World Wide Web-Internet and Web Information Systems

(The TQCC of World Wide Web-Internet and Web Information Systems is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Constructing dummy query sequences to protect location privacy and query privacy in location-based services160
LSH-aware multitype health data prediction with privacy preservation in edge environment71
Sentiment analysis and topic modeling for COVID-19 vaccine discussions57
DDoS attacks in IoT networks: a comprehensive systematic literature review48
Multi-center federated learning: clients clustering for better personalization48
Fine-grained emotion classification of Chinese microblogs based on graph convolution networks47
Multi-source knowledge fusion: a survey46
Explainable depression detection with multi-aspect features using a hybrid deep learning model on social media45
Hybrid graph convolutional networks with multi-head attention for location recommendation45
Extracting diverse-shapelets for early classification on time series42
Vulnerability exploitation time prediction: an integrated framework for dynamic imbalanced learning40
Deep fusion of multimodal features for social media retweet time prediction38
Edge-cloud-enabled matrix factorization for diversified APIs recommendation in mashup creation37
Attentive sequential model based on graph neural network for next poi recommendation37
A Bi-GRU with attention and CapsNet hybrid model for cyberbullying detection on social media36
Decision-based evasion attacks on tree ensemble classifiers36
A novel knowledge graph embedding based API recommendation method for Mashup development35
DP-FL: a novel differentially private federated learning framework for the unbalanced data34
Distributed attribute-based access control system using permissioned blockchain34
DIMA: Distributed cooperative microservice caching for internet of things in edge computing by deep reinforcement learning33
High-order nonlocal Hashing for unsupervised cross-modal retrieval32
A knowledge graph empowered online learning framework for access control decision-making31
Robust rumor blocking problem with uncertain rumor sources in social networks25
TransO: a knowledge-driven representation learning method with ontology information constraints22
Link prediction in complex networks using node centrality and light gradient boosting machine22
ModalNet: an aspect-level sentiment classification model by exploring multimodal data with fusion discriminant attentional network21
Why current differential privacy schemes are inapplicable for correlated data publishing?21
RLINK: Deep reinforcement learning for user identity linkage20
Persistent graph stream summarization for real-time graph analytics19
Reinforced KGs reasoning for explainable sequential recommendation17
IBE-BCIOT: an IBE based cross-chain communication mechanism of blockchain in IoT17
Binarized graph neural network17
CSR: A community based spreaders ranking algorithm for influence maximization in social networks17
A hybrid approach for stock trend prediction based on tweets embedding and historical prices17
Improving biterm topic model with word embeddings17
A survey of typical attributed graph queries16
Path-enhanced explainable recommendation with knowledge graphs15
Exploiting intra- and inter-session dependencies for session-based recommendations15
Task offloading for vehicular edge computing with edge-cloud cooperation14
Efficient critical relationships identification in bipartite networks14
Clustering-enhanced stock price prediction using deep learning14
Topic representation model based on microblogging behavior analysis14
Leaning compact and representative features for cross-modality person re-identification14
HWOA: an intelligent hybrid whale optimization algorithm for multi-objective task selection strategy in edge cloud computing system13
Towards an attestation architecture for blockchain networks13
Open-world knowledge graph completion with multiple interaction attention12
Auxiliary signal-guided knowledge encoder-decoder for medical report generation12
Core decomposition and maintenance in weighted graph12
Long short-term enhanced memory for sequential recommendation12
Community-based influence maximization in location-based social network12
Explainable recommendation: when design meets trust calibration12
Decentralized collaborative business process execution using blockchain12
Towards understanding governance tokens in liquidity mining: a case study of decentralized exchanges11
Polarity-based graph neural network for sign prediction in signed bipartite graphs11
FedAda: Fast-convergent adaptive federated learning in heterogeneous mobile edge computing environment11
Solutions for concurrency conflict problem on Hyperledger Fabric11
Joint optimization of delay and cost for microservice composition in mobile edge computing11
Using context information to enhance simple question answering10
Rebalancing the car-sharing system with reinforcement learning10
Powerful graph of graphs neural network for structured entity analysis10
Activity location inference of users based on social relationship10
Conspiracy vs science: A large-scale analysis of online discussion cascades10
On prediction of traffic flows in smart cities: a multitask deep learning based approach10
DPNLP: distance based peripheral nodes label propagation algorithm for community detection in social networks10
Aspect-based sentiment analysis for online reviews with hybrid attention networks10
Efficient continual cohesive subgraph search in large temporal graphs9
Semantic-aware heterogeneous information network embedding with incompatible meta-paths9
HOPE: a hybrid deep neural model for out-of-town next POI recommendation9
An edge-assisted cloud framework using a residual concatenate FCN approach to beam correction in the internet of weather radars9
Multi-type factors representation learning for deep learning-based knowledge tracing9
A block-based generative model for attributed network embedding9
A fairness-aware multi-stakeholder recommender system9
Guest editorial: WWWJ special issue of the 21th international Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2020)9
Attribute-aware explainable complementary clothing recommendation9
Temporal high-order proximity aware behavior analysis on Ethereum9
Multi-document semantic relation extraction for news analytics9
Data privacy preservation algorithm with k-anonymity9
A distributed learning based sentiment analysis methods with Web applications8
Bipartite graph capsule network8
Let’s CoRank: trust of users and tweets on social networks8
A survey on nature-inspired techniques for computation offloading and service placement in emerging edge technologies8
Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics: Towards the future of artificial intelligence in the connected world8
Robust self-tuning multi-view clustering8
Attention-based hierarchical denoised deep clustering network8
The art of characterization in large networks: Finding the critical attributes8
Patent2Vec: Multi-view representation learning on patent-graphs for patent classification8
Discovering key users for defending network structural stability7
Leveraging statistical information in fine-grained financial sentiment analysis7
Memory-augmented meta-learning framework for session-based target behavior recommendation7
Temporal knowledge extraction from large-scale text corpus7
bi-directional Bayesian probabilistic model based hybrid grained semantic matchmaking for Web service discovery7
Multi-task hourglass network for online automatic diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip7
Implicit relation-aware social recommendation with variational auto-encoder7
Closed sequential pattern mining for sitemap generation7
Enhancing decision-making in user-centered web development: a methodology for card-sorting analysis7
End-to-end relation extraction based on bootstrapped multi-level distant supervision7
A detailed review of D2D cache in helper selection7
Deep medical cross-modal attention hashing7
CrowdMed-II: a blockchain-based framework for efficient consent management in health data sharing6
A multi-attribute decision making approach based on information extraction for real estate buyer profiling6
A fast local community detection algorithm in complex networks6
HOPLoP: multi-hop link prediction over knowledge graph embeddings6
To hop or not, that is the question: Towards effective multi-hop reasoning over knowledge graphs6
Efficient maintenance for maximal bicliques in bipartite graph streams6
Charge prediction modeling with interpretation enhancement driven by double-layer criminal system6
Intra- and inter-association attention network-enhanced policy learning for social group recommendation6
Design of vehicle certification schemes in IoV based on blockchain6
A novel feature-based framework enabling multi-type DDoS attacks detection6
GoMIC: Multi-view image clustering via self-supervised contrastive heterogeneous graph co-learning6
McHa: a multistage clustering-based hierarchical attention model for knowledge graph-aware recommendation6
Semantic-guided hashing learning for domain adaptive retrieval6
Super-resolution-based part collaboration network for vehicle re-identification6
Contrastive heterogeneous graphs learning for multi-hop machine reading comprehension6