Rationality and Society

(The TQCC of Rationality and Society is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
They can’t treat you well under abusive supervision: Investigating the impact of job satisfaction and extrinsic motivation on healthcare employees19
Relative risk aversion models: How plausible are their assumptions?15
Nudge in perspective: A systematic literature review on the ethical issues with nudging8
Do Koreans like being nudged? Survey evidence for the contextuality of behavioral public policy6
Selective tolerance and the radical right6
Emergence of and compliance with new social norms: The example of the COVID crisis in Germany5
Efficiency loss and support for income redistribution: Evidence from a laboratory experiment5
The Peace of God4
A formal model of street-level bureaucracy4
Intergenerational class mobility in industrial and post-industrial societies: Towards a general theory4
On-Side fighting in civil war: The logic of mortal alignment in Syria4
Towards a nuanced understanding of anti-immigration sentiment in the welfare state – a program specific analysis of welfare preferences3
Faith struggles in science: Academic schools as religious sects3
A picture of regret: An empirical investigation of post-Brexit referendum survey data3
Desire and pleasure in choice3
Voting behavior as social action: Habits, norms, values, and rationality in electoral participation3
The five games of Mr Edgar Allan Poe: A study of strategic thought in ‘The Purloined Letter’2
To leave or not to leave? Understanding the support for the United Kingdom membership in the European Union: Identity, attitudes towards the political system and socio-economic status2
Parental time preferences and educational choices: The role of children’s gender and of social origin2
Heterogeneous coalitions and social revolutions2
Non-state order and strategic communication via symbolic dress in Yemen2
Trust, reputation, and the value of promises in online auctions of used goods2
The pulse-like nature of decisions in rational choice theory2
From green to ripe: Dynamics of peacemaking in Colombia (1998–2016)2
Populism and the rational choice model: The case of the French National Front2