Written Communication

(The TQCC of Written Communication is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Teaching and Researching Genre Knowledge: Toward an Enhanced Theoretical Framework45
Technical Standards and a Theory of Writing as Infrastructure18
Writing Oneself Into the Curriculum: Photovoice Journaling in a Secondary Ethnic Studies Course15
Utilizing Peer Review and Revision in STEM to Support the Development of Conceptual Knowledge Through Writing14
Exploring Revisions in Academic Text: Closing the Gap Between Process and Product Approaches in Digital Writing12
A Reflexive Approach to Teaching Writing: Enablements and Constraints in Primary School Classrooms11
Virtual Reality and Embodiment in Multimodal Meaning Making11
Time, the Written Record, and Professional Practice: The Case of Contemporary Social Work7
Lexical Patterns in Adolescents’ Online Writing: The Impact of Age, Gender, and Education7
How to Build a Supercomputer: U.S. Research Infrastructure and the Documents That Mitigate the Uncertainties of Big Science7
A Product- and Process-Oriented Tagset for Revisions in Writing7
Are Two Voices Better Than One? Comparing Aspects of Text Quality and Authorial Voice in Paired and Independent L2 Writing6
Restorying With the Ancestors: Historically Rooted Speculative Composing Practices and Alternative Rhetorics of Queer Futurity6
Dead Reckoning: A Framework for Analyzing Positionality Statements in Ethnographic Research Reporting6
Searching for Metacognitive Generalities: Areas of Convergence in Learning to Write for Publication Across Doctoral Students in Science and Engineering6
Gig Expectations: Literacy Practices, Events, and Texts in the Gig Economy6
The Opioid Epidemic and the Pursuit of Moral Medicine: A Computational-Rhetorical Analysis6
Exploring General Versus Academic English Proficiency as Predictors of Adolescent EFL Essay Writing5
Changes in Research Abstracts: Past Tense, Third Person, Passive, and Negatives5
Writing Process Feedback Based on Keystroke Logging and Comparison With Exemplars: Effects on the Quality and Process of Synthesis Texts4
Addressing an Unfulfilled Expectation: Teaching Students With Disabilities to Write Scientific Arguments4
“God’s Absence During Trauma Took Its Toll”: Dialogic Tracing of Literate Activity and Lifespan Trajectories of Semiotic (Un)becoming4
The Construction of Value in Science Research Articles: A Quantitative Study of Topoi Used in Introductions4
Historical Argumentation: Watching Historians and Teaching Youth4
Embodied Genres, Typified Performances, and the Engineering Design Process4
Writing With Data: A Study of Coding on a Data-Journalism Team4
Examining Longitudinal and Concurrent Links Between Writing Motivation and Writing Quality in Middle School4