International Journal of Public Opinion Research

(The median citation count of International Journal of Public Opinion Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The SciPop Scale for Measuring Science-Related Populist Attitudes in Surveys: Development, Test, and Validation22
Xenophobia in the Time of a Pandemic: Social Media Use, Stereotypes, and Prejudice against Immigrants during the COVID-19 Crisis20
The Effects of Populist Identity Framing on Populist Attitudes Across Europe: Evidence From a 15-Country Comparative Experiment15
How Internet Access Drives Global Vaccine Skepticism15
Affective Polarization in Political and Nonpolitical Settings12
The Bandwagon Effect in an Online Voting Experiment With Real Political Organizations12
Learning about Politics from Mass Media and Social Media: Moderating Roles of Press Freedom and Public Service Broadcasting in 11 Countries11
Complementary and competitive framing of driverless cars: framing effects, attitude volatility, or attitude resistance?9
Does Knowing Democracy Affect Answers to Democratic Support Questions? A Survey Experiment in Indonesia9
Russian News Media, Digital Media, Informational Learned Helplessness, and Belief in COVID-19 Misinformation9
Publics’ Support for Novel and Established Science Issues Linked to Perceived Knowledge and Deference to Science8
The Affective Foundation of Political Opinion Expression on Social Media: A Panel Analysis8
You Are Wrong Because I Am Right! The Perceived Causes and Ideological Biases of Misinformation Beliefs8
Understanding economic and cultural underpinnings of anti-immigrant attitudes: multilevel evidence from the Asian Barometer Survey Wave IV (2014–2016)7
How Do Campaigns Matter? Independents, Political Information, and the Enlightening Role of Campaigns in Mexico7
Not All Terror Is Alike: How Right-Wing Extremist and Islamist Terror Threat Affect Anti-immigration Party Support7
Measuring public support for distributive justice principles: assessing the measurement quality of the Basic Social Justice Orientations scale6
The Effect of Gain-versus-Loss Framing of Economic and Health Prospects of Different COVID-19 Interventions: An Experiment Integrating Equivalence and Emphasis Framing6
Political Trust in East and Southeast Asia: The Joint Effects of Education, Corruption Perception, and Urbanization5
Mind The Gap! The Role of Political Identity and Attitudes in the Emergence of Belief Gaps5
Bringing people closer to the elites: the effect of information on populist attitudes5
Changing Minds or Changing Samples? Disentangling Microlevel Stability and Macrolevel Growth in Anthropogenic Climate Change Beliefs5
Some Deficits and Some Misperceptions: Linking Partisanship With Climate Change Cognitions5
Asking about Social Circles Improves Election Predictions Even with Many Political Parties4
Flooding the Zone: How Exposure to Implausible Statements Shapes Subsequent Belief Judgments4
Polarization Between the Rich and the Poor? The Dynamics and Structure of Redistributive Preferences in a Comparative Perspective3
The Interplay of Online Network Homogeneity, Populist Attitudes, and Conspiratorial Beliefs: Empirical Evidence From a Survey on German Facebook Users3
Assimilating Unidimensional and Multidimensional Models of Political Values3
A Panel Study of Attitudes toward Ethnic Minorities and the Role of Changes in Individuals’ Economic Situations3
Opinion Trends on Moral Issues in the United States and the United Kingdom Explained by the Applicability of Generally Accepted Arguments3
Particularized Trust, Institutional Trust, and Generalized Trust: An Examination of Causal Pathways3
The Negative Influence of Individual Socio-Economic Problems on Political Knowledge3
Repeatedly Measuring Political Interest: Can we Reduce Respondent’ Recall Ability and Memory Effects in Surveys Using Memory Interference Tasks?3
Revisiting the Emotion–Risk Interaction: Do Anger and Fear Moderate the Impact of Risk on Public Support for War?2
Cognitive Heuristics, Inter-Institutional Politics, and Public Perceptions of Insulated Institutions: The Case of the U.S. Supreme Court2
Visual Portrayals of People in Need: The Impact of Refugee Depictions, Compassion, and Support for Humanitarian Aid2
A Technocratic View of Election Forecasting: Weighting Citizens’ Forecasts according to Competence2
The Different Faces of Public Opinion: Is the American Voter Tinted by Mode?2
Projection Effects and the Role of Political Ambiguity2
Using Informational Video to Elicit Participation in Online Survey Research: A Randomized Controlled Trial2
Devotion at Sub-National Level: Ramadan, Nighttime Lights, and Religiosity in the Egyptian Governorates2
Free and Fair? The Differential Experiences of Voting Barriers and Voting Policies in American Midterm Elections2
The Impact of Confidentiality Assurances on Participants’ Responses to Sensitive Questions2