Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

(The TQCC of Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Emotional Support from AI Chatbots: Should a Supportive Partner Self-Disclose or Not?55
Why We Don’t Click: Interrogating the Relationship Between Viewing and Clicking in Social Media Contexts by Exploring the “Non-Click”54
The Impact of Internet and Social Media Use on Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adolescents Across Nine Years54
Seeing Is Believing: Is Video Modality More Powerful in Spreading Fake News via Online Messaging Apps?52
In AI We Trust? Effects of Agency Locus and Transparency on Uncertainty Reduction in Human–AI Interaction45
Sticker and Emoji Use in Facebook Messenger: Implications for Graphicon Change37
Good News! Communication Findings May be Underestimated: Comparing Effect Sizes with Self-Reported and Logged Smartphone Use Data31
People, places, and time: a large-scale, longitudinal study of transformed avatars and environmental context in group interaction in the metaverse30
Social Media Browsing and Adolescent Well-Being: Challenging the “Passive Social Media Use Hypothesis”29
AI agency vs. human agency: understanding human–AI interactions on TikTok and their implications for user engagement29
Privacy Management and Self-Disclosure on Social Network Sites: The Moderating Effects of Stress and Gender28
Failure to Launch: Competing Institutional Logics, Intrapreneurship, and the Case of Chatbots28
Following Social Media Influencers in Early Adolescence: Fear of Missing Out, Social Well-Being and Supportive Communication with Parents23
A Bigger Pie: The Effects of High-Speed Internet on Political Behavior18
Can AI Enhance People’s Support for Online Moderation and Their Openness to Dissimilar Political Views?17
When AI moderates online content: effects of human collaboration and interactive transparency on user trust16
Too Much or Too Little Messaging? Situational Determinants of Guilt About Mobile Messaging14
Technical Features of Asynchronous and Synchronous Community Platforms and their Effects on Community Cohesion: A Comparative Study of Forum-based and Chat-based Online Mental Health Communities13
Domesticating Gay Apps: An Intersectional Analysis of the Use of Blued Among Chinese Gay Men12
Social Media Public Opinion as Flocks in a Murmuration: Conceptualizing and Measuring Opinion Expression on Social Media12
Re-domestication of Internet Technologies: Digital Exclusion or Digital Choice?12
Navigating Sexual Racism in the Sexual Field: Compensation for and Disavowal of Marginality by Racial Minority Grindr Users in Singapore11
Memes, Memes, Everywhere, nor Any Meme to Trust: Examining the Credibility and Persuasiveness of COVID-19-Related Memes11
Do You Care Who Flagged This Post? Effects of Moderator Visibility on Bystander Behavior11
Youths as targets: factors of online hate speech victimization among adolescents and young adults11
Beyond Anonymity: Network Affordances, Under Deindividuation, Improve Social Media Discussion Quality10
The Fake One is the Real One: Finstas, Authenticity, and Context Collapse in Teen Friend Groups9
Always Available, Always Attached: A Relational Perspective on the Effects of Mobile Phones and Social Media on Subjective Well-Being9
The detection of political deepfakes9
Capturing social presence: concept explication through an empirical analysis of social presence measures8
Online Social Regulation: When Everyday Diplomatic Skills for Harmonious Disagreement Break Down8
Fighting cheapfakes: using a digital media literacy intervention to motivate reverse search of out-of-context visual misinformation8
The Dynamics of Social Capital: Examining the Reciprocity between Network Features and Social Support7
Victims' Goal Understanding, Uncertainty Reduction, and Perceptions in Cyberbullying: Theoretical Evidence From Three Experiments7
Identity Collision: Older Gay Men Using Technology7
How do people react to AI failure? Automation bias, algorithmic aversion, and perceived controllability7
When national identity meets conspiracies: the contagion of national identity language in public engagement and discourse about COVID-19 conspiracy theories7
Don’t Stress Me Now: Assessing the Regulatory Impact of Face-to-Face and Online Feedback Prosociality on Stress During an Important Life Event7
The Role of Local Influential Users in Spread of Situational Crisis Information7
A typology of social media rituals7