Psychology of Women Quarterly

(The TQCC of Psychology of Women Quarterly is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Appearance-Related Social Networking Sites and Body Image in Young Women: Testing an Objectification-Social Comparison Model35
Changes in Gender Stereotypes Over Time: A Computational Analysis30
Steeped in Shame: An Exploration of Family Sexual Socialization Among Black College Women26
Gender Matters: The Perceived Role of Gender Expression in Discrimination Against Cisgender and Transgender LGBQ Individuals25
Perception and Tolerance of Sexual Harassment: An Examination of Feminist Identity, Sexism, and Gender Roles in a Sample of Chinese Working Women23
Pathways to Pleasure and Protection: Exploring Embodiment, Desire, and Entitlement to Pleasure as Predictors of Black and White Young Women’s Sexual Agency22
Navigating Open Science as Early Career Feminist Researchers22
Bringing an Intersectional Lens to “Open” Science: An Analysis of Representation in the Reproducibility Project20
Developing a Conceptual Framework of Black Women’s Gendered Racial Identity Development19
Open Science From a Qualitative, Feminist Perspective: Epistemological Dogmas and a Call for Critical Examination18
Testing a Model of How a Sexual Assault Resistance Education Program for Women Reduces Sexual Assaults15
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing HOPE Treatment and Present-Centered Therapy in Women Residing in Shelter With PTSD From Intimate Partner Violence14
Body Talk on Social Networking Sites and Cosmetic Surgery Consideration Among Chinese Young Adults: A Serial Mediation Model Based on Objectification Theory13
“Why So Few?”: Differential Effects of Framing the Gender Gap in STEM Recruitment Interventions13
A Systematic Literature Review Exploring Objectification and Motherhood12
Facebook LGBTQ Pictivism: The Effects of Women’s Rainbow Profile Filters on Sexual Prejudice and Online Belonging12
Socializing Singlehood: Personal, Interpersonal, and Sociocultural Factors Shaping Black Women’s Single Lives11
What Happens If They Come for You? An Exploration of Mothers’ Racial Socialization on Discrimination With Black College Women11
Assimilation Undercuts Authenticity: A Consequence of Women’s Masculine Self-Presentation in Masculine Contexts11
Heterosexual Young Adults’ Experience With and Perceptions of the Orgasm Gap: A Mixed Methods Approach11
Bisexual Women’s Experiences of Stigma and Verbal Sexual Coercion: The Roles of Internalized Heterosexism and Outness10
The Motherhood Experiences of Non-Birth Mothers in Same-Sex Parent Families10
A Scoping Review of Measures Assessing Gender Microaggressions Against Women9
Decolonizing Purity Culture: Gendered Racism and White Idealization in Evangelical Christianity9
Standpoints and Situatedness: Examining the Perception of Benevolent Sexism in Black and White Undergraduate Women and Men8
Bridging Feminist Psychology and Open Science: Feminist Tools and Shared Values Inform Best Practices for Science Reform8
Women’s Disempowerment and Preferences for Skin Lightening Products That Reinforce Colorism: Experimental Evidence From India8
The Gendered Consequences of Risk-Taking at Work: Are Women Averse to Risk or to Poor Consequences?8
Open Science and Feminist Ethics: Promises and Challenges of Open Access8
“I’m a Strong Independent Black Woman”: The Strong Black Woman Schema and Mental Health in College-Aged Black Women8
Socio-Ecologically Constituted Types of Sexual Assault8
Body Image and Eating Disturbances in Children: The Role of Self-Objectification7
Forget the “Mommy Track”: Temporal Flexibility Increases Promotion Aspirations for Women and Reduces Gender Gaps7
A Pregnancy Decision-Making Model: Psychological, Relational, and Cultural Factors Affecting Unintended Pregnancy7
A Test of Objectification Theory With Sexual Minority Women6
Victimization and Food Addiction Symptoms: Direct and Indirect Effects Through Emotion Dysregulation, Impulsivity, and Loss-of-Control Eating6
“I Felt Powerful and Confident”: Women’s Use of What They Learned in Feminist Sexual Assault Resistance Education6
Contributions of Reality TV Consumption to College Women’s Endorsement of the Heterosexual Script and Acceptance of Sexualized Aggression6
Not All the Same: Examining Asian American Women’s Self-Objectification Processes Using a Latent Class and Cultural-Specific Approach6
#MeToo Online Disclosures: A Survivor-Informed Approach to Open Science Practices and Ethical Use of Social Media Data6
Typologies of Rape Victimization Experiences Among Women Attending College: A Latent Class Analysis6
Gender, Sense of Power, and Desire to Lead: Why Women Don’t “Lean In” to Apply to Leadership Groups That Are Majority-Male6
Managing Intersectional Invisibility and Hypervisibility During the Transition to College Among First-Generation Women of Color5
Toward a More Just Feminism5
“It Doesn’t Feel Like You Can Win”: Young Women's Talk About Heterosexual Relationships5
Toward an Intersectional Psychological Science of Reproductive Norms: Generating Research Across the Natalism Spectrum5
The Effects of Self-Compassion and Self-Esteem Writing Interventions on Women’s Valuation of Weight Management Goals, Body Appreciation, and Eating Behaviors5
An Integrative Review of Sistah Circles in Empirical Research5
They’re Comparing Me to Her: Social Comparison Perceptions Reduce Belonging and STEM Engagement Among Women With Token Status5
Gendered Racism, Coping, and Traumatic Stress Among Black Women: The Moderating Roles of the Strong Black Woman Schema and Womanist Attitudes5
Inconsistency is the Consistency: The Title IX Reporting Process for Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Within Maryland Public Universities4
Breast Is (Viewed as) Best: Demonstrating Formula Feeding Stigma4
Initial Construction and Validation of the Identity Shifting for Black Women Scale4
Social Reactions Received by Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Validation of Key Constructs From the Social Reactions Questionnaire4
Gendered Racial Microaggressions Scale: Measurement Invariance Across Sexual Orientation4
Sexual Orientation and Race Intersectionally Reduce the Perceived Gendered Nature of Normative Stereotypes in the United States4
‘I Can Construct It in My Own Way’: A Critical Qualitative Examination of Gender Self-Categorisation Processes4
Latent Profiles of Social Reactions to Sexual Assault Disclosure Among Undergraduate Women4
Identifying Gaps and Building Bridges Between Feminist Psychology and Open Science4
Resistance and Gendered Racism: Middle-Class Black Women's Experiences Navigating Reproductive Health Care Systems4