Indoor Air

(The median citation count of Indoor Air is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 by inhalation of respiratory aerosol in the Skagit Valley Chorale superspreading event475
Indoor transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2312
Indoor ozone: Concentrations and influencing factors81
Residential air‐change rates: A critical review76
Airborne transmission of COVID‐19 virus in enclosed spaces: An overview of research methods69
Volatile organic compound emissions during HOMEChem63
Basic routes of transmission of respiratory pathogens—A new proposal for transmission categorization based on respiratory spray, inhalation, and touch57
Decreased humidity improves cognitive performance at extreme high indoor temperature54
What were the historical reasons for the resistance to recognizing airborne transmission during theCOVID‐19 pandemic?52
Classrooms' indoor environmental conditions affecting the academic achievement of students and teachers in higher education: A systematic literature review51
Poor ventilation worsens short‐range airborne transmission of respiratory infection50
Experimental study on sleep quality affected by carbon dioxide concentration50
Seasonal variation in airborne infection risk in schools due to changes in ventilation inferred from monitored carbon dioxide49
Effects of increased humidity on physiological responses, thermal comfort, perceived air quality, and Sick Building Syndrome symptoms at elevated indoor temperatures for subjects in a hot‐humid climat49
Health effects of exposure to indoor volatile organic compounds from 1980 to 2017: A systematic review and meta‐analysis48
Association of subjective health symptoms with indoor air quality in European office buildings: The OFFICAIR project47
Indoor exposure levels of bacteria and fungi in residences, schools, and offices in China: A systematic review45
Associations of indoor carbon dioxide concentrations, air temperature, and humidity with perceived air quality and sick building syndrome symptoms in Chinese homes44
Evaluation of SARS‐COV‐2 transmission and infection in airliner cabins42
Indoor aerosol science aspects of SARS‐CoV‐2 transmission40
Hypothesis: SARS‐CoV‐2 transmission is predominated by the short‐range airborne route and exacerbated by poor ventilation40
Quantification and source characterization of volatile organic compounds from exercising and application of chlorine‐based cleaning products in a university athletic center39
Indoor air quality and the associated health risk in primary school buildings in Central Europe – The InAirQ study37
A review on the applied techniques of exhaled airflow and droplets characterization37
Three‐dimensional analysis of the effect of human movement on indoor airflow patterns37
A recurrent neural network using historical data to predict time series indoor PM2.5 concentrations for residential buildings36
Probable aerosol transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 in a poorly ventilated courtroom35
Interpretability analysis for thermal sensation machine learning models: An exploration based on the SHAP approach34
Development and application of an indoor carbon dioxide metric33
Associations of bedroom air temperature and CO2concentration with subjective perceptions and sleep quality during transition seasons33
What is the relationship between indoor air quality parameters and airborne microorganisms in hospital environments? A systematic review and meta‐analysis33
Indoor solid fuel use for heating and cooking with blood pressure and hypertension: A cross‐sectional study among middle‐aged and older adults in China32
The impact of indoor thermal stratification on the dispersion of human speech droplets31
Cognitive performance was reduced by higher air temperature even when thermal comfort was maintained over the 24–28°C range31
Reducing aerosol transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 in hospital elevators30
A review on reducing indoor particulate matter concentrations from personal‐level air filtration intervention under real‐world exposure situations28
SARS‐CoV‐2, other respiratory viruses and bacteria in aerosols: Report from Kuwait's hospitals27
Health effects of exposure to sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and carbon monoxide between 1980 and 2019: A systematic review and meta‐analysis27
Breathing zone and exhaled air re‐inhalation rate under transient conditions assessed with a computer‐simulated person27
Indoor formaldehyde levels in residences, schools, and offices in China in the past 30 years: A systematic review27
Cooking, smoking, and stunting: Effects of household air pollution sources on childhood growth in India27
State of the art in additive manufacturing and its possible chemical and particle hazards—review27
Occupational scenarios and exposure assessment to formaldehyde: A systematic review26
To prevent SARS‐CoV‐2 transmission in designated quarantine hotel for travelers: Is the ventilation system a concern?26
The spread of breathing air from wind instruments and singers using schlieren techniques25
Perceived indoor air quality in naturally ventilated primary schools in the UK: Impact of environmental variables and thermal sensation25
Risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 in a car cabin assessed through 3D CFD simulations25
Modeling the factors that influence exposure to SARS‐CoV‐2 on a subway train carriage25
Work productivity in the office and at home during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional analysis of office workers in Japan25
Portable air cleaners and residential exposure to SARS‐CoV‐2 aerosols: A real‐world study25
Pilot study of the effects of ventilation and ventilation noise on sleep quality in the young and elderly24
The COVID‐19 pandemic is a global indoor air crisis that should lead to change: A message commemorating 30 years of Indoor Air24
Investigating the relation between electroencephalogram, thermal comfort, and cognitive performance in neutral to hot indoor environment24
Indoor air pollutant health prioritization in office buildings24
Control of airborne infectious disease in buildings: Evidence and research priorities24
Airborne SARS‐CoV‐2 surveillance in hospital environment using high‐flowrate air samplers and its comparison to surface sampling23
The effects of a novel personal comfort system on thermal comfort, physiology and perceived indoor environmental quality, and its health implications ‐ Stimulating human thermoregulation without compr23
Aerosol and bioaerosol particle size and dynamics from defective sanitary plumbing systems22
Affordable measures to monitor and alarm nosocomial SARS‐CoV‐2 infection due to poor ventilation22
Identification of SARS‐CoV‐2 RNA in healthcare heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units22
Factors affecting variability in gaseous and particle microenvironmental air pollutant concentrations in Hong Kong primary and secondary schools22
Speech is special: The stress effects of speech, noise, and silence during tasks requiring concentration21
Emission rate of carbon dioxide while sleeping21
Impact of do‐it‐yourself air cleaner design on the reduction of simulated wildfire smoke in a controlled chamber environment21
Correlating indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity in a sample of buildings in tropical climates21
Indoor exposure to phthalates and its burden of disease in China21
Investigation of bacterial and fungal communities in indoor and outdoor air of elementary school classrooms by 16S rRNA gene and ITS region sequencing21
What is suitable social distancing for people wearing face masks during the COVID‐19 pandemic?21
Technical control of nanoparticle emissions from desktop 3D printing20
Indoor emissions of total and fluorescent supermicron particles during HOMEChem20
Respiratory performance of humans exposed to moderate levels of carbon dioxide20
Real‐time molecular characterization of air pollutants in a Hong Kong residence: Implication of indoor source emissions and heterogeneous chemistry20
Concurrent assessment of personal, indoor, and outdoor PM 2.5 and PM 1 levels and source contributions using novel low‐cost sensin20
Particulate matter emitted from ultrasonic humidifiers—Chemical composition and implication to indoor air20
The effects of warmth and CO 2 concentration, with and without bioeffluents, on the emission of CO 2 by occupants and physiologica20
Health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds at daycare facilities19
Hidden hazards of SARS‐CoV‐2 transmission in hospitals: A systematic review19
The effects of carbon dioxide exposure concentrations on human vigilance and sentiment in an enclosed workplace environment19
Impacts of Chinese spring festival on household PM 2.5 pollution and blood pressure of rural residents19
Emotional impact, task performance and task load of green walls exposure in a virtual environment19
Cabin air quality on non‐smoking commercial flights: A review of published data on airborne pollutants19
Effectiveness of air‐purifying devices and measures to reduce the exposure to bioaerosols in school classrooms19
A new UVC‐LED system for disinfection of pathogens generated by toilet flushing19
Personal comfort models based on a 6‐month experiment using environmental parameters and data from wearables18
The home environment in a nationwide sample of multi‐family buildings in Sweden: associations with ocular, nasal, throat and dermal symptoms, headache, and fatigue among adults18
Indoor exposure levels and risk assessment of volatile organic compounds in residences, schools, and offices in China from 2000 to 2021: A systematic review18
Combining culturing and 16S rDNA sequencing to reveal seasonal and room variations of household airborne bacteria and correlative environmental factors in nanjing, southeast china18
Recent progress on studies of airborne infectious disease transmission, air quality, and thermal comfort in the airliner cabin air environment18
Returning characteristics of pollutants for a local domain in the presence of returning and recirculating airflow in indoor environments18
Wind tunnel‐based testing of a photoelectrochemical oxidative filter‐based air purification unit in coronavirus and influenza aerosol removal and inactivation18
Indoor exposure levels of ammonia in residences, schools, and offices in China from 1980 to 2019: A systematic review18
Associations between ventilation and children’s asthma and allergy in naturally ventilated Chinese homes18
Polychlorinated biphenyls in indoor dust from urban dwellings of Lahore, Pakistan: Congener profile, toxicity equivalency, and human health implications17
Effects of air purification of indoor PM 2.5 on the cardiorespiratory biomarkers in young healthy adults17
Comparison of three air samplers for the collection of four nebulized respiratory viruses ‐ Collection of respiratory viruses from air –17
The distorted power of medical surgical masks for changing the human thermal psychology of indoor personnel in summer17
Indoor phthalate exposure and contributions to total intake among pregnant women in the SELMA study17
Spatial analysis of the impact of UVGI technology in occupied rooms using ray‐tracing simulation17
SARS‐CoV ‐2 air sampling: A systematic review on the methodologies for detection and infectivity17
Effect of housing condition on quality of life17
The respiratory infection inhalation route continuum16
Global magnitude and long‐term trend of ischemic heart disease burden attributed to household air pollution from solid fuels in 204 countries and territories, 1990–201916
Modeling approaches and performance for estimating personal exposure to household air pollution: A case study in Kenya16
Real‐time characterization of aerosol particle composition, sources and influences of increased ventilation and humidity in an office16
Hypothesis: All respiratory viruses (including SARS‐CoV‐2) are aerosol‐transmitted16
Does thermal control improve visual satisfaction? Interactions between occupants’ self‐perceived control, visual, thermal, and overall satisfaction16
A critical review on the role of leakages in the facemask protection against SARS‐CoV‐2 infection with consideration of vaccination and virus variants16
Assessment of the mutagenicity of two common indoor air pollutants, formaldehyde and toluene16
Indoor air quality in new and renovated low‐income apartments with mechanical ventilation and natural gas cooking in California16
Modeling the viral load dependence of residence times of virus‐laden droplets from COVID‐19‐infected subjects in indoor environments15
Fungi and their secondary metabolites in water‐damaged indoors after a major flood event in eastern Croatia15
Temperature and indoor environments15
Residential indoor air quality interventions through a social‐ecological systems lens: A systematic review15
Emissions of soot, PAHs, ultrafine particles, NO x, and other health relevant compounds from stressed burning of candles in indoor air15
Performance characteristics of a fan filter unit (FFU) in mitigating particulate matter levels in a naturally ventilated classroom during haze conditions15
Microbial exposures in moisture‐damaged schools and associations with respiratory symptoms in students: A multi‐country environmental exposure study15
Measured influence of overhead HVAC on exposure to airborne contaminants from simulated speaking in a meeting and a classroom15
Solid fuel use and cardiovascular events: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of observational studies15
Indoor fine particulate matter and demographic, household, and wood stove characteristics among rural US homes heated with wood fuel15
Particle release and transport from human skin and clothing: A CFD modeling methodology15
Household and behavioral determinants of indoor PM 2.5 in a rural solid fuel burning Native American community15
Kinetic multi‐layer model of film formation, growth, and chemistry (KM‐FILM): Boundary layer processes, multi‐layer adsorption, bulk diffusion, and heterogeneous reactions15
Human exposure to aerosol from indoor gas stove cooking and the resulting nervous system responses14
Modeling turbulent transport of aerosols inside rooms using eddy diffusivity14
Predicting thermal pleasure experienced in dynamic environments from simulated cutaneous thermoreceptor activity14
Effect modification of kitchen ventilation on the associations of solid fuel use and long‐duration cooking with the increased prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms: The Henan Rural Cohort Stud14
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in air‐conditioner filter dust of indoor urban setting: Implication for health risk in a developing country14
Reductions in particulate matter concentrations resulting from air filtration: A randomized sham‐controlled crossover study14
Effectiveness of portable HEPA air cleaners on reducing indoor PM 2.5 and NH 3 in an agricultural cohort of children with asthma: 14
Solid cooking fuel use and cognitive decline among older Mexican adults14
Factors affecting wavelength‐resolved ultraviolet irradiance indoors and their impacts on indoor photochemistry14
Influencing factors of carbonyl compounds and other VOCs in commercial airliner cabins: On‐board investigation of 56 flights14
Effective design of barrier enclosure to contain aerosol emissions from COVID‐19 patients14
Understanding teachers' experiences of ventilation in California K‐12 classrooms and implications for supporting safe operation of schools in the wake of the COVID‐19 pandemic14
Indoor contribution to PM 2 .5 exposure using all PurpleAir 14
Effectiveness of interventions to reduce household air pollution from solid biomass fuels and improve maternal and child health outcomes in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A systematic review and me13
Spatiotemporal characterization of irradiance and photolysis rate constants of indoor gas‐phase species in the UTest house during HOMEChem13
Determinants of ultrafine particles, black carbon, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide concentrations inside vehicles in the Paris area: PUF‐TAXI study13
Effects of body positions and garment design on the performance of a personal air cooling/heating system13
Presence and variability of culturable bioaerosols in three multi‐family apartment buildings with different ventilation systems in the Northeastern US13
Indoor air quality assessment in dwellings with different ventilation strategies in Nunavik and impacts on bacterial and fungal microbiota13
Indoor humidity levels and associations with reported symptoms in office buildings13
Plant‐based release system of negative air ions and its application on particulate matter removal13
Combining Phi6 as a surrogate virus and computational large‐eddy simulations to study airborne transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 in a restaurant13
Facial skin temperature and its relationship with overall thermal sensation during winter in Changsha, China13
Systematic ranking of filaments regarding their particulate emissions during fused filament fabrication 3D printing by means of a proposed standard test method13
Respiratory bioaerosol deposition from a cough and recovery of viable viruses on nearby seats in a cabin environment12
Continuous measurement of reactive oxygen species inside and outside of a residential house during summer12
Indoor green can modify the indoor dust microbial communities12
Air exchange rates and advection–diffusion of CO 2 and aerosols in a route bus for evaluation of infection risk12
Human responses to high levels of carbon dioxide and air temperature12
How should we define an indoor surface?12
Particle number emission rates of aerosol sources in 40 German households and their contributions to ultrafine and fine particle exposure12
Temporal variability of indoor dust concentrations of semivolatile organic compounds12
Detection and isolation of airborne SARS‐CoV‐2 in a hospital setting12
Household air pollution and blood markers of inflammation: A cross‐sectional analysis12
Formaldehyde, aliphatic aldehydes (C 2 ‐C 11 ), furfural, and benzaldehyde in the residential indoor air of children and adolescen12
Modification of cleaning product formulations could improve indoor air quality12
Modeling residential indoor concentrations of PM 2.5 , NO 2 , NO x , and secondhand smoke in th12
Dynamic assessment of the risk of airborne viral infection12
Airborne particles and microorganisms in a dental clinic: Variability of indoor concentrations, impact of dental procedures, and personal exposure during everyday practice11
Characterization and exposure assessment of household fine particulate matter pollution in China11
Experimental study of the negative effects of raised bedroom temperature and reduced ventilation on the sleep quality of elderly subjects11
Associations between indoor environment in residential buildings in wet and dry seasons and health of students in upper northern Thailand11
Carbon dioxide in passenger cabins: Spatial temporal characteristics and 30‐year trends11
Estimating person‐to‐person variability in VOC emissions from personal care products used during showering11
Inactivation of aerosolized SARS‐CoV ‐2 by 254 nm UV‐C irradiation11
Multi‐person movement‐induced airflow and the effects on virus‐laden expiratory droplet dispersion in indoor environments11
The impact of emissions from an essential oil diffuser on cognitive performance11
Acute health effects from exposure to indoor ultrafine particles—A randomized controlled crossover study among young mild asthmatics11
Indoor heterogeneous photochemistry of furfural drives emissions of nitrous acid11
Characterization of fine particulate matter from indoor cooking with solid biomass fuels11
Physiological responses, self‐reported health effects, and cognitive performance during exposure to carbon dioxide at 20 000 ppm11
Persistence of viable MS2 and Phi6 bacteriophages on carpet and dust11
Combining adaptive and heat balance models for thermal sensation prediction: A new approach towards a theory and data‐driven adaptive thermal heat balance model11
Overall and thermal comfort under different temperature, noise, and vibration exposures11
Longitudinal assessment of personal air pollution clouds in ten home and office environments11
The effect of reduction measures on concentrations of hazardous semivolatile organic compounds in indoor air and dust of Swedish preschools11
SARS‐CoV‐2 detection in bioaerosols using a liquid impinger collector and ddPCR11
Indoor exposure levels of radon in dwellings, schools, and offices in China from 2000 to 2020: A systematic review11
Experimental evaluation of respiratory droplet spread to rooms connected by a central ventilation system10
Modeling and experimental study of dispersion and deposition of respiratory emissions with implications for disease transmission10
Home quarantine: A numerical evaluation of SARS‐CoV‐2 spread in a single‐family house10
Characteristics of annual mold variations and association with childhood allergic symptoms/diseases via combining surveys and home visit measurements10
Exceedance Degree‐Hours: A new method for assessing long‐term thermal conditions10
Real‐time air monitoring of occupational exposures to particulate matter among hairdressers in Maryland: A pilot study10
HEPA filters for airliner cabins: State of the art and future development10
Extended predicted mean vote of thermal adaptations reinforced around thermal neutrality10
Relations of mold, stove, and fragrance products on childhood wheezing and asthma: A prospective cohort study from the Japan Environment and Children's Study10
Quantify individual variation of real‐time PM 2.5 exposure in urban Chinese homes based on a novel method10
Eczema, facial erythema, and seborrheic dermatitis symptoms among young adults in China in relation to ambient air pollution, climate, and home environment10
Modeling fomite‐mediated SARS‐CoV‐2 exposure through personal protective equipment doffing in a hospital environment10
Laboratory‐based investigation of the materials’ water activity and pH relative to fungal growth in internally insulated solid masonry walls10
A national survey of window‐opening behavior in United States homes10
Estimates of particulate matter inhalation doses during three‐dimensional printing10
Study of synergistic disinfection by UVC and positive/negative air ions for aerosolized Escherichia coli , Salmonella typhimurium , and 10
Indoor NH3 variation and its relationship with outdoor NH3 in urban Beijing9
Volatile organic compounds from building products—Results from six round robin tests with emission test chambers conducted between 2008 and 20189
Association between indoor air pollution and cognitive function among nationally representative sample of middle‐aged and older adults in India—A multilevel modelling approach9
Distances of transmission risk of COVID‐19 inside dwellings and evaluation of the effectiveness of reciprocal proximity warning sounds9
A review of critical residential buildings parameters and activities when investigating indoor air quality and pollutants9
Study of thermal comfort in the residents of different climatic regions of India—Effect of the COVID‐19 lockdown9
Simulating near‐field enhancement in transmission of airborne viruses with a quadrature‐based model9
Association between prenatal exposure to indoor air pollution and autistic‐like behaviors among preschool children9
A multi‐layered strategy for COVID ‐19 infection prophylaxis in schools: A review of the evidence for masks, distancing, and ventilation9
Open database for international and national indoor environmental quality guidelines9
HEPA filters of portable air cleaners as a tool for the surveillance of SARS‐CoV ‐29
Effects of indoor VOCs from paint on human brain activities during working memory tasks: An electroencephalogram study9
Long‐term exposure to indoor air pollution and risk of tuberculosis9
Combined effects of ventilation rates and indoor temperatures on cognitive performance of female higher education students in a hot climate9
Objective sleep assessments for healthy people in environmental research: A literature review8
Household determinants of biocontaminant exposures in Canadian homes8
The effect of air purifiers and curtains on aerosol dispersion and removal in multi‐patient hospital rooms8
Effects of body geometry, body composition, cardio‐pulmonary capacity, and fitness on young men's thermal preference8
Secondhand smoke exposure and dyslipidemia among non‐smoking adults in the United States8
Boundary conditions for exhaled airflow from a cough with a surgical orN95mask8
Sensitivity analysis of the effect of current mood states on the thermal sensation in educational buildings8
Evaluating the effect of building construction periods on household dampness/mold and childhood diseases corresponding to different energy efficiency design requirements8
Phthalates in Chinese vehicular environments: Source emissions, concentrations, and human exposure8
The effect of inhaled air temperature on thermal comfort, perceived air quality, acute health symptoms and physiological responses at two ambient temperatures8
Transport and dispersion of tracers simulating COVID‐19 aerosols in passenger aircraft8
Toward setting public health guidelines for chemicals in indoor settled dust?8
Variability in expiratory trajectory angles during consonant production by one human subject and from a physical mouth model: Application to respiratory droplet emission8
A holistic modeling framework for estimating the influence of climate change on indoor air quality8
Deposition of E‐cigarette aerosol in human airways through passive vaping8
A Monte Carlo Assessment of the Effect of Different Ventilation Strategies to Mitigate the COVID-19 Contagion Risk in Educational Buildings8
Effect of filter collection efficiency on the clean air delivery rate in an air cleaner8
Reopening higher education buildings in post‐epidemic COVID‐19 scenario: monitoring and assessment of indoor environmental quality after implementing ventilation protocols in Spain and Portugal8
Quantifying the effectiveness of desk dividers in reducing droplet and airborne virus transmission8
Virus transport and infection evaluation in a passenger elevator with a COVID ‐19 patient8
Novel measurement system for respiratory aerosols and droplets in indoor environments8
Emissions of ultrafine particles from five types of candles during steady burn conditions8
Reduction of exposure to simulated respiratory aerosols using ventilation, physical distancing, and universal masking8
A global burden assessment of lung cancer attributed to residential radon exposure during 1990–20198
An evaluation of the risk of airborne transmission of COVID ‐19 on an inter‐city train carriage7
Transient tracer gas measurements: Development and evaluation of a fast‐response SF 6 measuring system based on quartz‐enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy7
Short‐ versus long‐term tests of indoor radon for risk assessment by Monte‐Carlo method towards effective measurement strategy7
House characteristics and condition as determinants of visible mold and musty odor: Results from three New Zealand House Condition Surveys in 2005, 2010, and 20157
Characterization of aerosol plumes from singing and playing wind instruments associated with the risk of airborne virus transmission7
Role of ventilation on the transmission of viruses in buildings, from a single zone to a multizone approach7
Associations between indoor environment and lifestyles and sick building syndrome symptoms among adults in Taiyuan and Urumqi of China7
Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke during pregnancy and infancy increased the risk of upper respiratory tract infections in infants: A birth cohort study in Wuhan, China7
Inverse design of the thermal environment in an airplane cockpit using the adjoint method with the momentum method7
A field investigation of the thermal environment and adaptive thermal behavior in bedrooms in different climate regions in China7
Molecular background of the undesired odor of polypropylene materials and insights into the sources of key odorants7
Emission characteristics, sources, and airborne fate of speciated organics in particulate matters in a Hong Kong residence7
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in dust from different indoor environments in Zagreb, Croatia: Levels and human exposure assessment7
Alternations in neural oscillation related to attention network reveal influence of indoor toluene on cognition at low concentration7
Identification of high radon dwellings, risk of exposure, and geogenic potential in the mining area of the “TREPČA” complex7
Portable ultrasonic humidifier exacerbates indoor bioaerosol risks by raising bacterial concentrations and fueling pathogenic genera7