Journal of Southern African Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Southern African Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Changing Livelihoods in Rural Eastern Cape, South Africa (2002–2016): Diminishing Employment and Expanding Social Protection21
Natural Resource Extraction in the Interior: Scouts, Spirits and Chinese Loggers in the Forests of Northern Mozambique16
Artistic Movements: Visual Arts and Cross-Border Exchange on the Central African Copperbelt14
Crops and Copper: Agriculture and Urbanism on the Central African Copperbelt, 1950–200011
The Long Road to Compensation for Silicosis Sufferers in South Africa10
Assessing the Potential Impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area on Least Developed Countries: A Case Study of Malawi7
The Noisy Silence of Gukurahundi: Truth, Recognition and Belonging7
Roots of Contemporary Political Strategies: Ethno-Populism in Zambia during the Late Colonial Era and Early 2000s7
‘Now I Am Not Afraid’: Simon Nkoli, Queer Utopias and Transnational Solidarity6
Mobile Money and the (Un)Making of Social Relations in Chivi, Zimbabwe6
Traditional Authority in South Africa: Reconstruction and Resistance in the Eastern Cape6
Modernity on Credit: The Experience of Underground Miners on the Zambian Copperbelt6
Botswana’s Hunting Ban and the Transformation of Game-Meat Cultures, Economies and Ecologies5
Speak, Friend, and Enter? Fieldwork Access and Anthropological Knowledge Production on the Copperbelt4
Critical Representation of Neoliberal Capitalism and Uneven Development in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s This Mournable Body4
‘We Are What We Eat’: Nutrition, African Diets and the State in Colonial Malawi, 1920s–19604
The Drive-In and the Desegregation of Cinemas in Apartheid Cape Town4
Virtue, Motherhood and Femininity: Women’s Political Legitimacy in Zimbabwe3
Smuggled Sheep, Smuggled Shepherds: Farm Labour Transformations in Namibia and the Question of Southern Angola, 1933–19753
Activism for Migrant Domestic Workers in South Africa: Tensions in the Framing of Labour Rights3
Liberating Taste: Memories of War, Food and Cooking in Northern Mozambique3
In Pursuit of Fitness: Bodywork, Temporality and Self-Improvement in Mozambique3
Language, Resistance and Multilingualism in Post-Colonial Zimbabwe: The Kalanga and their Struggle for Recognition3
Peri-Urban Expansion in the Maputo City Region: Land Access and Middle-Class Advances3
The National Party and the Ideology of Welfare in South Africa under Apartheid3
Land (In)Justice and Ambiguous Conservationisms in Cathy Buckle’s Letters of the Zimbabwean Crisis3
The In-Between World of Kgosi Nyalala Pilane: (Mis)Appropriation and Accountability among the Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela in 21st-Century South Africa2
Elite Capture in South Africa’s Land Redistribution: The Convergence of Policy Bias, Corrupt Practices and Class Dynamics2
Narrating a Nation Left Behind: The Innocent Child in Two Novels of Zimbabwe2
Repression, Literary Dissent and the Paradox of Censorship in Zimbabwe2
Reappraising the 1950s in Zimbabwean History: The Problem of Todd and the Limits of Liberalism2
‘The Diary of a Country in Crisis’: Zimbabwean Censorship and Adaptive Cultural Forms2
Transnational News Audiences and the Limits of Cultural Decolonisation in Zambia: Media Coverage of the Soweto Uprising of 19762
Bulawayo Breaks Ranks: Bureaucratic Battles over African Housing and Urban Citizenship in Late Colonial Zimbabwe, 1949–19772
Accounting for Climate Change in Community-Based Natural Resource Management: Reflections on Wildlife Conservation in Namibia2
Technical and Vocational Education and the Place of Indigenous Labour in the Mining Industry of Namibia, 1970–19902
Afterword Searching for the Constitutional Living Customary Law2
Gender and Decolonisation in Zambia: Re-Examining Women’s Contributions to the Anti-Colonial Struggle2
The Travelling Toyi-Toyi: Soldiers and the Politics of Drill2
Editorial Reading Repression and Resistance in Zimbabwean Literature2
‘But I Know You, You Are Not God’: African Responses to European Colonialism in a Missionary Newspaper2
Chiefly Succession and Democracy in South Africa: Why History Matters2
Botswana Votes 2019: Two-Party Competition and the Khama Factor2
Informal-Sector Organisations, Political Subjectivity, and Citizenship in Zimbabwe2
Student ‘Fallism’ in South Africa, 2015–16: Some Diverging Analyses2
Transnational Music Collaborations, Affective Networks and Everyday Practices of Convivial Solidarity in Ujamaa Dar es Salaam2
Whose Building? Tracing the Politics of the Chinese Government-Funded Parliament Building in Lesotho2
China and the Troubled Prospects for Africa’s Economic Take-Off: Linkage Formation and Spillover Effects in Zambia2
Deserving and Undeserving Welfare States: Cash Transfers and Hegemonic Struggles in South Africa2
‘The real history of the country’? Expropriation without Compensation and Competing Master Narratives about Land (Dis)Possession in South Africa2
Subversion or Identity Work? Tracing the Reception of Zimbabwean Counter-Narrative Memoirs2
Asserting Customary Fishing Rights in South Africa1
Social Differentiation and ‘Accumulation from Above’ in Zimbabwe’s Politicised Agrarian Landscape1
Bargaining with Land: Borders, Bantustans, and Sovereignty in 1970s and 1980s Southern Africa1
Resource Nationalism in Zambia 1964–2020 and the Liquidation of Konkola Copper Mines1
How polygamy became queer1
Balancing the Scales: Re-Centring Labour and Labourers in Namibian History1
Constitutions without Constitutionalism, Government without Governance: Critique and Hope for Malawi1
Governing the Ungovernable: Performing and Contesting Chris Hani’s Legacy at the Hani Memorial1
Joint Ventures and Land Rentals in Tobacco: Limitations of Radical Land Reforms in a Neoliberal Economic Environment – the Case of Zvimba, Zimbabwe1
Violence, Political Strategy and the Turn to Guerrilla Warfare by the Congress Movement in South Africa1
A Very South African Plot? The 1987 London Kidnap Plan1
Tobacco Contract Farming, Crop Diversification and Household Relations in the Central Region of Malawi1
The Ethics of Reading and Writing across Time in South Africa1
Simango, Gwenjere and the Politics of the Past in Mozambique1
Liberation and Biographical Narrative in Mozambican Historiography: The Struggle in Cabo Delgado, 1962–19741
Medi-Caring on the Colonial Margins: The Position of African Medical Assistants in Rural Colonial Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, 1930s–1960s1
‘Our Bushes Are the Houses’: People’s War and the Underground during the Insurrectionary Period in the Vaal Triangle, South Africa1
Accommodation and Resistance: The Housing of Cape Town’s Enslaved and Freed Population Before and After Emancipation1
The Mueda Massacre Retold: The ‘Matter of Return’ in Portuguese Colonial Intelligence1
On Renamo ‘War’, Entrepreneurial Synergies and Everyday Life in the Honde Valley Borderlands, c.1980s–20201
‘A country can only have a foreign policy it can afford’: South Africa’s Economic Reaction to Zimbabwe’s Independence, 1980–19821
The Role of SADC in Transboundary Water Interactions: The Case of the Incomati International River Basin1
The CONCP in Southern Africa and the OAU’s Liberation Committee: Settling Internal Disputes for the Independence of Angola and Mozambique1
Towards Living Customary Administrative Law1
From Labour Elites to Garveyites: West African Migrant Labour in Namibia, 1892–19251
Building Peace among Monitors? The Monitoring and Implementation of Zimbabwe’s Global Political Agreement1
Building Angola: A Political Economy of Infrastructure Contractors in Post-War Angola1
Protection from Violence: Making Space Public in the Streets of Johannesburg1
Allies of Expedience: The Retention of Black Rhodesian Soldiers in the Zimbabwe National Army1
Narratives, Rituals and Political Imaginations: The Social and Political World of the Vashona of North-Eastern Zimbabwe from the 16th to the 19th Centuries1
Liberation Beyond the Nation: An Introduction1
‘Satanbic Stop Stealing Our Money’: Zambia Mine Workers’ Struggles against Finance1
The Reception of Covid-19 Denialist Propaganda in Tanzania1
Slavery, Banks and the Ambivalent Legacies of Compensation in South Africa, Mauritius and the Caribbean1
Civilising the Ex-Colonisers? Counter-Hegemonic Discourses at Workplaces in Maputo1
Piping Away Development: The Material Evolution of Resource Nationalism in Mtwara, Tanzania1
Dissident Refugees: A History of 200 Namibians in Zambia, 1977–19891
The Madando Rhetoric: Musical Critiques of Electoral Management in Malawi1
Pamela Reynolds’s field diary in the Zambezi valley1
‘Under the Thumb of the Party’: The Limits of Tanzanian Socialism and the Decline of the Student Left1
A history of sexual violence and political authority in South Africa1
Bondsmen: Slave Collateral in the 19th-Century Cape Colony1
Petitioning the State: Group Councils and the Development of Political Consciousness in Malawi, 1940s–1950s1
‘van die oorspronklike lippe’ (‘from the original lips’): The 19th-Century Cape Colony, Holographic Archaeology and the Historicity of Gideon von Wielligh’s /xam–Afrikaans Collection1
The Emancipation of the Enslaved in the Cape Colony: Historiography and Introduction1
Editorial Citizenship and Accountability: Customary Law and Traditional Leadership under South Africa’s Democratic Constitution1
Tobacco Farming and Agrarian Change in Contemporary Southern Africa – An Introduction1
‘My Husband is No Husband to Me’: Divorce, Marriage and Gender Struggles in African Communities of Colonial Natal, 1869–19101
Cecil Rhodes: Racial Segregation in the Cape Colony and Violence in Zimbabwe1
Tobacco Farming Following Land Reform in Zimbabwe: A New Dynamic of Social Differentiation and Accumulation1
Hewing Fiction from History: The Writing of History, Conflict and Trauma in House of Stone1
‘Stealing Dingane’s Title’: The Fatal Significance of Saguate Gift-Giving in Zulu King Dingane’s Killing of Governor Ribeiro (1833) and Piet Retief (1838)1
The Implicated Subject in Four South African Autobiographical Texts1
High Modernist Hubris and its Subversion in South Africa’s Covid–19 Vaccination Roll-Out1