Adult Education Quarterly

(The TQCC of Adult Education Quarterly is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
COVID-19 and the Future of Adult Education: An Editorial52
Promoting Media Literacy Among Older People: A Systematic Review45
Assessing the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Nontraditional Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being24
Transformative Learning in Theory and Practice21
Accessibility of General Adult Education An Analysis of the Restructuring of Adult Education Governance in Denmark8
Situating Adult Learning and Education in Refugee Livelihood Adaptation and Progression Toward Self-Reliance: The Case of Refugees in the Kyaka II Settlement in Southwestern Uganda8
Learning to Become Good Mothers: Immigrant Mothers as Adult Learners7
“It’s a Black Hole . . .”: Exploring Teachers’ Narratives and Practices for Digital Literacies in the Adult EAL Context7
Alley or Autobahn? Assessing 50 Years of the Andragogical Project6
Andragogy in Prison: Higher Education in Prison and the Tenets of Adult Education6
Does Participation in Adult Education Increase Volunteering? An Analysis of British Longitudinal Data6
Post-Truth as an Epistemic Crisis: The Need for Rationality, Autonomy, and Pluralism6
Challenging Neoliberalism Through Radical Adult Education in a Chilean Union School5
Participatory Feeling: Re-Visioning Transformative Learning Theory Through Heron’s Whole Person Perspective5
Return on Investment for Adult Basic Education: Existing Evidence and Future Directions5
Interconnectedness of Adult Basic Education, Community-Based Participatory Research, and Transformative Learning5
How Do the Timing and Duration of Courses Affect Participation in Adult Learning and Education? A Panel Analysis5
A Novel Viewpoint on Andragogy: Enabling Moments of Community5
The Activist Craft: Learning Processes and Outcomes of Professional Activism5
Critical Discourse and Critical Reflection in Mezirow’s Theory of Transformative Learning: A Dialectic Between Ontology and Epistemology (and a Subtext of Reflexivity Mirroring My Own Onto-Epistemolog5
Toward an Agentic Approach to Activist Learning: TheInterplayBetween Agency and Learning in the Narrative of Polish Activist4
Informal and Nonformal Adult Learning in the Coal Seam Gas Protests: Mobilizing Practices and Building an Environmental Justice Movement for Change4
Course Profiles and Participation in German Adult Education Centers During Times of Migration: A Longitudinal Study4
Learning and the Experience of Social, Civic, and Political Participation in Old Age4
Introducing the Black Male Adult Learner Success Theory3
More than a Confessional Mo(ve)ment? #MeToo's Pedagogical Tensions3
Adult Education at Biological Field Stations: Building Capacity for Science Learning2
Substance Use and Trauma Among Adult Education Students in the United States2
The Extent to Which Ageism Has Affected Lifelong Learning Settings: Perspectives From Practitioners in Taiwan2
Digital Stories Representing Agency Enhancement at Work2
Toward an Empowerment Model of Community Education in China2
Informal Adult Learning: Advertisements in Women’s Magazines in Turkey2
University Lifelong Learning Programs and Perceived Employability: The Case of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki2
A Cultural-Historical Analysis of Marsick and Watkins’ Informal and Incidental Learning Model2
“BrandingBildung”: Commodifying the Uniqueness of Popular Education2
Adult Training as a Quality Factor in Work Trajectory: Positive Effects of Adult Training on Seniority and Ageing at Work2
Risk of Job Automation and Participation in Adult Education and Training: Do Welfare Regimes Matter?2