Communications-European Journal of Communication Research

(The TQCC of Communications-European Journal of Communication Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Advertising in disguise? How disclosure and content features influence the effects of native advertising15
Transparency of digital native and embedded advertising: Opportunities and challenges for regulation and education13
Beyond empowerment, experimentation and reasoning: The public discourse around the Quantified Self movement11
Does fake news lead to more engaging effects on social media? Evidence from Romania9
Looking over the channel: The balance of media coverage about the “refugee crisis” in Germany and the UK8
Avoiding the news to participate in society? The longitudinal relationship between news avoidance and civic engagement7
The role of trustworthiness in social media influencer advertising: Investigating users’ appreciation of advertising transparency and its effects7
Influencers as political agents? The potential of an unlikely source to motivate political action7
Media and basic desires: An approach to measuring the mediatization of daily human life7
Two-sided science: Communicating scientific uncertainty increases trust in scientists and donation intention by decreasing attribution of communicator bias7
Agency, social relations, and order: Media sociology’s shift into the digital6
Exploring adolescents’ motives for food media consumption using the theory of uses and gratifications6
Caring dataveillance and the construction of “good parenting”: Estonian parents’ and pre-teens’ reflections on the use of tracking technologies6
The role of identification and self-referencing in narrative persuasion6
Investigating the effects of sponsorship and forewarning disclosures on recipients’ reactance5
Upset with the refugee policy: Exploring the relations between policy malaise, media use, trust in news media, and issue fatigue5
New perspective? Comparing frame occurrence in online and traditional news media reporting on Europe’s “Migration Crisis”5
The status quo of the visual turn in public relations practice5
Epistemological and methodical challenges in the research on embedded advertising formats: A constructivist interjection5
Clearing the air: A systematic review of mass media campaigns to increase indoor radon testing and remediation5
Economic crisis and trauma journalism: Assessing the emotional toll of reporting in crisis-ridden countries4
Perceived emotional and informational support for cancer: Patients’ perspectives on interpersonal versus media sources4
Is YouTube being used to its full potential? Proposal for an indicator of interactivity for the top YouTuber content in Spanish4
Emotions in climate change communication: An experimental investigation4
Trust in information sources during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Romanian case study4
Neighborhood hotspot and community awareness: The double role of social network sites in local communities4
Privacy concerns can stress you out: Investigating the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress3
Political fact or political fiction? The agenda-setting impact of the political fiction series Borgen on the public and news media3
Native and embedded advertising formats: Tensions between a lucrative marketing strategy and consumer fairness3
Watching televised representations and self-identity of national minorities: Israeli Arab citizens’ perceptions of their media representations on Israeli television3
Peer socialization of male adolescents in digital games: Achievement, competition, and harassment3
Brand in focus: Activating adolescents’ persuasion knowledge using disclosures for embedded advertising in music videos3
Visibility, solidarity, and empowerment via the internet: A case study of young Portuguese activists3
The concept of integrated communication under close scrutiny: A study on the effects of congruity-based tactics3
Information-sharing practices on Facebook during the 2017 French presidential campaign: An “unreliable information bubble” within the extreme right3
Implicit and explicit attitudes toward Germany as news-choice predictors among Muslims with migration backgrounds living in Germany3
Whose media are hostile? The spillover effect of interpersonal discussions on media bias perceptions2
Promoting responsible AI: A European perspective on the governance of artificial intelligence in media and journalism2
Austerity and fragmentation: Dynamics of Europeanization of media discourses in Greece and Italy2
McQuail, D. & Deuze, M. (2020). McQuail’s Media & Mass Communication Theory (seventh edition). London: SAGE. 672 pp.2
Communicating about Alzheimer’s disease: Designing and testing a campaign using a framing approach2
Data-driven campaigns in public sensemaking: Discursive positions, contextualization, and maneuvers in American, British, and German debates around computational politics2
Why children’s news matters: The case of CBBC Newsround in the UK2
Relating adolescents’ exposure to legacy and digital news media and intergroup contact to their attitudes towards immigrants2
Cognitio populi – Vox populi: Implications of science-related populism for communication behavior2
The emotional valence of candidate ratings in televised debates2
The effects of constructive television news reporting on prosocial intentions and behavior in children: The role of negative emotions and self-efficacy2
Health-related communication in everyday life: Communication partners, channels, and patterns2
An online world of bias. The mediating role of cognitive biases on extremist attitudes2
Media framing of immigrants in Central Europe in the period surrounding the refugee crisis: Security, negativity, and political sources2
Leaver, T., Highfield, T., & Abidin, C. (2020). Instagram: Visual social media cultures. Cambridge: Polity Press. 264 pp.2
Israeli media coverage of international male and female politicians: Gender and ethnopolitical aspects2
Viral challenges as a digital entertainment phenomenon among children. Perceptions, motivations and critical skills of minors2
Humor as an inroad to qualitative minority representation: The case of Taboe, a humorous human interest-program2
Socially mediated issue ownership2
Investigating the digital media engagements of very young children at home: Reflecting on methodology and ethics2
Good journalist, bad blogger? A study on the labeling of paid content in blogs and journalism2
The impact of communication models of public relations and organization–public relationships on company credibility and financial performance2
A normative perspective on information avoidance behaviors: Separating various types of avoidance-related norms2
The touch-screen generation: Trends in Dutch parents’ perceptions of young children’s media use from 2012–20182