Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine

(The TQCC of Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Slum Health: Arresting COVID-19 and Improving Well-Being in Urban Informal Settlements360
COVID-19 and Inequity: a Comparative Spatial Analysis of New York City and Chicago Hot Spots174
Eviction, Health Inequity, and the Spread of COVID-19: Housing Policy as a Primary Pandemic Mitigation Strategy147
Evidence of Social and Structural COVID-19 Disparities by Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Race/Ethnicity in an Urban Environment127
The Expanding Digital Divide: Digital Health Access Inequities during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City125
Disability, Urban Health Equity, and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Promoting Cities for All82
Strategies That Promote Equity in COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake for Black Communities: a Review77
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Drug Overdoses in Indianapolis76
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on College Students’ Health and Financial Stability in New York City: Findings from a Population-Based Sample of City University of New York (CUNY) Students71
Opioid Overdose–Related Emergency Department Visits and Accidental Deaths during the COVID-19 Pandemic70
Impacts of Gentrification on Health in the US: a Systematic Review of the Literature69
Gig Workers during the COVID-19 Crisis in France: Financial Precarity and Mental Well-Being68
The Relationship of Historical Redlining with Present-Day Neighborhood Environmental and Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review and Conceptual Model65
Addressing Food Insecurity through a Health Equity Lens: a Case Study of Large Urban School Districts during the COVID-19 Pandemic58
COVID-19 and Food Insecurity: an Uneven Patchwork of Responses57
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Opioid Overdose Deaths: a Spatiotemporal Analysis52
Confidence and Hesitancy During the Early Roll-out of COVID-19 Vaccines Among Black, Hispanic, and Undocumented Immigrant Communities: a Review51
Prison Population Reductions and COVID-19: A Latent Profile Analysis Synthesizing Recent Evidence From the Texas State Prison System39
“It’s Helped Me a Lot, Just Like to Stay Alive”: a Qualitative Analysis of Outcomes of a Novel Hydromorphone Tablet Distribution Program in Vancouver, Canada36
COVID-19 Containment in Asia’s Largest Urban Slum Dharavi-Mumbai, India: Lessons for Policymakers Globally34
Racial Disparities in Overdose Prevention among People Who Inject Drugs33
Modeling COVID-19 and Its Impacts on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Detention Facilities, 202031
Business Data Categorization and Refinement for Application in Longitudinal Neighborhood Health Research: a Methodology26
Déjà vu All Over Again? Emergent Monkeypox, Delayed Responses, and Stigmatized Populations25
Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Inequalities in COVID-19 Diagnosis Rates by Area-Level Black/African American Racial Composition25
The Healthy Young Men’s Cohort: Health, Stress, and Risk Profile of Black and Latino Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM)25
Inequities in Community Exposure to Deadly Gun Violence by Race/Ethnicity, Poverty, and Neighborhood Disadvantage among Youth in Large US Cities25
Social-Environmental Resilience, PrEP Uptake, and Viral Suppression among Young Black Men Who Have Sex with Men and Young Black Transgender Women: the Neighborhoods and Networks (N2) Study in Chicago25
Age-Friendly Features in Home and Community and the Self-Reported Health and Functional Limitation of Older Adults: the Role of Supportive Environments24
Targeting the World’s Slums as Fat Tails in the Distribution of COVID-19 Cases24
Global Climate Implications for Homelessness: A Scoping Review24
COVID-19 Vaccine Interest among Corrections Officers and People Who Are Incarcerated at Middlesex County Jail, Massachusetts23
Racism and Older Black Americans’ Health: a Systematic Review23
Unemployment and Crime in US Cities During the Coronavirus Pandemic21
COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts and the Reproduction of Urban Spatial Inequality: Disparities Within Large US Cities in March and April 2021 by Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Composition20
A Community Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Case Study in Protecting the Health and Human Rights of People Who Use Drugs20
Examining Opioid Overdose Deaths across Communities Defined by Racial Composition: a Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Approach20
Time to Reconsider Diverse Ways of Working in Japan to Promote Social Distancing Measures against the COVID-1918
Mobility Patterns During COVID-19 Travel Restrictions in Nairobi Urban Informal Settlements: Who Is Leaving Home and Why18
Vaccination Disparity: Quantifying Racial Inequity in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration in Maryland18
Associations Between Historical Redlining and Present-Day Heat Vulnerability Housing and Land Cover Characteristics in Philadelphia, PA17
Awareness, Willingness, and Perceived Efficacy of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males16
A Population-Based Assessment of Physical Symptoms and Mental Health Outcomes Among Adults Following the Flint Water Crisis16
Mobility Patterns in Different Age Groups in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Small Area Time Series Analysis through March 202115
Gendered Racial Microaggressions Associated with Depression Diagnosis among Black Women Living with HIV15
Nowhere to Play: Available Open and Green Space in Greater London Schools15
Underground Gun Markets and the Flow of Illegal Guns into the Bronx and Brooklyn: A Mixed Methods Analysis14
Impact of ShotSpotter Technology on Firearm Homicides and Arrests Among Large Metropolitan Counties: a Longitudinal Analysis, 1999–201614
Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak in Urban Settings in China14
Overdose Prevention and Housing: a Qualitative Study Examining Drug Use, Overdose Risk, and Access to Safer Supply in Permanent Supportive Housing in Vancouver, Canada14
Associations of Small Business Closure and Reduced Urban Mobility with Mental Health Problems in COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Representative Sample Study14
Geospatial Variations and Neighborhood Deprivation in Drug-Related Admissions and Overdoses14
Effects of New York’s Executive Order on Face Mask Use on COVID-19 Infections and Mortality: A Modeling Study14
Excess Mortality during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Cities of Chile: Magnitude, Inequalities, and Urban Determinants14
Multi-Level Socioenvironmental Contributors to Childhood Asthma in New York City: a Cluster Analysis14
Predictors of COVID-19-Confirmed Cases and Fatalities in 883 US Counties with a Population of 50,000 or More: Estimated Effect of Initial Prevention Policies13
Principles and Metrics for Evaluating Oregon’s Innovative Drug Decriminalization Measure13
Modelling of Temperature-Attributable Mortality among the Elderly in Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal: A Contribution to Local Strategy for Effective Prevention Plans13
Building a Methodological Foundation for Impactful Urban Planetary Health Science13
Assessing Urban Health Inequities through a Multidimensional and Participatory Framework: Evidence from the EURO-HEALTHY Project13
Emerging from COVID-19: Lessons for Action on Climate Change and Health in Cities13
Employment Loss in Informal Settlements during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Chile13
Geographic Mobility, Place Attachment, and the Changing Geography of Sex among African American and Latinx MSM Who Use Substances in Los Angeles13
Sleep Problems among Mothers of Youth Stopped by the Police13
Loops and Building Blocks: a Knowledge co-Production Framework for Equitable Urban Health12
Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Heat-Related Morbidity in Maricopa County, Arizona12
Interruptions in Mental Health Care, Cannabis Use, Depression, and Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from a Cohort of HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative MSM in Los Angeles, California12
Mortality Implications of Increased Active Mobility for a Proposed Regional Transportation Emission Cap-and-Invest Program12
Local Extreme Heat Planning: an Interactive Tool to Examine a Heat Vulnerability Index for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania11
Indicators of Healthy Architecture—a Systematic Literature Review11
Road Traffic and Urban Form Factors Correlated with the Incidence of Lung Cancer in High-density Areas: An Ecological Study in Downtown Shanghai, China11
Binge Drinking, Non-injection Drug Use, and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Adolescent Sexual Minority Males, 3 US Cities, 201511
Correlates of Transactional Sex and Violent Victimization among Men Who Inject Drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California11
Black Canadians’ Exposure to Everyday Racism: Implications for Health System Access and Health Promotion among Urban Black Communities11
Health Disparities, Transportation Equity and Complete Streets: a Case Study of a Policy Development Process through the Lens of Critical Race Theory11
The Application of ‘Elite Interviewing’ Methodology in Transdisciplinary Research: a Record of Process and Lessons Learned during a 3-Year Pilot in Urban Planetary Health Research11
The Role of Urban Environments in Promoting Active and Healthy Aging: A Systematic Scoping Review of Citizen Science Approaches11
COVID-19, Ambient Air Pollution, and Environmental Health Inequities in Latin American Cities10
Quantifying Older Black Americans’ Exposure to Structural Racial Discrimination: How Can We Measure the Water In Which We Swim?10
Neighborhood Poverty and Physical Health at Midlife: The Role of Life-Course Exposure10
Utilization of Maternal Health Care Among Immigrant Mothers in New York City, 2016–201810
Responding to COVID-19: What’s the Problem?10
The Effect of a Housing First Intervention on Acute Health Care Utilization among Homeless Adults with Mental Illness: Long-term Outcomes of the At Home/Chez-Soi Randomized Pragmatic Trial10
Overcoming Systemic Barriers Preventing Healthy Urban Development in the UK: Main Findings from Interviewing Senior Decision-Makers During a 3-Year Planetary Health Pilot10
Longitudinal Associations between Police Harassment and Experiences of Violence among Black Men Who Have Sex with Men in Six US Cities: the HPTN 061 Study9
Healthy Governance for Cities: Synergizing Health in All Policies (HiAP) and Healthy Cities Approaches9
The Stigma of Criminal Legal Involvement and Health: a Conceptual Framework9
Addressing Unintentional Exclusion of Vulnerable and Mobile Households in Traditional Surveys in Kathmandu, Dhaka, and Hanoi: a Mixed-Methods Feasibility Study9
The Differences by Sex and Gender in the Relationship Between Urban Greenness and Cardiometabolic Health: A Systematic Review9
Associations Between Built Environment Factors and SARS-CoV-2 Infections at the Neighbourhood Level in a Metropolitan Area in Germany9
A Spatial Analysis of Obesity: Interaction of Urban Food Environments and Racial Segregation in Chicago9
Home Energy Efficiency and Subjective Health in Greater London9
The Ontario Integrated Supervised Injection Services Cohort Study of People Who Inject Drugs in Toronto, Canada (OiSIS-Toronto): Cohort Profile9
Harm Reduction, By Mail: the Next Step in Promoting the Health of People Who Use Drugs9
Racialized Housing Discrimination and Population Health: a Scoping Review and Research Agenda8
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptability and Financial Incentives among Unhoused People in Los Angeles County: a Three-Stage Field Survey8
Housing Stability and Hepatitis C Infection for Young Adults Who Inject Drugs: Examining the Relationship of Consistent and Intermittent Housing Status on HCV Infection Risk8
Officer-Involved Shootings and Concealed Carry Weapons Permitting Laws: Analysis of Gun Violence Archive Data, 2014–20208
Data, Social Determinants, and Better Decision-making for Health: the 3-D Commission8
Individual and Social Network Factors Associated with High Self-efficacy of Communicating about Men’s Health Issues with Peers among Black MSM in an Urban Setting8