Journal of Management

(The H4-Index of Journal of Management is 35. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
MTurk Research: Review and Recommendations370
Endogeneity: A Review and Agenda for the Methodology-Practice Divide Affecting Micro and Macro Research213
Research at the Intersection of Entrepreneurship, Supply Chain Management, and Strategic Management: Opportunities Highlighted by COVID-19151
Corona Crisis and Inequality: Why Management Research Needs a Societal Turn151
Platform Competition: A Systematic and Interdisciplinary Review of the Literature150
Stakeholder Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm139
Omitted Variable Bias: Examining Management Research With the Impact Threshold of a Confounding Variable (ITCV)105
The Corporate Governance of Environmental Sustainability: A Review and Proposal for More Integrated Research98
Network Brokerage: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda91
The Resource-Based View, Resourcefulness, and Resource Management in Startup Firms: A Proposed Research Agenda82
Decentralized Governance of Digital Platforms79
Integrating Insights From the Resource-Based View of the Firm Into the New Stakeholder Theory70
Resource-Based Theory and the Value Creation Framework70
Organizational Adaptation69
Ecosystem Legitimacy Emergence: A Collective Action View69
Governance and Design of Digital Platforms: A Review and Future Research Directions on a Meta-Organization65
Psychological Ownership: A Meta-Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Forms of Attachment in the Workplace62
Behavioral Strategy and the COVID-19 Disruption62
The Resource-Based View of the Firm, Human Resources, and Human Capital: Progress and Prospects59
A Meta-Analysis Integrating 25 Years of Diversity Climate Research57
Leader Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior and Employee Unethical Conduct: Social Learning of Moral Disengagement as a Behavioral Principle56
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Incumbent Employees: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Mediating and Moderating Mechanisms54
Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research50
The Emergence of Emergent Leadership: A Comprehensive Framework and Directions for Future Research49
The Postpandemic Future of Work46
The Evolution of Resource-Based Inquiry: A Review and Meta-Analytic Integration of the Strategic Resources–Actions–Performance Pathway46
Role Theory Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future Applications of Role Theories in Management Research45
The Consequences of Participating in the Sharing Economy: A Transparency-Based Sharing Framework45
Organization Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Great Divide44
The Organizational Improvisation Landscape: Taking Stock and Looking Forward41
Resources for What? Understanding Performance in the Resource-Based View and Strategic Human Capital Resource Literatures39
Perceived Overqualification and Collectivism Orientation: Implications for Work and Nonwork Outcomes39
A Knowledge Recombination Perspective of Innovation: Review and New Research Directions38
LMX Differentiation and Group Outcomes: A Framework and Review Drawing on Group Diversity Insights37
Platform Governance Design in Platform Ecosystems: Implications for Complementors’ Multihoming Decision35
Worlds Apart? Connecting Competitive Dynamics and the Resource-Based View of the Firm35