Time & Society

(The TQCC of Time & Society is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Conceptualising flexibility: Challenging representations of time and society in the energy sector*38
On the need for (con) temporary utopias: Temporal reflections on the climate rhetoric of environmental youth movements24
Time, class and privilege in career imagination: Exploring study-to-work transition of Chinese international students in UK universities through a Bourdieusian lens21
An exploration of the multiple motivations for spending less time at work19
Fossil modernity: The materiality of acceleration, slow violence, and ecological futures18
After supersynchronisation: How media synchronise the social18
Disrupting times in the wake of the pandemic: Dispositional time attitudes, time perception and temporal focus18
Introduction: The social life of time17
Queer science: Temporality and futurity for queer students in STEM13
Living in and out of time: Youth-led activism in Aotearoa New Zealand11
Living in the wrong time zone: Elevated risk of traffic fatalities in eccentric time localities10
Times of power, knowledge and critique in the work of Foucault10
Waiting and temporal control: The temporal experience of long-term unemployment8
“Loading, please wait” – Temporality and (bodily) presence in mobile digital communication8
The pace of “the good life”: Connecting past, present, and future in the context of a housing affordability crisis7
Time paradoxes of neoliberalism: How time management applications change the way we live7
Chronemic urgency in everyday digital communication7
Domesticating the future through history6
Time as a source of struggle and resilience in homeless families6
“A matter of time”: Evidence-making temporalities of vaccine development in the COVID-19 media landscape6
Social norms on working hours and peak times in public transport6
What are they waiting for? The use of acceleration and deceleration in asylum procedures by the Dutch Government5
It is about time: Birthdays as modern rites of temporality5
Beyond the clock: Rethinking the meaning of unpaid childcare in the U.S.5
Time constructs: Design ideology and a future internet5
Temporality in epistemic justice5
How the type of working day affects work–life balance and mealtime balance: A study based on the time use survey5
Undisciplined Time Studies5
“Time is not time is not time”: A feminist ecological approach to clock time, process time, and care responsibilities5
Argumentative time work for legitimizing homeopathy: Temporal reasons for the acceptance of an alternative medical practice5
NavigatingShomoyscapes:Time and faculty life in the urban Global South4
Scheduling longer working lives for older aged care workers: A time and income capability approach4
Beyond mothers’ time in childcare: Worlds of care and connection in the early life course4
Measurable time is governable time: Exploring temporality and time governance in childcare social work4
A pace of life indicator. Development and validation of a General Acceleration Scale4