Current Opinion in Genetics & Development

(The TQCC of Current Opinion in Genetics & Development is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Enhancer-promoter communication: hubs or loops?83
The role of 3D chromatin domains in gene regulation: a multi-facetted view on genome organization64
Spatially resolved transcriptomics and its applications in cancer59
Role of VPS13, a protein with similarity to ATG2, in physiology and disease48
Chromosome dynamics during interphase: a biophysical perspective47
Specialized functions of cohesins STAG1 and STAG2 in 3D genome architecture45
CTCF and CTCFL in cancer45
Evolution of sexual development and sexual dimorphism in insects44
To loop or not to loop: what is the role of TADs in enhancer function and gene regulation?44
Diverse lncRNA mechanisms in brain development and disease43
The many faces of Polycomb regulation by RNA42
Single-molecule tracking of transcription protein dynamics in living cells: seeing is believing, but what are we seeing?41
Evolution of the mutation rate across primates41
16p11.2 deletion syndrome40
Copy number variation and neuropsychiatric illness39
Regulation of 3D chromatin organization by CTCF39
Microexons: at the nexus of nervous system development, behaviour and autism spectrum disorder36
Advances in colon cancer research: in vitro and animal models35
Evolution of pigment cells and patterns: recent insights from teleost fishes35
4D nucleome modeling35
Structure-forming repeats and their impact on genome stability33
Epigenetic regulation of mouse preimplantation embryo development31
The evolution of the human brain and disease susceptibility30
African population history: an ancient DNA perspective30
Microglial ontogeny, diversity and neurodevelopmental functions30
Advances in repeat expansion diseases and a new concept of repeat motif–phenotype correlation30
Nuclear mechanisms of gene expression control: pre-mRNA splicing as a life or death decision29
The role of clustered protocadherins in neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric diseases29
Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) in cancer pathogenesis28
Diagnostic genetic testing for neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorders: closing the gap between recommendation and clinical implementation28
New gene discoveries highlight functional convergence in autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders28
An extending ATR–CHK1 circuitry: the replication stress response and beyond27
Mesoscale organization of the chromatin fiber27
The self-stirred genome: large-scale chromatin dynamics, its biophysical origins and implications27
The evolution of structural colour in butterflies26
Generations of genomes: advances in paleogenomics technology and engagement for Indigenous people of the Americas26
The shifting shape of genomes: dynamics of heterochromatin interactions at the nuclear lamina26
Poison exons in neurodevelopment and disease26
A cell in hand is worth two in the embryo: recent advances in 2-cell like cell reprogramming26
Break-induced replication mechanisms in yeast and mammals25
Exosomes in cancer development25
Rising from the ashes: cellular senescence in regeneration25
The nuclear pore complex and the genome: organizing and regulatory principles24
Disentangling the paradox of the PCDH19 clustering epilepsy, a disorder of cellular mosaics23
Experimental embryology of gastrulation: pluripotent stem cells as a new model system23
The transcription factor code in iPSC reprogramming23
Activity regulates brain development in the fly23
Cortico-basal ganglia circuits underlying dysfunctional control of motor behaviors in neuropsychiatric disorders23
Biophysical mechanisms of chromatin patterning23
Inferring evolutionary dynamics of mutation rates through the lens of mutation spectrum variation23
LINC complex regulation of genome organization and function22
The mouse alpha-globin cluster: a paradigm for studying genome regulation and organization21
Mechanisms of maternal intergenerational epigenetic inheritance21
Insights into clonal hematopoiesis and its relation to cancer risk20
DNA end resection during homologous recombination20
Waiting on the Fringe: cell autonomy and signaling delays in segmentation clocks20
Human adaptation over the past 40,000 years20
The role of somatic mosaicism in brain disease20
Differential 3D chromatin organization and gene activity in genomic imprinting20
Control of cell shape during epithelial morphogenesis: recent advances19
Genetic pathways involved in human speech disorders19
Replication stress: from chromatin to immunity and beyond19
Serine ADP-ribosylation in DNA-damage response regulation19
Mitotic recombination in yeast: what we know and what we don’t know19
Active nematics across scales from cytoskeleton organization to tissue morphogenesis19
Evo-devo of shell colour in gastropods and bivalves18
The evolution of post-translational modifications18
The stochastic nature of genome organization and function18
H3–H4 histone chaperones and cancer18
Molecular mechanisms for targeted ASD treatments18
Update on Müller glia regenerative potential for retinal repair18
Prime time for primate functional genomics18
The dynamics of chromatin architecture in brain development and function18
Digesting the mechanobiology of the intestinal epithelium18
Xeno-organ donor pigs with multiple genetic modifications – the more the better?18
The dawn of non-human primate models for neurodevelopmental disorders18
Stabilizing hematopoietic stem cells in vitro17
Linking genotype, cell behavior, and phenotype: multidisciplinary perspectives with a basis in zebrafish patterns17
Homologous recombination within repetitive DNA17
Engineering and modeling of multicellular morphologies and patterns17
Human evolutionary history in Eastern Eurasia using insights from ancient DNA17
RAD51 paralog function in replicative DNA damage and tolerance17
Distinct fibroblasts in scars and regeneration17
The role of SAF-A/hnRNP U in regulating chromatin structure16
Olfactory receptor choice: a case study for gene regulation in a multi-enhancer system16
Cellular and developmental basis of avian structural coloration16
Collective effects in epithelial cell death and cell extrusion16
Recombination and restart at blocked replication forks16
Noncanonical imprinting: intergenerational epigenetic inheritance mediated by Polycomb complexes16
The WRN helicase: resolving a new target in microsatellite unstable cancers16
The use of CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing strategies to explore cancer gene function in mice16
Recent insights into zebrafish cardiac regeneration16
Latest trends in archaeogenetic research of west Eurasians16
How gene duplication diversifies the landscape of protein oligomeric state and function16
Pigmentation and color pattern diversity in Odonata15
The role of loop extrusion in enhancer-mediated gene activation15
Structural and functional brain alterations revealed by neuroimaging in CNV carriers15
Regeneration in the spiny mouse, Acomys, a new mammalian model15
What a finding of gene copy number variation can add to the diagnosis of developmental neuropsychiatric disorders15
Somatic variants in epilepsy – advancing gene discovery and disease mechanisms15
Mechanical induction and competence in epithelial morphogenesis15
ERK signaling dynamics in the morphogenesis and homeostasis of Drosophila15
Gene regulation by non-coding RNAs in the 3D genome architecture14
Single cell analysis pushes the boundaries of TAD formation and function14
Chromosomal instability as a source of genomic plasticity14
Histone isoforms and the oncohistone code14
The X chromosome in C. elegans sex determination and dosage compensation14
Multi-scale dynamics of heterochromatin repair14
Homologous recombination deficiency: how genomic signatures are generated13
7q11.23 deletion and duplication13
All for one and one for all: heterogeneity of genetic etiologies in neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorders13
Lighting up single-mRNA translation dynamics in living cells13
Metal ion availability and homeostasis as drivers of metabolic evolution and enzyme function13
Challenges of diagnostic genomics in Latin America13