Ethics & Behavior

(The median citation count of Ethics & Behavior is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Beliefs in conspiracy theories, intolerance of uncertainty, and moral disengagement during the coronavirus crisis50
Why do students cheat? Perceptions, evaluations, and motivations26
Managerial ethical leadership, ethical climate and employee ethical behavior: does moral attentiveness matter?23
Supervisor bottom-line mentality, workaholism, and workplace cheating behavior: the moderating effect of employee entitlement22
The Effects of Peer Influence, Honor Codes, and Personality Traits on Cheating Behavior in a University Setting21
Shedding light on the relationships between Machiavellianism, career ambition, and unethical behavior intention15
Ethical challenges in the COVID-19 research context: a toolkit for supporting analysis and resolution15
Ethical perspectives in sharing digital data for public health surveillance before and shortly after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic14
Cultural and psychological variables predicting academic dishonesty: a cross-sectional study in nine countries14
Evolution of research on honesty and dishonesty in academic work: a bibliometric analysis of two decades14
With crisis comes opportunity: Building ethical competencies in light of COVID-1913
Examining the relationship between student attitude and academic cheating12
Ethical behavior in leadership: a bibliometric review of the last three decades12
Culture, collectivism-individualism and college student plagiarism11
The importance and efficacy of controlling for social desirability response bias11
How does moral identity promote employee voice behavior? The roles of work engagement and leader secure-base support11
From moral distress to burnout through work-family conflict: the protective role of resilience and positive refocusing10
How does ethical leadership enhance employee creativity during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China?9
The ethics of self-tracking. A comprehensive review of the literature8
Moral decline in the workplace: unethical pro-organizational behavior, psychological entitlement, and leader gratitude expression8
Role of moral judgment in peers’ vicarious learning from employees’ unethical pro-organizational behavior7
Epistemic Injustice in Health Care Professionals and Male Breast Cancer Patients Encounters7
Ageism and employee silence: the serial mediating roles of work alienation and organizational commitment7
Measuring students’ attitudes toward plagiarism7
The effects of emotion and social consensus on moral decision-making7
Ethical decision-making models: a taxonomy of models and review of issues6
The danger of “fake news”: how using social media for information dissemination can inhibit the ethical decision making process6
Self-efficacy and ethical decision-making6
Unintended consequences of performance incentives: impacts of framing and structure on performance and cheating6
No more than discomfort: the trauma film paradigm meets definitions of minimal-risk research5
Exploring the association between character strengths and moral functioning5
Clarifying the mediating effect of ethical climate on the relationship between ethical leadership and workplace bullying5
Basic values predict unethical behavior in sport: the case of athletes’ doping likelihood5
The role of sensory processing sensitivity and analytic mind-set in ethical decision-making5
The impact of happy and sad affective states on biases in ethical decision making5
Chinese university teachers’ perceptions and practices regarding plagiarism: knowledge, stance, and intertextual competence5
Patients’ experiences of malpractice in psychotherapy and psychological treatments: a qualitative study of filed complaints in Swedish healthcare5
Hear no evil? investigating relationships between mindfulness and moral disengagement at work4
Ethical Considerations for Telepsychotherapy and the Management of High-Risk Patients During Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Challenges and Practice Considerations4
Can you expect those with status to be ethical? The effects of status on trust4
How does creativity influence dishonest behavior? An empirical study of Chinese students4
Exploring missing links between ethical leadership and multidimensional work behavior: the mediating role of multidimensional psychological ownership4
Ethics in integrated health care: social workers’ perspective4
Considerations for the ethical implementation of psychological assessment through social media via machine learning4
From plagiarism to scientific paper mills: a profile of retracted articles within the SciELO Brazil collection4
Ethically uncharted territory: Providing psychological services to parents in pediatric settings4
A phenomenological analysis of teachers’ perceptions of ethical factors affecting the teacher–student relationships4
Accentuating dark triad behavior through low organizational commitment: a study on peer reporting4
Graduate student perceptions of preparedness for responsible conduct of research: a mixed methods study4
Psychological wellness and self-care: an ethical and professional imperative4
Privileged professionalisms: Using co-cultural communication to strengthen inclusivity in professionalism education and community formation4
Exploring the relationship between purpose and moral psychological indicators4
Is a mindful worker more attentive? the role of moral self-efficacy and moral disengagement3
Ethical Considerations for Psychologists Addressing Racial Trauma Experienced by Black Americans3
Differentiating between gift giving and bribing in China: a guanxi perspective3
Developing and testing a teaching intermediate concept measure of moral functioning: a preliminary reliability and validity study3
Nature and causes of questionable research practice and research misconduct from a philosophy of science perspective3
Chinese attitudes to plagiarism: a genre analysis of editorial statements on plagiarism cases (1950s-1960s)3
Utilitarian choices in COVID-19 dilemmas depend on whether or not a foreign language is used and type of dilemma3
Multilevel dynamics of moral identity conflict: professional and personal values in ethically-charged situations3
The role of ethical trustworthiness in shaping trust and affective commitment in schools3
When will an unethical follower receive poor performance ratings? It depends on the leader’s moral characteristics3
Academic dishonesty among Greek University students from different disciplines: a latent profile analysis of cheating perceptions and academic self-handicapping3
Sexting and mandatory reporting: ethical issues in youth psychotherapy3
Clinical adolescent decision-making: parental perspectives on confidentiality and consent in Belgium and The Netherlands2
Keep talking, I need to check my phone! Online vigilance and phubbing: the role of loneliness and moral disengagement2
Does this apply here?: Ethical considerations in transnational supervision settings2
See something, say something? exploring the gap between real and imagined moral courage2
Organizational identification and unethical pro-organizational behavior: A culture-moderated meta-analysis2
Navigating the multidimensionality of social media presence: ethical considerations and recommendations for psychologists2
Do CE mandates impact the number of CE providers and licensing board complaints? A longitudinal look2
Monkey see, monkey do, monkey tell? Exploring the relationship between counterproductive work behavior engagement and the likelihood of reporting others2
Moral disengagement and moral judgment: the roles of moral endorsement, shareholder-value orientation, and intensity of moral issues2
“Under the sword of Damocles”: psychologists relate their experience of a professional misconduct complaint2
Ageism and moral distress in nurses caring for older patients2
The notion of moral competence in the scientific literature: a critical review of a thin concept2
Subjective norms and social media: predicting ethical perception and consumer intentions during a secondary crisis2
An examination of online cheating among business students through the lens of the Dark Triad and Fraud Diamond2
Longitudinal investigation of moral disengagement among undergraduate engineering students: findings from a mixed-methods study2
Sharing for relief: associations of trauma-focused interviews and well-being among war-affected displaced populations in the Middle East2
The choice of deontological, virtue ethical, and consequentialist moral reasoning strategies by pre- and in-service police officers in the U.K.: an empirical study2
Ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy with older adults: A grounded theory analysis2
Freedom of thought at the ethical frontier of law & science2
Teachers’ struggle with gifts: gift culture at schools and associated ethical problems2