Journal of Sports Sciences

(The median citation count of Journal of Sports Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
Relationships between changes in self-reported physical activity, sedentary behaviour and health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in France and Switzerland215
Talent identification and development in soccer since the millennium120
Power, precision, and sample size estimation in sport and exercise science research101
Global levels of fundamental motor skills in children: A systematic review98
Effects of physical activity interventions on cognitive outcomes and academic performance in adolescents and young adults: A meta-analysis91
Video assistant referees (VAR): The impact of technology on decision making in association football referees71
Development of cut-points for determining activity intensity from a wrist-worn ActiGraph accelerometer in free-living adults60
Validity and reliability evidence for motor competence assessments in children and adolescents: A systematic review59
Physical activity and nutrition guidelines to help with the fight against COVID-1956
Methods of performance analysis in team invasion sports: A systematic review53
A validation study of the WHOOP strap against polysomnography to assess sleep53
Systematic review of the acute and chronic effects of high-intensity interval training on executive function across the lifespan49
Validity of Wrist-Worn photoplethysmography devices to measure heart rate: A systematic review and meta-analysis41
The influence of COVID-19 measures in the United Kingdom on physical activity levels, perceived physical function and mood in older adults: A survey-based observational study36
Changes in children’s physical fitness, BMI and health-related quality of life after the first 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in England: A longitudinal study35
An extended challenge-based framework for practice design in sports coaching32
Interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training for cardiorespiratory fitness improvements in middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis31
Cross-validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy second edition (CAPL-2): The case of a Chinese population31
Man & machine: Adaptive tools for the contemporary performance analyst30
Feasibility and reliability of the Spanish version of the Youth Activity Profile questionnaire (YAP-Spain) in children and adolescents30
How much, how often, how well? Adherence to a neuromuscular training warm-up injury prevention program in youth basketball30
Examining the representativeness of a virtual reality environment for simulation of tennis performance29
Temporal trends in the sit-ups performance of 9,939,289 children and adolescents between 1964 and 201729
The effect of low-volume high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic health and psychological responses in overweight/obese middle-aged men28
A case study comparison of objective and subjective evaluation methods of physical qualities in youth soccer players28
Effectiveness of a novel digital application to promote fundamental movement skills in 3- to 6-year-old children: A randomized controlled trial27
Twenty-four-hour movement behaviours and fundamental movement skills in preschool children: A compositional and isotemporal substitution analysis26
The association of the ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D polymorphisms with athlete status in football: a systematic review and meta-analysis26
Associations between meeting 24-hour movement guidelines and health in the early years: A systematic review and meta-analysis26
Effects of high-intensity interval training in men soccer player’s physical fitness: A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized-controlled and non-controlled trials24
The effects of REBT on irrational beliefs, self-determined motivation, and self-efficacy in American Football24
A qualitative analysis of the perceived determinants of success in elite esports athletes24
Effects of aerobic and cognitively-engaging physical activity on academic skills: A cluster randomized controlled trial24
Analysis of the worst-case scenarios in an elite football team: Towards a better understanding and application24
Understanding the “gut instinct” of expert coaches during talent identification24
Adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines among Portuguese preschool children: the prestyle study23
Reliability of wearable sensors to assess impact metrics during sport-specific tasks23
Iron status in athletic females, a shift in perspective on an old paradigm23
The influence of randomness on goals in football decreases over time. An empirical analysis of randomness involved in goal scoring in the English Premier League23
Typologies of dual career in sport: A cluster analysis of identity and self-efficacy23
Cross-sectional associations between 24-hour activity behaviours and mental health indicators in children and adolescents: A compositional data analysis23
“I’d got self-destruction down to a fine art”: a qualitative exploration of relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) in endurance athletes23
Effects of a 10-week active recess program in school setting on physical fitness, school aptitudes, creativity and cognitive flexibility in elementary school children. A randomised-controlled trial23
Effects of a 30 min nap opportunity on cognitive and short-duration high-intensity performances and mood states after a partial sleep deprivation night22
Classifying the evidence for evidence-based classification in Paralympic sport22
The effects of strength and conditioning interventions on golf performance: A systematic review22
Improving the criterion validity of the activPAL in determining physical activity intensity during laboratory and free-living conditions22
Values and clean sport21
Unilateral vs. bilateral hamstring strength assessments: comparing reliability and inter-limb asymmetries in female soccer players21
A multidisciplinary investigation into “playing-up” in academy football according to age phase21
Seasonal training and match load and micro-cycle periodization in male Premier League academy soccer players21
Training-induced changes in anterior pelvic tilt: potential implications for hamstring strain injuries management21
Psychosocial outcomes associated with soccer academy involvement: Longitudinal comparisons against aged matched school pupils20
Cross-generational comparability of hip- and wrist-worn ActiGraph GT3X+, wGT3X-BT, and GT9X accelerometers during free-living in adults20
Improving data acquisition speed and accuracy in sport using neural networks20
Effects of jump training on physical fitness and athletic performance in endurance runners: A meta-analysis20
“I must do this!”: A latent profile analysis approach to understanding the role of irrational beliefs and motivation regulation in mental and physical health20
The tactics of successful attacks in professional association football: large-scale spatiotemporal analysis of dynamic subgroups using position tracking data20
Overreaching and overtraining in strength sports and resistance training: A scoping review19
Kinematic differences between successful and faulty spikes in young volleyball players19
The porous high-press? An experimental approach investigating tactical behaviours from two pressing strategies in football19
Defending in 4-4-2 or 5-3-2 formation? small differences in footballers’ collective tactical behaviours19
The physical demands of mixed martial arts: A narrative review using the ARMSS model to provide a hierarchy of evidence19
Whole and peak physical characteristics of elite youth female soccer match-play19
Coaches, parents, or peers: Who has the greatest influence on sports participants’ life skills development?19
Non-linear association of efficiency of practice of adult elite athletes with their youth multi-sport practice18
The association between perceptual-cognitive processes and response time in decision making in young soccer players18
Differential time responses in inflammatory and oxidative stress markers after a marathon: An observational study18
The effect of angle on change of direction biomechanics: Comparison and inter-task relationships18
The developmental and professional activities of female international soccer players from five high-performing nations18
Fitness and executive function as mediators between physical activity and academic achievement18
The role of growth, maturation and sporting environment on the development of performance and technical and tactical skills in youth basketball players: The INEX study18
The influence of exposure, growth and maturation on injury risk in male academy football players17
A meta-regression of the effects of resistance training frequency on muscular strength and hypertrophy in adults over 60 years of age17
Long-term influence of technical, physical performance indicators and situational variables on match outcome in male professional Chinese soccer16
The combination of physical and mental load exacerbates the negative effect of each on the capability of skilled soccer players to anticipate action16
Complementing subjective with objective data in analysing expertise: A machine-learning approach applied to badminton16
Eating behaviours related to psychological stress are associated with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea in exercising women16
Scanning activity in elite youth football players16
The role of exercise selection in regional Muscle Hypertrophy: A randomized controlled trial16
Longitudinal associations of physical activity and modified organized sport participation with executive function and psychosocial health in preschoolers16
Relationship between dolphin kick movement in humans and velocity during undulatory underwater swimming16
Validity and reliability of a flywheel squat test in sport16
Association between the ACE I/D polymorphism and muscle injuries in Italian and Japanese elite football players16
Towards an improved understanding of proximity-to-failure in resistance training and its influence on skeletal muscle hypertrophy, neuromuscular fatigue, muscle damage, and perceived discomfort: A sco15
Effects of descending or ascending stair exercise on body composition, insulin sensitivity, and inflammatory markers in young Chinese women with obesity: A randomized controlled trial15
Influence of resistance training load on measures of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and improvements in maximal strength and neuromuscular task performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis15
Optimised force-velocity training during pre-season enhances physical performance in professional rugby league players15
Raising the bar in sports performance research15
Effects of aerobic exercise and cognitively engaging exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness and motor skills in primary school children: A cluster randomized controlled trial15
Inter-unit reliability of IMU Step metrics using IMeasureU Blue Trident inertial measurement units for running-based team sport tasks15
Biomechanical determinants of cross-country skiing performance: A systematic review15
Corrective procedures remove relative age effect from world-class junior sprinters14
Developing coaches’ professional judgement and decision making: Using the ‘Big 5’14
A systematic review of the effects of educational interventions on knowledge and attitudes towards concussion for people involved in sport – Optimising concussion education based on current literature14
Developing a two-dimensional landscape model of opportunities for penetrative passing in association football – Stage I14
Relationship between force-velocity-power profiles and inter-limb asymmetries obtained during unilateral vertical jumping and singe-joint isokinetic tasks14
The influence of initial selection age, relative age effect and country long-term performance on the re-selection process in European basketball youth national teams14
Effects of judo training upon body composition, autonomic function, and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight or obese children aged 8- to 13 years14
Locomotor characteristics of the women’s inaugural super league competition and the rugby league world cup14
Prior workload has moderate effects on high-intensity match performance in elite-level professional football players when controlling for situational and contextual variables14
Examining the impact of the Respect in Sport Parent Program on the psychosocial experiences of minor hockey athletes14
Effect of eccentric overload training on change of direction speed performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis14
Effects of music tempo on perceived exertion, attention, affect, heart rate, and performance during isometric strength exercise14
Impaired postprandial glucose and no improvement in other cardiometabolic responses or cognitive function by breaking up sitting with bodyweight resistance exercises: a randomised crossover trial14
Muscle strength explains the protective effect of physical activity against COVID-19 hospitalization among adults aged 50 years and older14
Prevalence and burden of health problems in competitive adolescent distance runners: A 6-month prospective cohort study13
Tibial bone forces can be monitored using shoe-worn wearable sensors during running13
Variable long-term developmental trajectories of short sprint speed and jumping height in English Premier League academy soccer players: An applied case study13
Influence of age and maturation status on sprint acceleration characteristics in junior Australian football13
Can an inertial measurement unit (IMU) in combination with machine learning measure fast bowling speed and perceived intensity in cricket?13
Individual patterns of response to traditional and modified sprint interval training13
Effectiveness of interventions and behaviour change techniques for improving physical activity in young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis13
Implicit motor learning in primary school children: A systematic review13
‘When I have time pressure, sport is the first thing that is cancelled’: A mixed-methods study on barriers to physical activity among university students in Germany13
Concentric and eccentric inertia–velocity and inertia–power relationships in the flywheel squat13
Sedentary behaviour research in adults: A scoping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses13
Integrating explicit contextual priors and kinematic information during anticipation13
Effects of regular exercise on inflammasome activation-related inflammatory cytokine levels in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis13
The effects of daily physical activity intervention on physical fitness in preschool children12
Anthropometry and performance characteristics of recreational advanced to elite female rock climbers12
Bone asymmetries in the limbs of children tennis players: testing the combined effects of age, sex, training time, and maturity status12
Impact of advanced footwear technology on elite men’s in the evolution of road race performance12
Reliability of ActiGraph GT3X+ placement location in the estimation of energy expenditure during moderate and high-intensity physical activities in young and older adults12
Biomechanical upper-extremity performance tests and isokinetic shoulder strength in collision and contact athletes12
Hybrid neuromuscular training promotes musculoskeletal adaptations in inactive overweight and obese women: A training-detraining randomized controlled trial12
Interval training causes the same exercise enjoyment as moderate-intensity training to improve cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in young Chinese women with elevated BMI12
Patterns of energy availability of free-living athletes display day-to-day variability that is not reflected in laboratory-based protocols: Insights from elite male road cyclists12
The determinant factors of undulatory underwater swimming performance: A systematic review12
Interpreting magnitude of change in strength and conditioning: Effect size selection, threshold values and Bayesian updating12
Retirement of professional soccer players – A systematic review from social sciences perspectives12
Acute ingestion of beetroot juice does not improve short-duration repeated sprint running performance in male team sport athletes11
The development of perceptual-cognitive skills in youth volleyball players11
Segment coordination and variability among prospectively injured and uninjured runners11
Is high soleus muscle activity during the stance phase of the running cycle a potential risk factor for the development of medial tibial stress syndrome? A prospective study11
Individual differences in the distribution of activation among the hamstring muscle heads during stiff-leg Deadlift and Nordic hamstring exercises11
Influence of the forehand stance on knee biomechanics: Implications for potential injury risks in tennis players11
Delineating the potential of the vertical and horizontal force-velocity profile for optimizing sport performance: A systematic review11
A self-determination theory based investigation of life skills development in youth sport11
Incidence of bone stress injury is greater in competitive female distance runners with menstrual disturbances independent of participation in plyometric training11
Comparison of individual and group-based load-velocity profiling as a means to dictate training load over a 6-week strength and power intervention11
Effects of core training on dynamic balance stability: A systematic review and meta-analysis11
Epidemiology of injuries in senior men’s field hockey: A two-season prospective observational injury surveillance study11
Association between offensive and defensive playing style variables and ranking position in a national football league11
Feasibility and effects of high-intensity interval training in older adults living with HIV11
Seasonal variation of inter-limb jumping asymmetries in youth team-sport athletes11
Conceptualising and testing the relationship between actual and perceived motor performance: A cross-cultural comparison in children from Australia and Germany11
Measures of impairment applicable to the classification of Paralympic athletes competing in wheelchair sports: A systematic review of validity, reliability and associations with performance11
Athlete monitoring practices in elite sport in the United Kingdom11
Eight-season epidemiological study of match injuries in women’s international rugby sevens10
Reference power values for the jump squat exercise in elite athletes: A multicenter study10
Comparison of 10 vs. 20 min neuromuscular training for the prevention of lower extremity injuries in male youth football: A cluster randomised controlled trial10
Expert opinion on classification for footballers with vision impairment: Towards evidence-based minimum impairment criteria10
A meta-cognitive approach to doping in sports: The effects of thought validation on attitudes related to doping10
Body composition differences by age and playing standard in male rugby union and rugby league: A systematic review and meta-analysis10
Is the visual impairment origin a performance factor? Analysis of international-level para swimmers and para athletes10
Exploration of the minimum visual disability criteria for Para nordic and Para alpine skiing using simulated vision impairments10
How early should you brake during a 180° turn? A kinetic comparison of the antepenultimate, penultimate, and final foot contacts during a 505 change of direction speed test10
Pacing and stroke kinematics in 200-m kayak racing10
Descriptive epidemiology and correlates of children’s swimming competence10
Physical loading in professional soccer players: Implications for contemporary guidelines to encompass carbohydrate periodization10
Effects of course design (curves and elevation undulations) on marathon running performance: a comparison of Breaking 2 in Monza and the INEOS 1:59 Challenge in Vienna10
Influence of physical and psychological stress on decision-making performance of soccer referees10
Predicting Family and Child Physical Activity across Six-Months of a Family-Based Intervention: An Application of Theory of Planned Behaviour, Planning and Habit10
Relationships of hip abductor strength, neuromuscular control, and hip width to femoral length ratio with peak hip adduction angle in healthy female runners10
Technology-based methods for the assessment of fine and gross motor skill in children: A systematic overview of available solutions and future steps for effective in-field use10
Effects of manipulating player numbers on technical and physical performances participating in an Australian football small-sided game10
Challenge is in the eye of the beholder: Exploring young athlete’s experience of challenges on the talent pathway10
Change-of-Direction Deficit vs. Deceleration Deficit: A Comparison of Limb Dominance and Inter-limb Asymmetry between Forwards and Backs in Elite Male Rugby Union Players10
International female rugby union players’ anthropometric and physical performance characteristics: A five-year longitudinal analysis by individual positional groups10
Singing off the same hymn sheet? Examining coherence in a talent development pathway (part 1)10
Kinetic and kinematic determinants of female sprint performance10
The influence of anthropometric variables, body composition, propulsive force and maturation on 50m freestyle swimming performance in junior swimmers: An allometric approach10
Rebooting in sport training and competitions: Athletes’ perceived stress levels and the role of interoceptive awareness10
The construction of common treadmills significantly affects biomechanical and metabolic variables10
Effect of racket-shuttlecock impact location on shot outcome for badminton smashes by elite players9
Accelerometer-assessed sedentary behaviour among Chinese rural older adults: Patterns and associations with physical function9
May the best-sighted win? The relationship between visual function and performance in Para judo9
Longitudinal development of 5m sprint performance in young female tennis players9
The influence of growth and training loads on injury risk in competitive trampoline gymnasts9
The association of stride length to ball velocity and elbow varus torque in professional pitchers9
Approaches to determining occlusion pressure for blood flow restricted exercise training: Systematic review9
Load-dependent mechanical demands of the lower extremity during the back and front squat9
Coaches’ perspective towards skill acquisition in swimming: What practice approaches are typically applied in training?9
The balancing act between skiing and shooting – the determinants of success in biathlon pursuit and mass start events9
Scoping review of tests to assess tactical knowledge and tactical performance of young soccer players9
Imitation jumps in ski jumping: Technical execution and relationship to performance level9
Mechanisms explaining the birthplace effect for male elite football players9
Conceptual model of sport-specific classification for para-athletes with intellectual impairment9
Using Collective Intelligence to identify barriers to implementing and sustaining effective Fundamental Movement Skill interventions: A rationale and application example9
How do soccer players sprint from a tactical context? Observations of an English Premier League soccer team9
Angle specific analysis of hamstrings and quadriceps isokinetic torque identify residual deficits in soccer players following ACL reconstruction: a longitudinal investigation9
Load–velocity relationship 1RM predictions: A comparison of Smith machine and free-weight exercise9
The importance of duration and magnitude of force application to sprint performance during the initial acceleration, transition and maximal velocity phases9
The running shoe comfort assessment tool (RUN-CAT): Development and evaluation of a new multi-item assessment tool for evaluating the comfort of running footwear9
High-intensity downhill running exacerbates heart rate and muscular fatigue in trail runners9
Morphological and functional asymmetry in elite youth tennis players compared to sex- and age-matched controls9
Applying the brakes in tennis: How entry speed affects the movement and hitting kinematics of professional tennis players9
Effects of two exercise programmes on joint position sense, dynamic balance and countermovement jump in male amateur football players. A randomised controlled trial9
The impact of self-generated and explicitly acquired contextual knowledge on anticipatory performance9
Registered Reports in the Journal of Sports Sciences9
Effects of Nordic hamstring exercise combined with glider exercise on hip flexion flexibility and hamstring passive stiffness9
Effect of vision impairment on match-related performance and technical variation in attacking moves in Paralympic judo9
A repeated-measures examination of organizational stressors, perceived psychological and physical health, and perceived performance in semi-elite athletes9
Physical fitness is associated with better technical performance in adolescent alpine ski racers after controlling for practice time: A retrospective regression analysis9
An assessment of physical and spatiotemporal behaviour during different phases of match play in professional Australian football9
Groin injury risk of pubertal soccer players increases during peak height velocity due to changes in movement techniques8
Impact of contextual factors on match demands experienced by elite male referees during international basketball tournaments8
Validation of equations to estimate the peak oxygen uptake in adolescents from 20 metres shuttle run test8
Whistleblowing against doping in sport: A cross-national study on the effects of motivation and sportspersonship orientations on whistleblowing intentions8
Relationship between pre-training wellness scores and internal and external training loads in a Division I women’s lacrosse team8
Influence of saddle height in 3D knee loads commuter cyclists: A statistical parametric mapping analysis8
Relationships between perceived coach leadership and athletes’ affective states experienced during competition8
Physical performance and perception of foot discomfort during a soccer-specific match simulation. A comparison of football boots8
Is impaired coordination related to match physical load in footballers with cerebral palsy of different sport classes?8
The impact of COVID-19 on dual career athletes: Three typologies of coping8
Challenges and opportunities in wheelchair basketball classification– A Delphi study8
Nationality and sociocultural factors influence athlete development and sport outcomes: Perspectives from United States and Austrian youth alpine ski racing8
Predictors of selection into an elite level youth football academy: A longitudinal study8
A comparison of the utility of different step-indices to translate the physical activity recommendation in adolescents8
Type of unanticipated stimulus affects lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during sidestepping8
Physical activity, sports participation and exercise-related constraints in adult women with primary hypothyroidism treated with thyroid hormone replacement therapy8
The physical characteristics underpinning performance of wheelchair fencing athletes: A Delphi study of Paralympic coaches8
The school playground environment as a driver of primary school children’s physical activity behaviour: A direct observation case study8
The effects of acute physical fatigue on sauté jump biomechanics in dancers8
Effect of photobiomodulation therapy on performance and running economy in runners: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial8
Developing motor competency in youths: Perceptions and practices of strength and conditioning coaches8
The dose-response relationship between interval-training and VO2maxin well-trained endurance runners: A systematic review8
Comparing 24 h physical activity profiles: Office workers, women with a history of gestational diabetes and people with chronic disease condition(s)8
Socioeconomic and gender-based disparities in the motor competence of school-age children7
A distal external focus of attention facilitates compensatory coordination of body parts7
Reliable and effective novel home-based training set-up for application of an evidence-based high-loading stimulus to improve triceps surae function7
Test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Adapted Short QUestionnaire to ASsess Health-enhancing physical activity (Adapted-SQUASH) in adults with disabilities7
Fatigue-related changes in vertical impact properties during normal and silent running7
Moderators of strength gains and hypertrophy in resistance training: A systematic review and meta-analysis7
What actually happens during a practice session? A coach’s perspective on developing and delivering practice7
Moral values and moral identity moderate the indirect relationship between sport supplement use and doping use via sport supplement beliefs7
Novel evidence on the effect of tramadol on self-paced high-intensity cycling7
Mental fatigue independent of boredom and sleepiness does not impact self-paced physical or cognitive performance in normoxia or hypoxia7
Hypoalgesia following isometric handgrip exercise with and without blood flow restriction is not mediated by discomfort nor changes in systolic blood pressure7
Lumbar bone stress injuries and risk factors in adolescent cricket fast bowlers7
Improvement in sprint start performance by modulating an initial loading location on the starting blocks7
The origins of goals in the German Bundesliga7
Effect of scaling basket height for young basketball players during the competition: seeking out positive sport experiences7
Development of alternatives to estimate resting metabolic rate from anthropometric variables in paralympic swimmers7
Impact of each release parameter on pitch location in baseball pitching7
Bi-directional prospective associations between sedentary time, physical activity and adiposity in 10-year old Norwegian children7
How wide should you view to fight? Establishing the size of the visual field necessary for grip fighting in judo7
TGMD-3 short version: Evidence of validity and associations with sex in Irish children7
Preschool physical activity and fitness predicts conceptual, verbal and perceptual skills at school7