Violence Against Women

(The TQCC of Violence Against Women is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
Technology-Facilitated Domestic and Sexual Violence: A Review94
Fear of Sexual Harassment and Its Impact on Safety Perceptions in Transit Environments: A Global Perspective43
“I Don’t Hate All Women, Just Those Stuck-Up Bitches”: How Incels and Mainstream Pornography Speak the Same Extreme Language of Misogyny34
Gender, Campus Sexual Violence, Cultural Betrayal, Institutional Betrayal, and Institutional Support in U.S. Ethnic Minority College Students: A Descriptive Study27
“We are Forgotten”: Forced Migration, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, and Coronavirus Disease-201927
Bringing Feminist Sociological Analyses of Patriarchy Back to the Forefront of the Study of Woman Abuse26
Recognizing Connections Between Intimate Partner Sexual Violence and Pornography25
Coronavirus and Quarantine: Catalysts of Domestic Violence24
The Role of Cultural Beliefs, Norms, and Practices in Nigerian Women’s Experiences of Sexual Abuse and Violence23
Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse in Political Economy: A New Theoretical Framework23
Associations of Power Relations, Wife-Beating Attitudes, and Controlling Behavior of Husband With Domestic Violence Against Women in India: Insights From the National Family Health Survey–422
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Needs and Lived Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in the United States: Advocate Perspectives21
Help-Seeking Behaviors and Barriers Among Black Women Exposed to Severe Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample21
Rethinking Women’s Mental Health After Intimate Partner Violence21
A Qualitative Study of Women’s Lived Experiences of Conflict and Domestic Violence in Afghanistan21
Promoting Wellness and Recovery of Young Women Experiencing Gender-Based Violence and Homelessness: The Role of Trauma-Informed Health Promotion Interventions20
Dehumanized, Violated, and Powerless: An Australian Survey of Women's Experiences of Obstetric Violence in the Past 5 Years19
From Physical Violence to Intensified Economic Abuse: Transitions Between the Types of IPV Over Survivors’ Life Courses19
Experiences With Help Seeking Among Non–Service-Engaged Survivors of IPV: Survivors’ Recommendations for Service Providers18
Second-Order Sexual Harassment: Violence Against the Silence Breakers Who Support the Victims18
Reimagining VAWA: Why Criminalization Is a Failed Policy and What a Non-Carceral VAWA Could Look Like18
Naming Silence and Inadequate Obstetric Care as Obstetric Violence is a Necessary Step for Change18
Survivor-Centered Practice and Survivor Empowerment: Evidence From A Research–Practitioner Partnership17
Transgender and Gender Diverse Community Connection, Help-Seeking, and Mental Health Among Black Transgender Women Who Have Survived Violence: A Mixed-Methods Analysis17
The Impact of Rape Myths and Current Events on the Well-Being of Sexual Violence Survivors17
Gender-Based Mass Shootings: An Examination of Attacks Motivated by Grievances Against Women16
Intimate Partner Violence Against Women During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy: A Multicenter Survey Involving Anti-Violence Centers16
Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury Screening15
Representation of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Swedish News Media: A Discourse Analysis15
The Social Network of Victims of Domestic Violence: A Network-Based Intervention Model to Improve Relational Autonomy15
Feminicidioand #NiUna Menos: An Analysis of Twitter Conversations During the First 3 Years of the Argentinean Movement15
Compassion Fatigue Among the Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Workforce: Enhancing Organizational Practice15
Preventing Gender-Based Homelessness in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: The Need to Account for Violence Against Women15
The Batty Effect: Victim-Survivors and Domestic and Family Violence Policy Change14
Community Approaches to Sexual Assault: VAWA’s Role and Survivors’ Experiences14
How Gentle Must Violence Against Women Be in Order to Not Be Violent? Rethinking the Word “Violence” in Obstetric Settings14
The Killing of Women in “Sex Games Gone Wrong”: An Analysis of Femicides in Great Britain 2000–201814
Communicating by Catcalling: Power Dynamics and Communicative Motivations in Street Harassment14
Women’s Reproductive Coercion and Pregnancy Avoidance: Associations With Homicide Risk, Sexual Violence, and Religious Abuse14
“If You Are Born a Girl in This Crisis, You Are Born a Problem”: Patterns and Drivers of Violence Against Women and Girls in Conflict-Affected South Sudan14
To Use or Not to Use the Term “Obstetric Violence”: Commentary on the Article by Swartz and Lappeman13
Family and Community Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence: Restorative Programs in the United States13
“Where Is the Women’s Center Here?”: The Role of Information in Refugee Women’s Help Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence in a Resettlement Context13
The Use of Structural Intersectionality as a Method to Analyze How the Domestic Violence Civil Protective Order Process Replicates Inequality13
Violence at the Intersections of Women’s Lives in an Urban Context: Indigenous Women’s Experiences of Leaving and/or Staying With an Abusive Partner13
Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Sexual Harassment Victimization Among Girls on an Indian Reservation: An Examination of Rates and Risk and Protective Factors12
None of My Business? An Experiment Analyzing Willingness to Formally Report Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women11
Moving Toward a New Model of Sexual Consent: The Development of the Process-Based Consent Scale11
Violence in Commercial Sex Work: A Case Study on the Impact of Violence Among Commercial Female Sex Workers in India and Strategies to Combat Violence11
Sexual Minority High School Boys’ and Girls’ Risk of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Bullying11
U.S. News Coverage of Transgender Victims of Fatal Violence: An Exploratory Content Analysis11
Poly-Victimization Among Female College Students: Are the Risk Factors the Same as Those Who Experience One Type of Victimization?10
The Decision to Leave the Abusive Partner by Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Risk of Further Revictimization: The Role of Gratitude and Risk Perception10
“A Community of Survivors”: A Grounded Theory of Organizational Support for Survivor-Advocates in Domestic Violence Agencies10
Use of Social Network Analysis to Identify Popular Opinion Leaders for a Youth-Led Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative10
Young Women Subjected to Nonconsensual Condom Removal: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Sexual Self-Perceptions10
Therapeutic Achievements of a Program Based on Drama Therapy, the Theater of the Oppressed, and Psychodrama With Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence10
Exploring the Domestic Abuse Narratives of Trans and Nonbinary People and the Role of Cisgenderism in Identity Abuse, Misgendering, and Pathologizing10
Exploring Help Seeking Patterns for Emerging Adult Victims Using the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey10
The Dangers of Minimizing Obstetric Violence9
User-Involvement in the Development of a Culturally Sensitive Intervention in the Safe Pregnancy Study to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence9
The Prevalence and Nature of Violence Against Women Experiencing Homelessness: A Quantitative Study9
Embracing and Expanding Feminist Theory: (Re)conceptualizing Gender and Power9
Obstetric Violence in Their Own Words: How Women in Mexico and South Africa Expect, Experience, and Respond to Violence9
Same-Sex Couples and the Police: A 10-Year Study of Arrest and Dual Arrest Rates in Responding to Incidents of Intimate Partner Violence9
Sexual Victimization and Disordered Eating in Bisexual Women: A Test of Objectification Theory9
A Qualitative Study on Friends and the Social Context of Sexual Victimization: Implications for Campus-Based Interventions8
Gendered Attributions of Blame and Failure to Protect in Child Welfare Responses to Sexual Abuse: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis8
Abuse and Discrimination Experienced by Older Women in the Era of COVID-19: A Two-Wave Representative Community Survey in Hong Kong8
Avoidance Coping Partially Accounts for the Relationship Between Trauma-Related Shame and PTSD Symptoms Following Interpersonal Trauma8
The 1994 Violence Against Women Act: A Historic Response to Gender Violence8
A Social Identity Threat Perspective on Why Partisans May Engage in Greater Victim Blaming and Sexual Assault Myth Acceptance in the #MeToo Era8
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staff in Violence Against Women Services8
Barriers to Help-Seeking for Sexual Violence Among Married or Cohabiting Women in Ghana8
It Happened Matters More Than What Happened: Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence Abuse Type, Emotion Regulation, and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms8
A Review of the Effects of the Violence Against Women Act on Law Enforcement8
“I’ve Never Told Anyone”: A Qualitative Analysis of Interviews With College Women Who Experienced Sexual Assault and Remained Silent8
Sexual Assault: Indigenous Women’s Experiences of Not Being Believed by the Police8
Accessing Rights and Mitigating Revictimization: The Role of the Victim’s Legal Counsel in the Swedish Criminal Justice System8
Masculinities, Sport, and Violence Against Women: The Contribution of Male Peer Support Theory8
Initiatives to Support Older Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence7
Sexual Assault Survivors’ Perceived Helpfulness of University-Affiliated Resources7
Responding to Domestic and Family Violence: A Qualitative Study on the Changing Perceptions of Frontline Police Officers7
Effects of Historical Coercive Control, Historical Violence, and Lawyer Representation on Post-Separation Male Partner Violence Against Mother Litigants Who Participated in Adversarial Family Court Pr7
Nonconsensual Distribution of Sexually Explicit Images Within a Context of Coercive Control: Frequency, Characteristics, and Associations with Other Forms of Victimization7
A New Gender Microaggressions Taxonomy for Undergraduate Women on College Campuses: A Qualitative Examination7
Intimate Partner Violence Against Indigenous Women in Sololá, Guatemala: Qualitative Insights Into Perspectives of Service Providers7
The Mediated Portrayal of Intimate Partner Violence in True Crime Podcasts: Strangulation, Isolation, Threats of Violence, and Coercive Control7
Help-Seeking Within the Context of Patriarchy for Domestic Violence in Urban Uganda7
Hidden Dramas of Masculinity: Women’s Perspectives on Intimate Violence in Different Social Classes7
“Mongering Is a Weird Life Sometimes”: Discourse Analysis of a Sex Buyer Online Community7
“Not an Either/or Situation”: The Minimization of Violence Against Women In United Kingdom “Domestic Abuse” Policy7
Domestic Violence and Immigrant Women: A Glimpse Behind a Veiled Door7
“There’s Girls Who Can Fight, and There’s Girls Who Are Innocent”: Gendered Safekeeping as Virtue Maintenance Work7
Intimate Partner Violence, Animal Maltreatment, and Concern for Animal Safekeeping: A Survey of Survivors Who Owned Pets and Livestock7
Opening the “Black Box”: Student-Generated Solutions to Improve Sexual Violence Response and Prevention Efforts for Undergraduates on College Campuses7
“We All Get Raped”: Sexual Violence Against Latin American Women in Migratory Transit in Mexico7
Faculty and Staff Perceptions of Title IX Mandatory Reporting Policies at Two Institutions7
Strategic Submission to Rape is not Consent: Sexual Violence in the Colombian Armed Conflict7
Barriers to Reporting Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of #WhyIDidntReport7
Why Do Women Talk About It? Reasons for Disclosure of Sexual Victimization and Associated Symptomology6
“I Could Never Tell My Parents”: Barriers to Queer Women's College Sexual Assault Disclosure to Family Members6
She Asked for It: Hardcore Porn, Sexism, and Rape Myth Acceptance6
The Ghost of Violence: The Lived Experience of Violence After the Act6
Operating-System Design and Its Implications for Victims of Family Violence: The Comparative Threat of Smart Phone Spyware for Android Versus iPhone Users6
Cross-National Examination of the Relationship Between Gender Equality and Female Homicide and Rape Victimization6
The Efficacy of Principle-Based Correctional Counseling for Improving the Self-Control and Mental Health of People Incarcerated for Sexual Violence6
Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Parenting and Children’s Externalizing Behaviors: Transactional Processes Over Time6
Single, Repeat, and Poly Intimate Partner Violence Victimization among Women at a College Campus: Extending Research Through the Inclusion of Technology-Facilitated Violence and Examining Key Social D6
Mental Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in El Salvador6
Socioecological Framework for Drivers of Conflict and Postconflict Violence Against Women and Girls6
Gender-Based Violence, Subjective Quality of Life, and Mental Health Outcomes Among Palestinian Women: The Mediating Role of Social Support and Agency6
Attachment Characteristics Among Women Victimized in No, One, and Multiple IPV Relationships: A Case–Control Study6
Moaning and Eye Contact: Men’s Use of Ambiguous Signals in Attributions of Consent to Their Partners6
Gender, Resources, and Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Egypt Before and After the Arab Spring6
Measuring the Effects of the Shape Your Life Project on the Mental and Physical Health Outcomes of Survivors of Gender-Based Violence6
Understanding Escalation Through Intimate Partner Homicide Narratives6
Criminalized Black Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence in Canada6
“You Feel Like Normal Sex is not Enough Anymore”: Women's Experiences of Coercive and Unwanted Anal Sex with Men6
Sexual Harassment in the Academy: Harnessing the Growing Labor Movement in Higher Education to Address Sexual Harassment Against Graduate Workers6
Reflecting the Times? Reexamining the Effect of Alcohol Intoxication on Perceptions of Campus Sexual Assault6
“If I Don’t Allow Him to Have Sex With Me, Our Relationship Will Be Broken”: Rape, Sexual Coercion, and Sexual Compliance Within Marriage in Rural Cambodia6
Honor-Based Abuse in England and Wales: Who Does What to Whom?6
A Global View of Women, Prison, and Aftercare: A Call for Reform6
Facilitating Sexual Assault Reporting on the College Campus: The Role of Procedural Justice in Bystander Decisions to Provide Police Referrals6
The Effects of Religion and Modernization on Egyptian Women’s IPV Attitudes6
The Value and Validity of Self-Reported Survey Data on the Rape Experiences of College Students6
Prevalence and Social-Ecological Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence in a Conflict Zone—Evidence From the 2015 Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey5
Intersectionality and Femicide: Palestinian Women’s Experiences With the Murders of Their Beloved Female Relatives5
Women’s Pornography Consumption, Alcohol Use, and Sexual Victimization5
“I Came Here, and it Got Worse Day by Day”: Examining the Intersections Between Migrant Precarity and Family Violence Among Women with Insecure Migration Status in Australia5
Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada5
Who Can You Trust? The Impact of Procedural Justice, Trust, and Police Officer Sex on Women's Sexual Assault Victimization Reporting Likelihood5
Seeking Justice: How VAWA Reduced the Stronghold Over American Indian and Alaska Native Women5
Coercive Controlling Behaviors and Reporting Physical Intimate Partner Violence in Australian Women: An Exploration5
Psychological Autopsy: A Method to Assist in the Identification of Risk and Protective Factors for Intimate Partner Femicide5
Intersectional and Trauma-Informed Approaches to Employment Services: Insights From Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Service Providers5
A Campus Climate/Violence Survey’s Psychometrics and Findings5
Asking the Hard Questions: Psychologists’ Discomfort With Inquiring About Sexual Abuse Histories5
Women of Color Student Survivors’ Perceptions of Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Programming5
Problem-Focused Coping Strategies Used by Victims of Gender Violence Across the Stages of Change5
Adding Insult to Injury: The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence Spillover on the Victim’s Reputation5
Influence of Survivors’ Entrapment Factors and Traffickers’ Characteristics on Perceptions of Interpersonal Social Power While Being Recruited To Be Trafficked5
Violence Against Incarcerated Women: Predicting Risk Through the Lens of Childhood Harm5
How Victims of Strangulation Survived: Enhancing the Admissibility of Victim Statements to the Police When Survivors are Reluctant to Cooperate5
Taking Practical Steps: A Feminist Participatory Approach to Cocreating a Trauma- and Violence-Informed Physical Activity Program for Women5
How Helpful Is Bystander Intervention? Perspectives of Dating and Sexual Violence Survivors5
Assessing the Efficacy of a Cultural and Artistic Intervention for Indigenous Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence5
Migrant Women’s Help-Seeking Decisions and Use of Support Resources for Intimate Partner Violence in China5
Abducting Children Abroad: Gender, Power, and Transnational Mobility in Immigrant Family Conflicts4
Timing of Physical and Emotional Intimate Partner Violence Exposure and Women's Health in an Australian Longitudinal Cohort Study4
Towards Ethical International Research Partnerships in Gender-Based Violence Research: Insights From Research Partners in Kenya4
“Living in the Darkness”: Technology-Facilitated Coercive Control, Disenfranchised Grief, and Institutional Betrayal4
Building a Model to Predict Sexual Assault Victimization Frequency Among Undergraduate Women4
Gendered Responses to Gendered Harms: Sexual Violence and Bystander Intervention at Australian Music Festivals4
The Effects of Workplace Support on Workplace Disruptions: Differences Between White and Black Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence4
Investigating the Effects of Stealthing Justifications on Rape Perceptions4
Pathways to Engagement: An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of Factors That Facilitate Men’s Engagement in IPV Intervention Programs4
Exit as Care: How Motherhood Mediates Women’s Exodus From Violence in Mexico and Central America4
Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Violence Experienced by Female Sex Workers in Iran: Results from a National HIV Bio-Behavioral Surveillance Survey4
Understanding the Determinants of Gambling-Related Intimate Partner Violence: Perspectives From Women Who Gamble4
Barriers Faced by American Indian Women in Urban Wisconsin in Seeking Help Following an Experience of Intimate Partner Violence4
Professionals’ Views on the Comparatively Low Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Spain4
“It's Like a Drive by Misogyny”: Sexual Violence at UK Music Festivals4
“He Loves Me Hard and Then He Abuses Me Hard”: How Service Providers Define and Explain Trauma Bonds Among Sex Trafficking Survivors4
The Impact of Victim Blaming and Locus of Control on Mental Health Outcomes Among Female Sexual Assault Survivors4
“Drinking Too Much, Fighting Too Much”: The Dual “Disasters” of Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol Use in South Africa4
Stories of Backlash in Interviews With Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Sweden4
Increasing Screening for Intimate Partner Violence and Reproductive Coercion: Understanding Provider Motivations4
Technology-Based Responses to Technology-Facilitated Domestic and Family Violence: An Overview of the Limits and Possibilities of Tech-Based “Solutions”4
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Service Providers’ Perspectives on Nigerian Immigrants’ Domestic Violence Experiences4
Engagement of Sexual Violence Survivors in Research: Trauma-Informed Research in the THRIVE Study4
Violence Against Women: Representations, Interpretations, and Education4
Making Care Better in the Context of Violence: The Limits of Blame4
Promoting Compassionate Responses to Disclosures of Sexual Violence in University Settings: Exploring the Impact of a Social Marketing Campaign4
Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Exploring HIV Worry and PrEP Acceptability Among Women4
Motivations and Barriers to Help-Seeking Among Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Ghana4
Transmuting Girls Into Women: Examining the Adultification of Black Female Sexual Assault Survivors Through Twitter Feedback4
More Talent, More Leeway: Do Violence Against Women Arrests Really Hurt NFL Player Careers?4
Motivations for Police Support of Domestic Violence Response Team Implementation With Advocates4
Survivors’ Beliefs About the Causes of Sexual Offending: An Australian Study4
Violence Against Women: Reflecting on 25 Years of the Violence Against Women Act and Directions for the Future4
“He Tells People That I Am Going to Kill My Children”: Post-Separation Coercive Control in Men Who Perpetrate IPV4
Does the Shortage of Marriageable Women Induce the Trafficking of Women for Forced Marriage? Evidence From China4
Creating a University Strategic Plan to Address Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct (RVSM): An Application of Principles-Focused Evaluation at Michigan State University4
Education, Class, and Female Genital Cutting among the Samburu of Northern Kenya: Challenging the Reproduction of the “Ignorant Pastoralist” Narrative in Anticutting Campaigns4
Association of Black Women’s Perceptions of the Sex Ratio to Their Attitudes Toward and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence4
#MeToo on the Canadian Prairies: Raising Awareness of Sexual Assaults and Mental Health in Women Abused by Intimate Partners4
Investigating Rape Culture in News Coverage of the Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford Cases4
Nonfatal Strangulation During Domestic Violence Events in New South Wales: Prevalence and Characteristics Using Text Mining Study of Police Narratives4
Risk Markers for Women’s Physical Intimate Partner Violence Victimization in Iran: A Meta-Analysis4
Communicating a History of Sexual Trauma: Partner Responses to Women's Disclosure4