Hagiographies for Mothers in Late Imperial China0
Front matter0
Writing about the Art of Describing Sex in Jin Ping Mei0
Zhongguo huihua zhong de ‘nüxing kongjian’ 中國繪畫中的「 女性空間」 (Feminine space in Chinese painting), written by Wu Hung 巫鴻0
Tribute to Nanxiu Qian (1947-2022)0
Index to NAN NÜ Volumes 1-25 (1999-2023)0
Masculinity, Femininity, Sacrifice, and Celebrity during China’s War of Resistance: Telling the Lives of the Aviators Yan Haiwen (1916-37) and Lee Ya-Ching (1912-98)0
The Suicide of Miss Xi: Democracy and Disenchantment in the Chinese Republic, written by Bryna Goodman0
Women in Ming China, written by Bret Hinsch0
Red Silk: Class, Gender, and Revolution in China’s Yangzi Delta Silk Industry, written by Robert Cliver0
After Eunuchs: Science, Medicine, and the Transformation of Sex in Modern China, written by Howard Chiang0
Front matter0
From Talented Poet to Jealous Wife: Reimagining Su Hui in Late Tang Literary Culture0
The Emaciated Soul: Four Women’s Self-Inscriptions on Their Portraits in Late Imperial China0
Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary0
Talaile: Hou Wusi xinwenhua nüquanguan, jiyue shidai de funü yu geming, 1920-1930 她來了: 後五四新文化女權觀,激越時代的婦女與革命, 1920-1930 (She has come: New cultural feminist views, women and revolution in the passionat0
Chastity, Foreign Theories, and National Heritage Reorganization: Hu Shi (1892-1962) Addresses ‘The Woman Problem’0
Women in Qing China, written by Bret Hinsch0
Jiuying yu jipin: Rufu yu Ming Qing shidai de yuying tang 救嬰 與濟貧: 乳婦與明清時代的育嬰堂 (Foundling home wet nurses in late imperial China), written by Jiang Yuwei 江昱緯0
Imperial Authority, Locality, and Gender: The Political Dynamics of Poetry Anthology Compilation in Qing and Early Republican China (1767–1919)0
Woman Rules Within: Domestic Space and Genre in Qing Vernacular Literature, written by Jessica Dvorak Moyer0
Leftover Men and Masculine Grievance: Making Sense of Rural Migrant Men’s Emotional Hardships0
Back matter0
Zhangfu shouze yu ‘qijia’ zhi dao: Qingdai jiaxun zhong de nanxing qigai 丈夫守則與「齊家」之道:清代家訓中的男性 氣概 (How to be a husband: Models of masculinity as seen in household instructions [ jiaxun] in Qing China),0
Women in Early Medieval China, written by Bret Hinsch, 20190
Women as a Category and Categories of Women: Gender and Hierarchy in the Chunqiu0
Orthodox Passions: Narrating Filial Love during the High Qing, written by Maram Epstein0
How Do Pictorial Biographies of Confucius Portray His Mother and Father?0
Violent Intimacy: Family Harmony, State Stability, and Intimate Partner Violence in Post-Socialist China, written by Tiantian Zheng0
Arranged Companions: Marriage and Intimacy in Qing China, written by Weijing Lu0
The Romance of a Literatus and his Concubine in Seventeenth-century China: Annotated translation of Reminiscences of the Plum-shaded Convent (Yingmeian Yiyu 影梅庵憶語) by Mao Xiang (1611–1693), edited by 0
Marriage Unbound: State, Law, Power, and Inequality in Contemporary China, written by Ke Li0
Nora and Other Roamers: A Dialogue between Lu Xun (1881-1936) and Eileen Chang (1920-95)0
Chinese Women Writers and Modern Print Culture, written by Megan M. Ferry, 20180
Women and Animals: Culinary Dilemmas and Karmic Entanglements0
Mastery of Words and Swords: Negotiating Intellectual Masculinities in Modern China, 1890s-1930s, written by Jun Lei0
Back matter0
The Gender of Knowledge in Forensic Drama of Late Imperial China0
Dreams of Flight: The Lives of Chinese Women Students in the West, written by Fran Martin0
Back matter0
Beyond Overcoming: A Woman Writer’s Articulation of Pain in Socialist China0
Minguo nüli: jindai nüquan lishi de wajue, chonggou yu xinquanshi 民國女力: 近代女權歷史的挖掘, 重構與新詮釋 (Women’s power in Republican China: Discovery, reconstruction and new interpretation of modern feminist hist0
Spring Colors in the Han Palace: A Late Qing Reappraisal of the Life of Empress Zhang (202-163 BCE)0
Yan wei xin sheng: Ming Qing shidai nüxing shengyin yu nanxing qigai zhi jiangou 言為心聲:明清時代女性聲音 與男性氣概之建構 (A study of women’s voices in constructing masculinities in Ming-Qing China), written by Yu Hin 0
From “Thoughts on March 8” to “Gap” and “The Sufferings of Liping”: Mate Selection and Marriage in Three Works by Yan’an Authors0
Empire of Style: Silk and Fashion in Tang China, written by BuYun Chen, 20190
Tangdai gongnü shenghuo yanjiu 唐代宮女生活研究 (A study of palace maids in the Tang dynasty), written by Wan Junjie 萬軍傑0
Taiwan minzhong xinyang zhong de liangxing haishen: Haishen Mazu yu haishen Su Wangye de dangdai biange yu xushi 臺灣民眾信仰中的兩性海神: 海神媽祖與海神蘇王爺的當代變革與敘事 (Maritime deities of two genders in Taiwan’s popular f0
Televising Chineseness: Gender, Nation, and Subjectivity, written by Geng Song0
A Source from Afar: Traces of Sarah K. Bolton’s Lives of Girls Who Became Famous (1886) in Tang Baorong’s Huang Xiuqiu (1905-7)0
Rebel Men: Masculinity and Attitude in Postsocialist Chinese Literature, written by Pamela Hunt0
The Golden Key: Modern Women Artists and Gender Negotiations in Republican China, written by Amanda Wangwright0
The Gender Legacy of the Mao Era: Women’s Life Stories in Contemporary China, written by Xin Huang, 20180
Gender History in China, edited by Masako Kohama and Linda Grove0