Body & Society

(The TQCC of Body & Society is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Towards a Theory of Posthuman Care: Real Humans and Caring Robots35
Making Breath Visible: Reflections on Relations between Bodies, Breath and World in the Critical Medical Humanities29
Thinking with a Feminist Political Ecology of Air-and-breathing-bodies22
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World21
Intimate Lives in the Global Bioeconomy: Reproductive Biographies of Mexican Egg Donors20
Circuits of Time: Enacting Postgenomics in Indigenous Australia17
Mapping the Drugged Body: Telling Different Kinds of Drug-using Stories12
Carrying as Method: Listening to Bodies as Archives10
The Attentive Body: How the Indexicality of Epigenetic Processes Enriches Our Understanding of Embodied Subjectivity9
Fascias: Methodological Propositions and Ontologies That Stretch and Slide8
Breathing Spaces: Modelling Exposure in Air Pollution Science8
What More Do Bodies Know? Moving with the Gendered Affects of Place7
Governing Corporeal Movement in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic6
On Breath and Breathing: A Concluding Comment5
The (De)materialization of Criminal Bodies in Forensic DNA Phenotyping5
Exploring the Multiplicity of Embodied Agency in Colombian Assisted Reproduction3
Doing Bodies in YouTube Videos about Contested Illnesses3
Breathing Song and Smoke: Ritual Intentionality and the Sustenance of an Interaffective Realm3
Breathing beyond Embodiment: Exploring Emergence, Grieving and Song in Laboratory Theatre3
Bodies of Fashion and the Fashioning of Subjectivity3
Living with ‘New Diseases’ in Dakar: Embodied Time and the Emergence of Chronicity3
Hearing Gloves and Seeing Tongues? Disability, Sensory Substitution and the Origins of the Neuroplastic Subject3