International Sociology

(The TQCC of International Sociology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
COVID-19 infodemic: More retweets for science-based information on coronavirus than for false information254
From neoliberal disembedding to authoritarian re-embedding: The making of illiberal hegemony in Hungary36
Psychology and politics of COVID-19 misinfodemics: Why and how do people believe in misinfodemics?35
The reincarnation of work motivation: Millennials vs older generations26
Effect of dramatized health messages: Modelling predictors of the impact of COVID-19 YouTube animated cartoons on health behaviour of social media users in Nigeria20
Subjective social class, perceived quality of social relationships, and happiness: A case of mediation and moderation across gender19
The age of reaction: Retrenchment populism in India and Brazil18
The climate crisis as a catalyst for emancipatory transformation: An examination of the possible17
Solitary eating, an inferior alternative? An examination of time-use data in South Korea16
Sliding from majoritarianism toward fascism: Educating India under the Modi regime14
Work hours, work schedules, and subjective well-being in Korea13
‘Everywhere is home’: The paradox of ‘homing’ and child upbringing among Nigerian-Chinese families in Guangzhou city12
Who supports expanding surveillance? Exploring public opinion of Chinese social credit systems12
Women’s participation and challenges to the liberal script: A global perspective10
A conjunctural account of upper- and middle-class support for Rodrigo Duterte10
A sociology of anxiety: Western modern legacy and the Covid-19 outbreak9
‘I am tired of being afraid’: Emotions and protest participation in Belarus9
Child marriage and its impact on fertility and fertility-related outcomes in South Asian countries8
Auditing ethnic preference in Hong Kong’s financial job market: The mediation of white privilege and Hong Kong localism6
International organizations establishing their scientific authority: Periodizing the legitimation of policy advice by the OECD6
National identity, cosmopolitanism, and attitudes toward immigrants6
Scientometrics for the study of sociology6
Introduction: The rise of twenty-first century exclusionary regimes5
The framing of 9/11 in American, French, and Dutch national newspapers (2001–2015): An inductive approach to studying events5
Social movement studies in post-3.11 Japan: A sociological analysis5
Intergovernmental organizations in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic: Organizational behaviour in crises and under uncertainty5
Fertility choices in China under the two-child policy5
Inclusive masculinity and Czechia youth5
A dangerous liaison? Harnessing Weber to illuminate the relationship of democracy and charisma in the Philippines and India4
Impact of farmers’ participation in tourism on sustainable livelihood outcomes in border tourism areas4
Japanese labor studies: Women and non-standard workers4
Achieving sustainable development by enhancing the quality of institutions in Saudi Arabia4
Governing value(s) and organizing through standards4
From sociology to social theory: Critical cosmopolitanism, modernity, and post-universalism3
Solidarity with disabled people in times of crisis: A comparative analysis of Italy and the UK3
Recognizing youth radicalization in schools: Slovenian ‘frontline’ school workers in search of a compass3
Beaten paths towards the transnational corporate elite3
What drives news sharing behaviour among social media users? A relational communication model from the social capital perspective3
Overcoming women’s isolation at work: The effect of organizational structure and practices on female managers’ workplace relationships3
Taxes and tithes: The organizational foundations ofbolsonarismo3
Differences in social participation of older adults across European welfare regimes: Fourteen years of SHARE data collection3
Land grabbing and resistance of indigenous landowners in Ibadan, Nigeria3
Variety of groups and protests in repressive contexts: The 2011 Egyptian uprisings and their aftermath3
The dialectics of universalism and particularism: World society, religious traditions, and women’s political representation, 1960–20133
Therapeutic politics reconsidered: Power, post-colonialism and the psychologisation of society in the Global South3
Polanyi meets Bolsonaro: Reactionary politics and the double movement in twenty-first-century Brazil3
‘You have been punished in prison. And then when you are released, you are punished for life’: Post-incarceration barriers for women in Ukraine2
The time of dialogic sociology2
Challenges to conserve world agricultural heritages in a market economy: Experiences in Nishi-Awa, Japan2
In the smoke of the people’s opium: The influence of religious beliefs and activities on protest participation2
Environmental activists’ hysteresis as a driving force for establishing environmental actions against urban forest privatization in Bandung, Indonesia2
Teaching under opportunism: The predicament of academic tutors in China2
Rural politics in transitional China: Urban–rural disparity, national integration, and grassroots democracy2
Politics of alliance in the farmers’ march to Parliament in India2
Transnational logic of gratitude: Marriage migrants’ narratives on marital satisfaction in South Korea2
A concise history of sociology’s ‘indigenization’ in postwar Taiwan: Emergence, transformation, and invisibilization2
Between tradition and modernity: Emotional changes and expressions of Chinese society2
Personal bonds in the internationalization of the social sciences: A view from the periphery2
Rationalization of belonging: Transnational community endurance2
Private standards for animal welfare in Austrian dairy husbandry: Consequences for farmers in mountain regions2
Mapping redistribution in terms of family: A European comparison2
Shattered spaces of migrant childhood: Camps, borders and uncertain status2
Hartmut Rosa, Resonance: A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World2
Professional scaling work: How professional segments claim new jurisdictions in a world of trans-local connections2
Seasonality as value(s) in organic farming: On the conflict on heating greenhouses in France2