Cognition and Instruction

(The TQCC of Cognition and Instruction is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Learning on the Move Toward Just, Sustainable, and Culturally Thriving Futures43
Beyond the Binary of Adult Versus Child Centered Learning: Pedagogies of Joint Activity in the Context of Making36
Detailing Racialized and Gendered Mechanisms of Undergraduate Precalculus and Calculus Classroom Instruction31
Using Sense-Making Moments to Understand How Elementary Teachers’ Interactions Expand, Maintain, or Shut Down Sense-making in Science29
Ambulatory Sequences: Ecologies of Learning by Attending and Observing on the Move24
Access, Dissent, Ethics, and Politics: Pre-service Teachers Negotiating Conceptions of the Work of Teaching Science for Equity22
Teacher Responsiveness that Promotes Equity in Secondary Science Classrooms21
Why Learning on the Move: Intersecting Research Pathways for Mobility, Learning and Teaching18
When Learning as Movement meets Learning on the Move16
Making Teacher and Researcher Learning Visible: Collaborative Design as a Context for Professional Growth14
The Dialogue of Creativity: Teaching the Creative Process by Animating Student Work as a Collaborating Creative Agent13
Learning Practical Design Knowledge through Co-Designing Storyline Science Curriculum Units12
Co-constructing Professional Vision: Teacher and Researcher Learning in Co-Design11
Family Culture as Context for Learning through Inquiry11
Remembering What Produced the Data: Individual and Social Reconstruction in the Context of aQuantified SelfElementary Data and Statistics Unit11
Intentionally Addressing Nested Systems of Power in Schooling through Teacher Solidarity Co-Design9
Resuscitating (and Refusing) Cartesian Representations of Daily Life: When Mobile and Grid Epistemologies of the City Meet9
Students’ Epistemic Commitments in a Heterogeneity-Seeking Modeling Curriculum8
Investigating the Processes of Teacher and Researcher Empowerment and Learning in Co-design Settings8