Security Journal

(The TQCC of Security Journal is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Working from home during COVID-19 crisis: a cyber security culture assessment survey46
Hate in the time of coronavirus: exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent extremism and terrorism in the West18
Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on national security issues: Indonesia as a case study17
Ambient lighting, use of outdoor spaces and perceptions of public safety: evidence from a survey experiment13
Protests and blood on the streets: repressive state, police brutality and #EndSARS protest in Nigeria11
Cyber-security and risky behaviors in a developing country context: a Pakistani perspective11
An exploratory study of failed mass shootings in America9
‘Beyond military might’: Boko Haram and the asymmetries of counter-insurgency in Nigeria8
Police recruits’ wants and needs in police training in Germany8
Exploring the determinants of victimization and fear of online identity theft: an empirical study8
The differential effects of identity theft victimization: how demographics predict suffering out-of-pocket losses8
The money laundering and terrorist financing risks of new and disruptive technologies: a futures-oriented scoping review7
The planning and reflection of police use of force training: a German case study7
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Formation of a legislative framework in the field of combating cybercrime and strategic directions of its development7
Business e-mail compromise scam, cyber victimization, and economic sustainability of corporate organizations in Nigeria6
Coaching self-defense under COVID-19: challenges and solutions in the police and civilian domain6
Contributions of human and environmental factors to concerns of personal safety and crime in urban parks6
Sexual harassment on transit: a global, comparative examination6
Security guards as victims of violence: using organisational support theory to understand how support for victims could have positive implications for the security industry5
Assessing disparities in school safety: implications for promoting equality in current efforts to keep kids safe5
Television and conflict reporting: framing of ethno-religious conflict in Southern Kaduna by Nigerian Television Authority and Channels television5
Security as a key contributor to organisational resilience: a bibliometric analysis of enterprise security risk management5
The role of the private sector in counter-terrorism: a scoping review of the literature on emergency responses to terrorism5
Block-healthnet: security based healthcare system using block-chain technology5
Forty years of declining burglary in the United States: Explanation and evidence relating to the security hypothesis5
Post-amnesty peacebuilding and restiveness in the Niger Delta: what do grassroots narratives suggest?4
Should firearms be allowed in K-12 public schools? An analysis of law enforcement’s perceptions of armed teacher policies4
Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and its potential for campus safety: a qualitative study4
Situational awareness and public Wi-Fi users’ self-protective behaviors4
Investigating the relationships between FATF recommendation compliance, regulatory affiliations and the Basel Anti-Money Laundering Index4
Reliability: understanding cognitive human bias in artificial intelligence for national security and intelligence analysis4
Student perceptions of campus safety: testing the vulnerability and disorder models4
Critical workers? Private security, public perceptions and the Covid-19 pandemic4
Routine activities theory and food fraud victimization4
Examining the crime prevention claims of crime prevention through environmental design on system-trespassing behaviors: a randomized experiment4
Countering fake information as a guarantee of state information security3
Implementing Converged Security Risk Management: Drivers, Barriers, and Facilitators3
Relations between police and private security officers: a case study of Serbia3
Community perceptions of private security at a mega-event3
The effect of perceived citizen views and supervisor support on Private Security Officers’ job satisfaction: the mediating role of self-legitimacy3
Preventing fraud and providing services: The Private Healthcare Insurance Sector3
A comparison of target types, weapon types, and attack types in suicide-terrorism incidents before and after 9/11 terrorist attacks3
Redefining insider threats: a distinction between insider hazards and insider threats3
Blackmail on social media: what do we know and what remains unknown?3
Let’s go throwing stones and stealing cars: offender adaptability and the security hypothesis3
Nigeria and Niger Republic trans-border management against arms trafficking: a whistleblowing model3
Prevention and mitigation measures against phishing emails: a sequential schema model3
What is the role of private intelligence in the Slovak Republic? Legal and practical aspects of private detective services3