Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Scratched From Memory: The 1986 Prison Massacres and the Limits of Acceptable Memory Discourse in Post-conflict Peru4
Sounds of the Baguazo: Listening to Extractivism in an Intercultural Radio Programme from the Peruvian Amazon3
The Pandemic and its Ethno-Spatial Disparities: Considerations from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil3
Memories of Extractivism: Slow Violence, Terror, and Matter3
Necroscapes: The Political Life of Mutilated and Errant Bodies in the Rivers of Colombia3
Inverted Exception. Ideas for Thinking about the New Disappearances through Two Case Studies3
Reading Race in Rocks: Political Geology in Nineteenth-Century Mexico2
Crisis of Wellbeing and Popular Uprising: The Logic of Care as a Path to Social Emancipation in Chile2
Getting from Buenos Aires to Mexico City Without Passing Through Madrid: Latin American Publishing Topographies2
Latin America and The Botanical Turn2
Latin American Environmental Research and Practice1
Latin American Marxisms: Reading José Carlos Mariátegui and José Aricó Today1
Ecological Stereotypes: Perceptions of Indigenous and Maroon Communities in Late Colonial Suriname1
Contesting the Neoliberal City: Place-Based Activism in the Documentary Films of Barrio Anti-Gentrification Movements in Bogotá and Mexico City1
Drilled Mountains, Pulverised Bodies: Mining, Extractivism, and Racialisation in Brazil1
Reflections on Peru During the Bicentennial Elections1
The Matter of Things: A Material Turn in Cuban Scholarship1
Cultivating Ongoingness Through Site-Specific Arts Research and Public Engagement1
Sites of Situated Hope: Amazonian Rhythms, Unruly Caribbean Plants, and Post-Anthropocentric Gazes in Contemporary Latin American Cinema1
Submerged Strata and the Condition of Knowledge in Latin America1
Past With Present (and Future). Affective Agency in Latin American Abortion Rights Activism1
Film and Malaria: Mário De Andrade and the Politics of Just Looking1
The Transnational Artistic Memorialisation of Operation Condor: Documenting a “Distribution of the Possible”1
Ecologies of Disappearance Today. Introduction1
Environmental Thinking and Indigenous Arts in Brazil Today1
Neoliberalism in Crisis0
One More Time: Reenactment in Contemporary Latin American Documentary Cinema0
Zama and the Politics of Contamination: from Di Benedetto’s Novel to Martel’s Film0
Bending Time and Space for Pan-Americanism: Shots of the “Western Hemisphere” in Wartime Cinema0
Tracing the Apparatus: The Technological Mediation of Experience inLos autonautas de la cosmopista, o un viaje atemporal París-MarsellaBy Julio Cortázar and Carol Dunlop0
Nature, Labour, and Infrastructure in the Amazon: Miguel Triana’s Por el sur de Colombia0
Instituent Fictions: The Exceptional Present, The Junta Nacional Instituyente, and Mexico’s First Post-Independence Fiscal Plan (1822)0
Reflections on the Testimony of Trauma: Roberto Bolaño’s2666and Sergio González Rodríguez’sHuesos en el desierto0
“Una opción sutil de protestar”: Literary Magazines, Subterranean Resistance, and Life Politics in Putumayo, Colombia0
Monsters of Inequality and Waste: The New Realism of Antonio Berni0
Behind the Neoclassical Façade: A Haunted National Monument in Chilean Film0
Ecuadorian Blackness and the Poetics of Resistance and Solidarity in Adalberto Ortiz’s novel Juyungo0
“Bésame otra vez”: The Use of Obscenity to Denounce Violence in Pedro Lemebel’s Incontables (1986)0
Memory and Re-foundation. Political Identity in Néstor Kirchner’s Malvinas Speeches0
Cold War paquetería: Snail Mail Services Across and Around Cuba’s “Sugar Curtain”, 1963–19690
Too Much a Woman: Narrating Transsexuality in Mario Mendoza’s Lady Masacre0
Modern and National? The (Non-) Exceptionalism of Colombian Architectural Identity0
The Narrative of Simulation in José Asunción Silva's De sobremesa0
Nothing But Workers: Reading Class Struggle In Diamela Eltit’sMano de obra0
Links in a Chain: El Che in the Work of Freddy Alborta, Carlos Alonso, Arnold Belkin, and Leandro Katz0
In Memory of Andrea Noble and Iván Ruiz0
Violence, Affect, and Time-Based Media in Mexico, 2010–20190
Stolen Poetry: The Illicit Democratisation of Culture in José Joaquín Jiménez’s Chronicles0
Proleptic Elegy to the Gualcarque River: Submerged Perspectives and Solastalgia as Forms of Resistance in the Lenca Community of Honduras0
Digital Archive and Preservation Against Technological Obsolescence. Building a Cartography of Latin American Digital Literature0
Bartolomé de Las Casas and Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala: Republicanism on the Colonial Frontier0
National Santos and Mariachi Machos: Liberatory Ethics and Aesthetics of Pleasure in Mecos Films’ La putiza and La verganza0
The Avant-Garde Is Dead, Long Live the Avant-Garde: Glauber Rocha’s Rereading of Brazilian Modernismo and Di Cavalcanti0
Sensing Shipibo Aesthetics Beyond the Peruvian Amazon: Kené Design inIcaros: A Vision(2016)0
Lisa M, “La primera rapera mujer de Puerto Rico y de Latinoamérica”, and Early 1990s Feminist Puerto Rican Hip-Hop Culture0
Nude Colour: Race in Flávio de Carvalho’s “A Cidade do Homem Nu”0
All That is Solid Melts Into Rust: The Material Decay of The Sugar Industry in Post-Soviet Cuba0
Interpreting the Remnants of Women’s Reproductive Crises: Physicians and the Shifting Legal Terrain of Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century Cuba0
Introduction. The Politics of Obscenity in Latin America0
Passing Through the Body: Recent Exercises of Memory and Collectivity, Forty Years After the Dictatorship in Chile0
El secreto de la tierra : Entangled Poetics and the Venezuelan Amazon in Una ojeada al mapa de Venezuela (1939) by Enrique Bernardo Núñez0
From Idleness to the Abolition of Work in Ricardo Talesnik’s La fiaca0
“Enraizados Da Letra”: Lyrics and the Letter in Brazilian, Cuban, and Haitian Rap0
A Little Bit of Magic: Nitza Villapol, the Cuban Diet, and the Socialist State, 1959–19830
In Memory Of Jean Franco0
“The flying ability of the mosquito made the situation difficult to cope with”: Contamination, Containment, and the Biopolitics of the Madeira‐ Mamoré Railway0
Foreign Faces, Trusted Portraits: Carlos Baca-Flor’s Painted Faces between Paris and New York0
Catholic Material Culture, Socialist Society, and State Power in Cuba, 1959–19780
Sounding the Americas: The Politics and Aesthetics of Racialised Acoustics0
The Politics of the Family: Psychoanalysis and Neoliberalism in Contemporary Argentine Documentary Cinema0
Dancing the Butterfly: Trans-Caribbean Cultural Consumption in Special Period Cuba0
Digital Archives and Intergenerational Reckoning with Chile’s Traumatic Past In Mis documentos (2014) and Poeta chileno (2020) by Alejandro Zambra0
A Museum of Regeneration: Nation, Race, and Visual Culture in Colombia’s National Museum, 1880–18860
Bodies to Reveal and Conceal: Baroque Dynamics of Obscenity (Heresy) and Modesty (Saintliness) in Feminine Bodies in the Peruvian Viceroyalty0
Colonial Ruins as Intervened Sites: La Zona, the US Occupation, and Dominican Racialised Sovereignty (1870–1924)0
Fugitive Sounds: On the Politics of Listening at Argentina’s Southern Border0
Wakoborun Rescued her Brother’s Head From Enemy Hands: Munduruku Letters’ Amerindian Perspectivism and Cosmopolitical Territory0
Uribismo and the Wounds of the Colombian Conflict in Santiago Gamboa’sPlegarias nocturnas0
Siesta Nightmares And Cannibalistic Daydreams:Desexilioand Raúl Ruiz’sA TV Dante0
Language Retention through Music in Two Afrodescendant Communities of Latin America: GarífunaPunta Rockand PalenqueroChampeta0
Passing Life, Playing Dead: Zombification as Juridical Shapeshifting in Pedro Cabiya’s Malas hierbas0
Photographic Assembly in Post-Dictatorial Argentina and Uruguay0
“Somos más”: Towards a Feminist Critique of the Photographic Archive of the Women’s And Feminist Movement Against the Chilean Dictatorship0
The Melodramatic Mode in Poetic Activism: An Analysis of María Rivera’s “Los muertos” and its Afterlives0
The Politics of Detachment and Disruptive Tourism in Las cosas como son (Fernando Lavanderos, 2012)0
Protests in Peru: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Structural Crisis0
Brazil on the World Stage: Carlos Gomes’sColombo, the First Republic, and Brazil’s Cosmopolitan Desires0
The Insubordination Of The Gaze: Marian Icon And Performance In The Mujeres Creando Collective0
Jesús Abad Colorado’s Epidemic Photography. Regarding The Paramilitary Siege on Memory0
Afterword: Things and The Imponderabilia of Actual Life in Cuba0
Paradoxical Ideologies: An Intersectional View of Argentine Psychoanalytic Discourses on Gender and Sexuality (2005–2012)0
Visualising Afro-Cultural Identities in Contemporary Argentina: The Case of Antepasados. Los afroporteños en la cultura nacional0
Teaching “Aztec Classicism”: Early Modern Myths in the Twentieth-Century Classroom0
A Fragmented New Order: Cinema, Prose, and Rebellion in Jorge Icaza’s Huasipungo0
Common Horizons: An Interview with Maristella Svampa0
Writing Machu Picchu. Epistemological Extractivism and the Citadel Through the Lens ofindigenismo cusqueño0
Black Ghosts in the Afro-Pampas: Haunting and Folklorisation in Aldo Locatelli’s “Negrinho do Pastoreio” Paintings0
On Facing Latin/South American Coloniality: The Travesía de Amereida and the Geo-Poetic Turn at the Valparaíso School0
Introduction: Affective Arrangements and Violence in Latin America0
Transnational Legacies of Revolt: Approaching Decolonial Struggles in the Americas0
Introduction. The Amazon River Basin: Extractivism, Indigenous Perspectives, and a Political Aesthetics of Resistance0
Collective Actions-Visual Guerrillas-Spectral Bodies0
“A language not of this world”: Depersonalization and Unintelligibility in Robert Bolaño’s “The Part about the Crimes”0
Thinking In The Present: Virus, Feminism, Politicity0
“Urban Nomad”: Spatiality, Exile, and Political Engagement in Julio Cortázar’s “Press Clippings” (1980)0
“Dogs Don’t Vote”: Diatribe and Animality in Peroratas, by Fernando Vallejo0
The Transgressive Force Of The Erotic:Boi Neon’s Sensual Speculation In The Brazilian Northeast0
Los mecos de Veracruz: Queer Gestures and the Performance of Nahua Indigeneity0
Between the Long Sixties and the Short Eighties: An Analysis of Jorge Denti’s Film Malvinas, Historia de traiciones0
Curations of a nepantlera: Forever Betwixt and Between Inés Estrada’s Impatience (2016)0
Queer Materiality, Contestatory Histories, and Disperse Bodies in La mucama de Omicunlé0
Beyond Sex: Pornographic Journalism, Violence, and Politics in Argentina’s Transition to Democracy0
Mil fÓrmulas de cocina “La Negra” : Labour, Gender, And Race In Argentina’s Meat Industry, 1917–19400
French Kissing the Icon: Erotic Iconoclash and Political Subversion in Deborah Castillo’s The Emancipatory Kiss (2013)0
The Allure of Modernity: Afro-Uruguayan Press, Black Internationalism, And Mass Entertainment (1928–1948)0
Introduction: Visualities in Conflict. Andrea Noble, an Appreciation0
Literature and Interculturality. A Proposal for Possible Readings Otherwise0
Socialism with Bling: Aspiration, Decency, and Exclusivity in Contemporary Cuba0
The Subject Is Still There. Judicial Statements and Mexican Political-Military Organizations in the Seventies0
Gaming race in Brazil: Video games and algorithmic racism0
A Visual History of a Sacrifice: Cristero Photography and the José de León Toral Commemorative Album0
The Political Violence of the 1970s in Recent Argentine Cinema: Strategies for the Reaffectivisation of the Past in Rojo (Benjamín Naishtat, 2018)0
Race And Politics In Peruvian And Argentine Porn Under The Transition To Democracy, 1975–19850
Casas tomadas: Leopoldo Brizuela’sUna misma noche0
A Chola Sex Party: Anal And Concha Art0
Philosophy, University, and Democracy after the Military Rule: Argentina, 1975-19900
An Anarchist Rainforest: Cooperation in Ferreira de Castro’s A selva0
Ecology, Rubble, and Disappearance. Reflections on the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve in Buenos Aires0
Indigenising Colombia’s Marijuana Boom: Race and Settler Colonialism in Pájaros de verano0
Gore Aesthetics: Chilean Necroliberalism And Travesti Resistance0
Foreign Intimacies and Political Pasts in Paula Markovitch’s El actor principal (2019)0
Theorising Belle Époque Rio de Janeiro through Opium: João do Rio’s “Visões d’ópio” as a Postcolonial Framework0