Psicologia Educativa

(The TQCC of Psicologia Educativa is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Grit as a Predictor and Outcome of Educational, Professional, and Personal Success: A Systematic Review24
Parental Involvement in Mexican Elementary Students’ Homework: Its Relation with Academic Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulated Learning, and Academic Achievement15
Temporal Stability of Grit and School Performance in Adolescents: A Longitudinal Perspective14
Academic Failure: Individual, Organizational, and Social Factors13
The Role of Anxiety in the Relationship between Self-efficacy and Math Achievement9
Variables that Predict the Potential Efficacy of Early Intervention in Reading in Down Syndrome8
A Cross-cultural Study of the Validity of a Battery of Questionnaires for Assessing School Climate Quality8
Teaching Quality: Relationships between Students’ Motivation, Effort Regulation, Future Interest, and Connection Frequency8
Evaluation of Programmes under the Positive Parenting Initiative in Spain:Introduction to the Special Issue7
A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications in the Web of Science Category of Educational Psychology in the Last Two Decades7
Students’ Mediator Variables in the Relationship between Family Involvement and Academic Performance: Effects of the Styles of Involvement7
Los Predictores Psicosociales del Bullying Discriminatorio Debido al Estigma Ligado a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE) y la Discapacidad6
¿Qué Aporta la Inteligencia Emocional al Estudio de los Factores Personales Protectores del Consumo de Alcohol en la Adolescencia?6
Testing a Four-factor Model for the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale: An updated Perspective on Teachers’ Perceived Classroom Efficacy6
Las repercusiones de la Dislexia en la Autoestima, en el Comportamiento Socioemocional y en la Ansiedad en Escolares6
Dynamic Assessment in Preschoolers with Down Syndrome and Nonspecific Intellectual Disability5
The Mediating Effect of University Teaching Staff’s Psychological Well-being between Emotional Intelligence and Burnout5
Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Spanish Teachers: A Mediation Study5
Time Spent on Homework and Academic Achievement: A Meta-analysis Study Related to Results of TIMSS5
Student Misbehaviour and School Climate: A Multilevel Study4
Psychometric Properties of the Revised Child Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire (CMAQ-R) for Spanish Speaking Children4
Relevance Instructions Combined with Elaborative Interrogation Facilitate Strategic Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements4
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Adolescent Bullying: A Systematic Review4