Current Opinion in Neurobiology

(The TQCC of Current Opinion in Neurobiology is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
A current view on Tau protein phosphorylation in Alzheimer's disease170
Regulation of pain by neuro-immune interactions between macrophages and nociceptor sensory neurons140
Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease: where we are, and where we are going132
Neural population geometry: An approach for understanding biological and artificial neural networks115
The microbiota and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis, implications for anxiety and stress disorders110
The microbiome-gut-brain axis in acute and chronic brain diseases104
The gut microbiota and mental health in adults95
The SARM1 axon degeneration pathway: control of the NAD+ metabolome regulates axon survival in health and disease94
Interpreting neural computations by examining intrinsic and embedding dimensionality of neural activity86
Amyloid β-protein and beyond: the path forward in Alzheimer’s disease85
New insights on the structure of alpha-synuclein fibrils using cryo-electron microscopy72
An update on fluid biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases: recent success and challenges ahead67
Assembly of the presynaptic active zone60
Towards precise resting-state fMRI biomarkers in psychiatry: synthesizing developments in transdiagnostic research, dimensional models of psychopathology, and normative neurodevelopment60
Organization of neural circuits underlying social behavior: A consideration of the medial amygdala59
Brain-wide representations of ongoing behavior: a universal principle?59
How neurons die in Alzheimer's disease: Implications for neuroinflammation56
Playing the piano with the cortex: role of neuronal ensembles and pattern completion in perception and behavior55
The diversity of synaptotagmin isoforms54
Regulatory roles of mitochondria and metabolism in neurogenesis54
The diet-microbiome tango: how nutrients lead the gut brain axis51
Dopamine, Updated: Reward Prediction Error and Beyond51
Going in circles is the way forward: the role of recurrence in visual inference51
How robust are sleep-mediated memory benefits?48
Aversion hot spots in the dopamine system46
Structural LTP: from synaptogenesis to regulated synapse enlargement and clustering45
Parallel processing streams in the hippocampus45
Measuring and modeling the motor system with machine learning44
TRP channels in thermosensation43
Rethinking brain-wide interactions through multi-region ‘network of networks’ models43
Representational drift: Emerging theories for continual learning and experimental future directions43
Neuroinflammation and COVID-1942
Neural mechanisms necessary for empathy-related phenomena across species41
Odor coding in piriform cortex: mechanistic insights into distributed coding41
Cerebral small vessel disease: A glymphopathy?41
Neurovascular crosstalk coordinates the central nervous system development40
PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and Parkin: Unlocking a mitochondrial quality control pathway linked to Parkinson's disease40
Polyglutamine diseases40
Neurofilaments in disease: what do we know?40
The social dilemma: prefrontal control of mammalian sociability39
Statistical methods for dissecting interactions between brain areas39
Reflections of action in sensory cortex38
Vagal sensory neurons and gut-brain signaling37
AMPA receptor nanoscale dynamic organization and synaptic plasticities36
Finding order in slow axonal transport35
Intestinal neuro-immune interactions: focus on macrophages, mast cells and innate lymphoid cells35
Traffic signaling: new functions of huntingtin and axonal transport in neurological disease35
Useful road maps: studying Drosophila larva’s central nervous system with the help of connectomics34
To stage, or not to stage34
Two stream hypothesis of visual processing for navigation in mouse33
A closer look at astrocyte morphology: Development, heterogeneity, and plasticity at astrocyte leaflets33
Semaphorins and Plexins in central nervous system patterning: the key to it all?33
Cell assemblies, sequences and temporal coding in the hippocampus33
The homeostatic homunculus: rethinking deprivation-triggered reorganisation32
Fluorescent Biosensors for Neuronal Metabolism and the Challenges of Quantitation32
Cognitive epigenetic priming: leveraging histone acetylation for memory amelioration32
The neurobiology of innate and learned vocalizations in rodents and songbirds31
Behavior and lineage progression of neural progenitors in the mammalian cortex31
Toward the explainability, transparency, and universality of machine learning for behavioral classification in neuroscience31
Flexible navigational computations in the Drosophila central complex30
Translational opportunities for circuit-based social neuroscience: advancing 21st century psychiatry30
The adaptive aging brain30
Fluorescent sensors for neuronal signaling30
Cell adhesion molecules regulating astrocyte–neuron interactions29
Body language signals for rodent social communication29
My Neighbour Hetero — deconstructing the mechanisms underlying heterosynaptic plasticity28
Secretases in Alzheimer's disease: Novel insights into proteolysis of APP and TREM228
Ankyrins and neurological disease28
Dynamic pulvino-cortical interactions in the primate attention network28
Drawing inspiration from biological dendrites to empower artificial neural networks28
Dopamine signals as temporal difference errors: recent advances27
Spatial navigation signals in rodent visual cortex27
Homeostatic plasticity and excitation-inhibition balance: The good, the bad, and the ugly27
Layers of signals that regulate appetite27
Avian pallial circuits and cognition: A comparison to mammals27
Local mRNA translation in long-term maintenance of axon health and function26
Expressions of emotions across species26
Social interaction networks in the primate brain26
Neuronal fate acquisition and specification: time for a change26
New light on cortical neuropeptides and synaptic network plasticity26
Dynamics on the manifold: Identifying computational dynamical activity from neural population recordings26
The molecular processes underpinning prion-like spreading and seed amplification in protein aggregation26
Social communication of affective states25
Putting the axonal periodic scaffold in order25
Revisiting and refining roles of neural guidance cues in circuit assembly24
Dynamic and heterogeneous neural ensembles contribute to a memory engram24
Neuronal migration and disorders – an update24
Nervous system control of intestinal host defense in C. elegans24
Neural inhibition for continual learning and memory24
Modeling statistical dependencies in multi-region spike train data23
Breaking symmetry – cell polarity signaling pathways in growth cone guidance and synapse formation23
Diverse roles of Synaptotagmin-7 in regulating vesicle fusion23
Actor-critic reinforcement learning in the songbird23
Decoding mixed messages in the developing cortex: translational regulation of neural progenitor fate23
Cortico-cerebellar interactions during goal-directed behavior22
Neural control of behavioral and molecular defenses in C. elegans22
Pathogenic Aβ generation in familial Alzheimer’s disease: novel mechanistic insights and therapeutic implications22
Reelin functions beyond neuronal migration: from synaptogenesis to network activity modulation22
Dynamic microtubules at the synapse22
GBA mutations, glucosylceramide and Parkinson's disease22
Distinct functions of ventral CA1 and dorsal CA2 in social memory22
Mining the jewels of the cortex’s crowning mystery22
Plasticity in olfactory bulb circuits22
Habenula as the experience-dependent controlling switchboard of behavior and attention in social conflict and learning22
SARM1 signaling mechanisms in the injured nervous system22
The gut microbiome: an unexpected player in cancer immunity21
The synaptic life of microtubules21
Multi-regional circuits underlying visually guided decision-making in Drosophila21
Evolution of the vertebrate motor system — from forebrain to spinal cord21
The memory orchestra: the role of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in parallel to neurons21
Epigenetics and memory: an expanded role for chromatin dynamics21
Potential benefit of manipulating protein quality control systems in neurodegenerative diseases21
Network control through coordinated inhibition20
Stable continual learning through structured multiscale plasticity manifolds20
Dynamic interplay between GABAergic networks and developing neurons in the adult hippocampus20
Meningeal lymphatics, immunity and neuroinflammation20
Mechanisms for biogenesis and release of neuronal extracellular vesicles20
Towards the next generation of recurrent network models for cognitive neuroscience20
Imaging dendritic spines: molecular organization and signaling for plasticity20
Awakening the dark side: retrotransposon activation in neurodegenerative disorders19
Forgetting across a hierarchy of episodic representations19
Leaving flatland: Advances in 3D behavioral measurement19
Structural LTP: Signal transduction, actin cytoskeleton reorganization, and membrane remodeling of dendritic spines19
From the field to the lab and back: neuroethology of primate social behavior19
Prion-like properties of Tau assemblies19
Visual experience dependent plasticity in humans19
Microbiota-immune-brain interactions: A lifespan perspective19
The what, how, and why of naturalistic behavior18
Multisensory control of navigation in the fruit fly18
Axonal branch patterning and neuronal shape diversity: roles in developmental circuit assembly18
Neuronal strategies for meeting the right partner during brain wiring18
Affective empathy and prosocial behavior in rodents18
Neuronal replacement: Concepts, achievements, and call for caution18
The aging transcriptome: read between the lines18
Harnessing cerebral organoids for Alzheimer's disease research18
Mechanism of synaptic protein turnover and its regulation by neuronal activity17
Alexander disease: models, mechanisms, and medicine17
Being superficial: a developmental viewpoint on cortical layer 1 wiring17
Somatotopic organization of autonomic reflexes by acupuncture17
Whole-brain interactions underlying zebrafish behavior17