Environmental Modelling & Software

(The TQCC of Environmental Modelling & Software is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The Future of Sensitivity Analysis: An essential discipline for systems modeling and policy support211
Quantarctica, an integrated mapping environment for Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and sub-Antarctic islands107
Integrated remote sensing and GIS approach using Fuzzy-AHP to delineate and identify groundwater potential zones in semi-arid Shanxi Province, China106
Urban flood numerical simulation: Research, methods and future perspectives72
A comprehensive assessment framework for quantifying climatic and anthropogenic contributions to streamflow changes: A case study in a typical semi-arid North China basin68
A comprehensive review on the design and optimization of surface water quality monitoring networks68
Comparison of short-term streamflow forecasting using stochastic time series, neural networks, process-based, and Bayesian models67
A system of metrics for the assessment and improvement of aquatic ecosystem models65
Flexible watershed simulation with the Raven hydrological modelling framework65
Deep learning, explained: Fundamentals, explainability, and bridgeability to process-based modelling65
An integrated flood risk assessment approach based on coupled hydrological-hydraulic modeling and bottom-up hazard vulnerability analysis64
Mapping water ecosystem services: Evaluating InVEST model predictions in data scarce regions64
Distributed long-term hourly streamflow predictions using deep learning – A case study for State of Iowa63
The proper care and feeding of CAMELS: How limited training data affects streamflow prediction61
Spatiotemporal characteristics and attribution of dry/wet conditions in the Weihe River Basin within a typical monsoon transition zone of East Asia over the recent 547 years58
rFIA: An R package for estimation of forest attributes with the US Forest Inventory and Analysis database56
TRITON: A Multi-GPU open source 2D hydrodynamic flood model53
A review of machine learning methods for drought hazard monitoring and forecasting: Current research trends, challenges, and future research directions53
Speaking their language – Development of a multilingual decision-support tool for communicating invasive species risks to decision makers and stakeholders46
Modelling agricultural land abandonment in a fine spatial resolution multi-level land-use model: An application for the EU46
Improving near real-time precipitation estimation using a U-Net convolutional neural network and geographical information45
DATimeS: A machine learning time series GUI toolbox for gap-filling and vegetation phenology trends detection44
Evaluation of artificial intelligence models for flood and drought forecasting in arid and tropical regions43
A rapid 3D reproduction system of dam-break floods constrained by post-disaster information42
Evaluation of six methods for correcting bias in estimates from ensemble tree machine learning regression models41
Quantile regression as a generic approach for estimating uncertainty of digital soil maps produced from machine-learning41
Pipedream: An interactive digital twin model for natural and urban drainage systems40
Augmented Normalized Difference Water Index for improved surface water monitoring39
FSLAM: A QGIS plugin for fast regional susceptibility assessment of rainfall-induced landslides39
Groundwater Level Mapping Tool: An open source web application for assessing groundwater sustainability38
Socio-technical scales in socio-environmental modeling: Managing a system-of-systems modeling approach38
Integrated Bayesian Multi-model approach to quantify input, parameter and conceptual model structure uncertainty in groundwater modeling37
Global sensitivity analysis in hydrodynamic modeling and flood inundation mapping37
How to decide and visualize whether uncertainty or variability is dominating in life cycle assessment results: A systematic review36
Economy-wide impacts of behavioral climate change mitigation: Linking agent-based and computable general equilibrium models35
Terrestrial and airborne laser scanning and 2-D modelling for 3-D flood hazard maps in urban areas: new opportunities and perspectives35
Targeting social learning and engagement: What serious games and gamification can offer to participatory modeling35
Coastal Analyst System from Space Imagery Engine (CASSIE): Shoreline management module34
Novel hybrid coupling of ecohydrology and socioeconomy at river basin scale: A watershed system model for the Heihe River basin34
Modelling of wildland-urban interface fire spread with the heterogeneous cellular automata model34
A software package for the representation and optimization of water reservoir operations in the VIC hydrologic model34
AgKit4EE: A toolkit for agricultural land use modeling of the conterminous United States based on Google Earth Engine34
Designing and implementing an SWMM-based web service framework to provide decision support for real-time urban stormwater management34
A global sensitivity analysis approach for identifying critical sources of uncertainty in non-identifiable, spatially distributed environmental models: A holistic analysis applied to SWAT for input da34
How robust are future projections of forest landscape dynamics? Insights from a systematic comparison of four forest landscape models34
Position paper: Sensitivity analysis of spatially distributed environmental models- a pragmatic framework for the exploration of uncertainty sources34
Building a landslide hazard indicator with machine learning and land surface models33
A novel ensemble-based conceptual-data-driven approach for improved streamflow simulations33
A water resource simulator in Python33
Application of image processing and convolutional neural networks for flood image classification and semantic segmentation33
Integrated urban water management with micro storages developed as an IoT-based solution – The smart rain barrel32
A deep learning model for predicting river flood depth and extent32
What's left before participatory modeling can fully support real-world environmental planning processes: A case study review31
Active learning for anomaly detection in environmental data31
A stochastic wavelet-based data-driven framework for forecasting uncertain multiscale hydrological and water resources processes31
Enhancing SWAT+ simulation of groundwater flow and groundwater-surface water interactions using MODFLOW routines31
An integrated GPU-accelerated modeling framework for high-resolution simulations of rural and urban flash floods31
An attention U-Net model for detection of fine-scale hydrologic streamlines30
Sensitivity analysis: A discipline coming of age30
An open source model for quantifying risks in bulk electric power systems from spatially and temporally correlated hydrometeorological processes30
The chaos in calibrating crop models: Lessons learned from a multi-model calibration exercise30
A rapid flood inundation modelling framework using deep learning with spatial reduction and reconstruction30
On code sharing and model documentation of published individual and agent-based models28
Open-source Google Earth Engine 30-m evapotranspiration rates retrieval: The SEBALIGEE system28
On considering robustness in the search phase of Robust Decision Making: A comparison of Many-Objective Robust Decision Making, multi-scenario Many-Objective Robust Decision Making, and Many Objective27
The spatial statistic trinity: A generic framework for spatial sampling and inference27
Integrating hydrologic modeling web services with online data sharing to prepare, store, and execute hydrologic models27
A new modelling framework to assess biogenic GHG emissions from reservoirs: The G-res tool27
Making spatial-temporal marine ecosystem modelling better – A perspective26
Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES): Open-source spatial modeling of cultural services26
Using machine learning to derive spatial wave data: A case study for a marine energy site26
TOSSH: A Toolbox for Streamflow Signatures in Hydrology26
An online platform for spatial and iterative modelling with Bayesian Networks26
Long-term dynamic simulation of environmental impacts on ecosystem-based pond aquaculture25
Towards a global Reservoir Assessment Tool for predicting hydrologic impacts and operating patterns of existing and planned reservoirs25
An active learning approach for identifying the smallest subset of informative scenarios for robust planning under deep uncertainty25
Deterministic modelling of freshwater lakes and reservoirs: Current trends and recent progress25
Benchmarking of numerical models for wave overtopping at dikes with shallow mildly sloping foreshores: Accuracy versus speed25
What is the influence of landscape metric selection on the calibration of land-use/cover simulation models?25
Agricultural erosion modelling: Evaluating USLE and WEPP field-scale erosion estimates using UAV time-series data25
Using Machine Learning to estimate the impact of ports and cruise ship traffic on urban air quality: The case of Barcelona24
Modeling bioretention stormwater systems: Current models and future research needs24
A coupled hydrologic-machine learning modelling framework to support hydrologic modelling in river basins under Interbasin Water Transfer regimes24
A dual-layer MPI continuous large-scale hydrological model including Human Systems24
Water pathways: An open source stochastic simulation system for integrated water supply portfolio management and infrastructure investment planning24
Predicting land-use change: Intercomparison of different hybrid machine learning models23
Coupling machine learning and weather forecast to predict farmland flood disaster: A case study in Yangtze River basin23
A maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform integrated approach for rainfall forecasting – A case study in the Awash River Basin (Ethiopia)23
The Full Multi: An open-source framework for modelling the transport and fate of nano- and microplastics in aquatic systems23
Toward open and reproducible environmental modeling by integrating online data repositories, computational environments, and model Application Programming Interfaces23
Prediction of environmental missing data time series by Support Vector Machine Regression and Correlation Dimension estimation23
Physical and numerical modelling of air-water flows: An Introductory Overview23
CREST-iMAP v1.0: A fully coupled hydrologic-hydraulic modeling framework dedicated to flood inundation mapping and prediction23
Predicting seagrass decline due to cumulative stressors23
Deep fire topology: Understanding the role of landscape spatial patterns in wildfire occurrence using artificial intelligence22
A sensitivity analysis of the PAWN sensitivity index22
Advancing real-time flood prediction in large estuaries: iFLOOD a fully coupled surge-wave automated web-based guidance system22
GIS preprocessing for rapid initialization of HEC-HMS hydrological basin models using web-based data services22
Derivation of a Bayesian fire spread model using large-scale wildfire observations22
ATLANTIS: A benchmark for semantic segmentation of waterbody images21
Opportunities for crowdsourcing in urban flood monitoring21
Considerations for selecting a machine learning technique for predicting deforestation21
Water-energy nexus-based scenario analysis for sustainable development of Mumbai21
Watershed delineation on a hexagonal mesh grid21
Incorporating land-use regression into machine learning algorithms in estimating the spatial-temporal variation of carbon monoxide in Taiwan21
Multifidelity prediction in wildfire spread simulation: Modeling, uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis21
Quality control of a global hourly rainfall dataset21
Performance of one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake models during short-term extreme weather events21
LakeEnsemblR: An R package that facilitates ensemble modelling of lakes21
A hybrid bayesian vine model for water level prediction21
Coastal water quality prediction based on machine learning with feature interpretation and spatio-temporal analysis20
Air quality forecasting with artificial intelligence techniques: A scientometric and content analysis20
Introducing QWaterModel, a QGIS plugin for predicting evapotranspiration from land surface temperatures20
Identifying critical climate conditions for use in scenario-neutral climate impact assessments20
BILBI: Supporting global biodiversity assessment through high-resolution macroecological modelling20
Transformer neural networks for interpretable flood forecasting20
Adapting HYDRUS-1D to simulate the transport of soil water isotopes with evaporation fractionation20
Keeping modelling notebooks with TRACE: Good for you and good for environmental research and management support20
basement v3: A modular freeware for river process modelling over multiple computational backends20
1622WQ: A web-based application to increase farmer awareness of the impact of agriculture on water quality19
Analysis of parameter uncertainty in model simulations of irrigated and rainfed agroecosystems19
SIMPLE-G: A multiscale framework for integration of economic and biophysical determinants of sustainability19
Simulation-assisted machine learning for operational digital twins19
Identification of source information for sudden water pollution incidents in rivers and lakes based on variable-fidelity surrogate-DREAM optimization19
Gaussian process machine learning and Kriging for groundwater salinity interpolation19
A multiple-uncertainty analysis framework for integrated assessment modelling of several sustainable development goals19
Reflective communication to improve problem-solving pathways: Key issues illustrated for an integrated environmental modelling case study19
Fit-for-purpose environmental modeling: Targeting the intersection of usability, reliability and feasibility18
User-friendly workflows for catchment modelling: Towards reproducible SWAT+ model studies18
A multi-model ensemble approach to coastal storm erosion prediction18
Deep learning Using Physically-Informed Input Data for Wetland Identification18
Scoping review of the potentials of fuzzy cognitive maps as a modeling approach for integrated environmental assessment and management18
India’s Maiden air quality forecasting framework for megacities of divergent environments: The SAFAR-project18
A taxonomy for reproducible and replicable research in environmental modelling18
Discrete Global Grid Systems as scalable geospatial frameworks for characterizing coastal environments18
An automated calibration framework and open source tools for 3D lake hydrodynamic models18
Critical reflections on Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Computable General Equilibrium models: A systematic literature review17
California's food-energy-water system: An open source simulation model of adaptive surface and groundwater management in the Central Valley17
Evaluation of surface wind using WRF in complex terrain: Atmospheric input data and grid spacing17
Simulating river regulation and reservoir performance in a continental-scale hydrologic model17
A hazard-human coupled model (HazardCM) to assess city dynamic exposure to rainfall-triggered natural hazards17
Development of a hybrid Bayesian network model for predicting acute fish toxicity using multiple lines of evidence17
Supporting cost-effective watershed management strategies for Chesapeake Bay using a modeling and optimization framework17
Integration of quantitative precipitation forecasts with real-time hydrology and hydraulics modeling towards probabilistic forecasting of urban flooding17
A satellite-driven hydro-economic model to support agricultural water resources management17
Ten years of modeling the Deepwater Horizon oil spill17
Spatiotemporal air quality inference of low-cost sensor data: Evidence from multiple sensor testbeds17
A novel multi-source data fusion method based on Bayesian inference for accurate estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration over eutrophic lakes17
An overview of visualization and visual analytics applications in water resources management17
An interactive graphical interface tool for parameter calibration, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty analysis, and visualization for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool17
Real-time environmental forecasts of the Chesapeake Bay: Model setup, improvements, and online visualization17
Solar radiation modeling with KNIME and Solar Analyst: Increasing environmental model reproducibility using scientific workflows16
Introducing a new post-processing tool for the SWAT+ model to evaluate environmental flows16
Towards improved environmental modeling outcomes: Enabling low-cost access to high-dimensional, geostatistical-based decision-support analyses16
Stream power index for networks (SPIN) toolbox for decision support in urbanizing watersheds16
Comparison of two modelling strategies for 2D large-scale flood simulations16
Diminished reality system with real-time object detection using deep learning for onsite landscape simulation during redevelopment16
Efficient parallel surrogate optimization algorithm and framework with application to parameter calibration of computationally expensive three-dimensional hydrodynamic lake PDE models16
Developing an integrated technology-environment-economics model to simulate food-energy-water systems in Corn Belt watersheds16
Precipitation reconstruction from climate-sensitive lithologies using Bayesian machine learning16
The MODFLOW Application Programming Interface for simulation control and software interoperability16
Modelling wildfire occurrence at regional scale from land use/cover and climate change scenarios16
A framework for testing large-scale distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery models: Dealing with uncertainty in models and the observational data16
How morphology shapes the parameter sensitivity of lake ecosystem models16
Probabilistic forecast of microcystin toxin using satellite remote sensing, in situ observations and numerical modeling16
Optimal sensor placement for contamination detection: A multi-objective and probabilistic approach16
SW2D-GPU: A two-dimensional shallow water model accelerated by GPGPU16
Uncertainty concepts for integrated modeling - Review and application for identifying uncertainties and uncertainty propagation pathways16
Utilizing dynamic parallelism in CUDA to accelerate a 3D red-black successive over relaxation wind-field solver16
Addressing the water conflict between agriculture and ecosystems under environmental flow regulation: An integrated modeling study15
Coupling surface flow with high-performance subsurface reactive flow and transport code PFLOTRAN15
A national scale big data analytics pipeline to assess the potential impacts of flooding on critical infrastructures and communities15
RODEO: An algorithm and Google Earth Engine application for river discharge retrieval from Landsat15
A general conceptual framework for multi-dimensional spatio-temporal data sets15
Optimization of SWAT-Paddy for modeling hydrology and diffuse pollution of large rice paddy fields15
Linear layout of multiple flow-direction networks for landscape-evolution simulations15
A parameterization strategy for hydrodynamic modelling of a cascade of poorly monitored reservoirs in Brazil15
NRAP-open-IAM: A flexible open-source integrated-assessment-model for geologic carbon storage risk assessment and management15
Balancing exploitation and exploration: A novel hybrid global-local optimization strategy for hydrological model calibration15
Model-based dense air pollution maps from sparse sensing in multi-source scenarios15
Multi-criteria method for the realistic placement of water quality sensors on pipes of water distribution systems15
Introducing QWET – A QGIS-plugin for application, evaluation and experimentation with the WET model15
Detecting early warning signals of long-term water supply vulnerability using machine learning15
Operationalizing the use of TLS in forest inventories: The R package FORTLS15
porousMedia4Foam: Multi-scale open-source platform for hydro-geochemical simulations with OpenFOAM®14
Multivariate polynomial regression modeling of total dissolved-solids in rangeland stormwater runoff in the Colorado River Basin14
Small increases in agent-based model complexity can result in large increases in required calibration data14
Modeling migration of organic pollutants in groundwater — Review of available software14
Automatic procedure for selecting flood events and identifying flood characteristics from daily streamflow data14
A GIS-based model for simulating the hydrological effects of land use changes on karst systems – The integration of the LuKARS model into FREEWAT14
Efficient and high-resolution simulation of pollutant dispersion in complex urban environments by island-based recurrence CFD14
An operational urban air quality model ENFUSER, based on dispersion modelling and data assimilation14
Modelling drivers of Brazilian agricultural change in a telecoupled world14
A cloud-based framework for sensitivity analysis of natural hazard models14
Recurrent neural networks for water quality assessment in complex coastal lagoon environments: A case study on the Venice Lagoon14
Influence of urban catchment characteristics and rainfall origins on the phenomenon of stormwater flooding: Case study14
A toolbox for visualizing trends in large-scale environmental data14
An effective strategy for combining variance- and distribution-based global sensitivity analysis13
Incorporating the participatory process in the design of geospatial support tools: Lessons learned from SeaSketch13
Stochastic-dynamic modelling of farm-level investments under uncertainty13
Developments and applications of Shapley effects to reliability-oriented sensitivity analysis with correlated inputs13
An open source reservoir and sediment simulation framework for identifying and evaluating siting, design, and operation alternatives13
A stochastic conceptual-data-driven approach for improved hydrological simulations13
Evaluating the 10% wind speed rule of thumb for estimating a wildfire's forward rate of spread against an extensive independent set of observations13
Building level flood exposure analysis using a hydrodynamic model13
Assessing global climate change mitigation scenarios from a power system perspective using a novel multi-model framework13
Multi-scale evaluation of a 3D lake model forced by an atmospheric model against standard monitoring data13
The Virtual River Game: Gaming using models to collaboratively explore river management complexity13
Towards fast prototyping of cloud-based environmental decision support systems for environmental scientists using R Shiny and Docker12
Heat wave tracker: A multi-method, multi-source heat wave measurement toolkit based on Google Earth Engine12
Considering scale within optimization procedures for water management decisions: Balancing environmental flows and human needs12
Is VARS more intuitive and efficient than Sobol’ indices?12
Exploding the myths: An introduction to artificial neural networks for prediction and forecasting12
Interoperable web sharing of environmental models using OGC web processing service and Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI)12
Impacts of off-road vehicle tracks on runoff, erosion and sediment delivery – A combined field and modeling approach12
Using Bayesian optimization to automate the calibration of complex hydrological models: Framework and application12
A fractional land use change model for ecological applications12
ForestFit: An R package for modeling plant size distributions12
Comparing the structural uncertainty and uncertainty management in four common Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) model software packages12
Towards a combined Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 for 10-m land surface temperature products: The Google Earth Engine monthly Ten-ST-GEE system12
Watershed scale evaluation of an improved SWAT auto-irrigation function12
The AirSensor open-source R-package and DataViewer web application for interpreting community data collected by low-cost sensor networks12
The effect of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on two ecosystem services in the Northern Gulf of Mexico12
Streamlined wildland-urban interface fire tracing (SWUIFT): Modeling wildfire spread in communities12
An open-data open-model framework for hydrological models’ integration, evaluation and application12
Spatial prediction of air pollution levels using a hierarchical Bayesian spatiotemporal model in Catalonia, Spain12
Application of extreme gradient boosting and Shapley Additive explanations to predict temperature regimes inside forests from standard open-field meteorological data12
SWAT-S: A SWAT-salinity module for watershed-scale modeling of natural salinity12
A wavelet-based tool to modulate variance in predictors: An application to predicting drought anomalies12
A physics based distributed integrated hydrological model in prediction of water balance of a semi-arid catchment in India12
A comprehensive framework for HSPF hydrological parameter sensitivity, optimization and uncertainty evaluation based on SVM surrogate model- A case study in Qinglong River watershed, China12
Identifying emergent agent types and effective practices for portability, scalability, and intercomparison in water resource agent-based models12
Evaluating crop-soil-water dynamics in waterlogged areas using a coupled groundwater-agronomic model11
A spatio-temporal land use regression model to assess street-level exposure to black carbon11
Development of catchment water quality models within a realtime status and forecast system for the Great Barrier Reef11
HydroLang: An open-source web-based programming framework for hydrological sciences11
Minimizing physical habitat impacts at downstream of diversion dams by a multiobjective optimization of environmental flow regime11
Prediction of wildfire rate of spread in grasslands using machine learning methods11
A multiple and ensembling approach for calibration and evaluation of genetic coefficients of CERES-Maize to simulate maize phenology and yield in Michigan11
Disentangling environmental and economic contributions to hydro-economic model output uncertainty: An example in the context of land-use change impact assessment11
Introductory overview: Systems and control methods for operational management support in agricultural production systems11
Unravelling groundwater time series patterns: Visual analytics-aided deep learning in the Namoi region of Australia11
APEX-MODFLOW: A New integrated model to simulate hydrological processes in watershed systems11
Development of an interface-oriented add-in modeling framework for integrated water system simulation and its application11
A novel model for storage dynamics simulation and inundation mapping in the prairies11
Increasing the uptake of ecological model results in policy decisions to improve biodiversity outcomes11
Hydrogeophysical model calibration and uncertainty analysis via full integration of PEST/PEST++ and COMSOL11
Model-based integration of ecology and socio-economics for the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services: State of the art, diversity and current trends11
Discussoo: Towards an intelligent tool for multi-scale participatory modeling11
A system dynamics model to support marine spatial planning in Algoa Bay, South Africa11