Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

(The TQCC of Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Symptoms, complications and management of long COVID: a review477
Excess mortality: the gold standard in measuring the impact of COVID-19 worldwide?217
Uncertainty and COVID-19: how are we to respond?166
The primary care response to COVID-19 in England's National Health Service100
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: the five Cs to tackle behavioural and sociodemographic factors86
Environmental impact of personal protective equipment distributed for use by health and social care services in England in the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic82
Impact of COVID-19 on accident and emergency attendances and emergency and planned hospital admissions in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis80
Four months into the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden’s prized herd immunity is nowhere in sight66
Loneliness, social isolation, cardiovascular disease and mortality: a synthesis of the literature and conceptual framework64
Ethnicity, household composition and COVID-19 mortality: a national linked data study64
Anger and confrontation during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national cross-sectional survey in the UK51
Suicide reduction in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons informing national prevention strategies for suicide reduction45
COVID-19 presents opportunities and threats to transport and health42
Clinical impact of multi-parameter continuous non-invasive monitoring in hospital wards: a systematic review and meta-analysis39
Health inequalities: the hidden cost of COVID-19 in NHS hospital trusts?38
COVID-19: the great unequaliser36
Developing a sustainable exit strategy for COVID-19: health, economic and public policy implications35
What do countries need to do to implement effective ‘find, test, trace, isolate and support’ systems?33
Multi-organ impairment and long COVID: a 1-year prospective, longitudinal cohort study30
Vaccinating adolescents against SARS-CoV-2 in England: a risk–benefit analysis30
Reducing bias and improving transparency in medical research: a critical overview of the problems, progress and suggested next steps29
The costs of coronavirus vaccines and their pricing29
Protecting older people from COVID-19: should the United Kingdom start at age 60?23
Assessing the long-term safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines22
COVID-19 and the ‘Spanish' flu22
Association between multimorbidity and mortality in a cohort of patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 in Scotland22
Improving adherence to ‘test, trace and isolate’22
Experiences of staff providing specialist palliative care during COVID-19: a multiple qualitative case study21
Maximising the impact of social prescribing on population health in the era of COVID-1920
Cognitive behavioural therapy for chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: outcomes from a specialist clinic in the UK20
Should vaccination for healthcare workers be mandatory?20
COVID-19 vaccine allocation: addressing the United Kingdom’s colour-blind strategy18
Preparing for COVID-19’s aftermath: simple steps to address social determinants of health17
Large language models will not replace healthcare professionals: curbing popular fears and hype16
Healthier schools during the COVID-19 pandemic: ventilation, testing and vaccination16
COVID-19 and the anti-vaxxers16
Racial discrimination, low trust in the health system and COVID-19 vaccine uptake: a longitudinal observational study of 633 UK adults from ethnic minority groups16
COVID-19 in India15
A price tag on clinical empathy? Factors influencing its cost-effectiveness15
The potential effectiveness of the WHO International Health Regulations capacity requirements on control of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study of 114 countries15
Socioeconomic inequalities of Long COVID: a retrospective population-based cohort study in the United Kingdom15
Transforming health through the metaverse14
Osteoporosis, like skin ageing, is caused by collagen loss which is reversible14
Citation bias: questionable research practice or scientific misconduct?13
Association between household size and COVID-19: A UK Biobank observational study13
Challenges and opportunities for undergraduate clinical teaching during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic13
The carbon footprint of products used in five common surgical operations: identifying contributing products and processes13
Sponsorship bias in clinical trials: growing menace or dawning realisation?13
Differential attainment at MRCS according to gender, ethnicity, age and socioeconomic factors: a retrospective cohort study12
A socially just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for action on the social determinants of urban health inequalities12
Implementing and evaluating co-designed change in health12
Teachers: the forgotten health workforce11
Patient and public involvement for ethnic minority research: an urgent need for improvement11
The impact of disability on performance in a high-stakes postgraduate surgical examination: a retrospective cohort study10
Medical consumerism and the modern patient: successful ageing, self-management and the ‘fantastic prosumer’10
Fixing England’s COVID-19 response: learning from international experience9
Associations between attainment of incentivised primary care indicators and emergency hospital admissions among type 2 diabetes patients: a population-based historical cohort study9
Patient-reported outcome measurement: a bridge between health and social care?9
Developing a shared definition of self-driven healthcare to enhance the current healthcare delivery paradigm9
The origins of the treatment of uncertainty in clinical medicine. Part 1: ancient roots, familiar disputes9
Test and trace strategy has overlooked importance of clinical input, clinical oversight and integration9
What can lifespan variation reveal that life expectancy hides? Comparison of five high-income countries8
COVID-19: the role of community in China’s response8
The National Clinical Impact Awards: cosmetic change or fundamental reform?8
Modifying the school determinants of children’s health8
Trends and characteristics of hospitalisations from the harmful use of opioids in England between 2008 and 2018: Population-based retrospective cohort study8
Shoe leather epidemiology in the age of COVID: lessons from Cuba7
COVID-19 and herd immunity7
Bringing NHS data analysis into the 21st century7
Improving research ethics review and governance can improve human health7
Learning from patient safety incidents involving acutely sick adults in hospital assessment units in England and Wales: a mixed methods analysis for quality improvement7
A multi-centre prospective cohort study of patients on the elective waiting list for cardiac surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic7
COVID-19 and developing countries: lessons learnt from the Sri Lankan experience7
A decade of the hostile environment and its impact on health6
Use of lifestyle interventions in primary care for individuals with newly diagnosed hypertension, hyperlipidaemia or obesity: a retrospective cohort study6
Five thousand years of minimal access surgery: 1990–present: organisational issues and the rise of the robots6
Data-driven, integrated primary and secondary care for children: moving from policy to practice6
Borderline personality disorder: a spurious condition unsupported by science that should be abandoned6
Safe management of full-capacity live/mass events in COVID-19 will require mathematical, epidemiological and economic modelling6
Diagnosis and management of monkeypox in primary care6
Indirect effects of the pandemic: highlighting the need for data-driven policy and preparedness6
The development of network meta-analysis5
Is ‘inflammaging’ fuelling severe COVID-19 disease?5
The Medical Training Initiative: much more than learn, earn and return5
Intensive versus standard blood pressure control in older persons with or without diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials5
The US Food and Drug Administration’s authorisation of Purdue’s controlled-release methylphenidate for adult ADHD: comments on the regulatory practice5
Five thousand years of minimal access surgery: 1850 to 1990: Technological developments5
Averting a UK opioid crisis: getting the public health messages ‘right’5
It’s about time: redesigning consultation length in general practice5
COVID-19, seasonal influenza and measles: potential triple burden and the role of flu and MMR vaccines5
Disastrous decline of the healthcare system in Lebanon5
Advancing UK regulatory science and innovation in healthcare5
How do we decarbonise fairly? Emissions, inequities and the implications for net zero healthcare5
Should we let fever run its course in the early stages of COVID-19?5
Defining and detecting fake news in health and medicine reporting5
Falling down the global ranks: life expectancy in the UK, 1952–20215
Richard Cabot, pair-matched random allocation, and the attempt to compare like with like in the social sciences and medicine. Part 2: the context of medicine and public health4
GPT-4: the future of artificial intelligence in medical school assessments4
The origins of the treatment of uncertainty in clinical medicine – Part 2: the emergence of probability theory and its limitations4
How can we address the ever-pressing need to ‘green up’ surgical practice in the National Health Service?4
Temporal and geographical variation in low carbon inhaler dispensing in England, 2016 to 2021: an ecological study4
UK offshore immigration detention: why the medical community should act now4
Social care need in multimorbidity4
The results of cardiac surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with previous years: a propensity weighted study of outcomes at six months4
Veterinary intelligence: integrating zoonotic threats into global health security4
Reducing the pressures of outpatient care: the potential role of patient-reported outcomes4
The role of systematic reviews in identifying the limitations of preclinical animal research, 2000–2022: part 14
Richard Cabot, pair-matched random allocation, and the attempt to compare like with like in the social sciences and medicine. Part 1: the context of the social sciences4
Surgeon-anatomist to robotic technician? The evolving role of the surgeon over three centuries4
COVID-19: fail to prepare, prepare to fail4
Impact on emergency and elective hospital-based care in Scotland over the first 12 months of the pandemic: interrupted time-series analysis of national lockdowns4
Five thousand years of minimal access surgery: 3000BC to 1850: early instruments for viewing body cavities4
Long COVID – What doesn’t kill you may not make you stronger3
The coronavirus pandemic: can we handle such epidemics better?3
Applying postcolonial theory in academic medicine3
COVID-19 and its impact on the clinical specialty training recruitment process: lessons learned and the shape of future specialty recruitment in the UK3
Registration of essential medicines in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda: a retrospective analysis3
Drivers and barriers to engaging with academia: a minority-ethnic medical student perspective3
Recurrence of endometrial cancer in a hysterectomised patient treated with tamoxifen for breast cancer: a case report3
Should doctors leave the history of medicine to historians?3
Racial, ethnic and regional differences in the effect of sodium–glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists on cardiovascular and renal outcomes: a systematic rev3
Financial difficulty in the medical profession3
Humility: the primary virtue of a good doctor3
The poor relation: health education in English schools3
Resetting priorities in precision medicine: the role of social prescribing3
Living with COVID3
Same storm, different boats: can the UK recapture improving life expectancy trends?3
What is the balance of benefits and harms for lung cancer screening with low-dose computed tomography?3
COVID-19, politics, economics and how the future pans out are inseparable3
Healthcare workers potentially exposed to HIV: an update3
Medicine, misconduct and confronting #MeToo3
Doctor Who? Honorific titles and their influence on patients’ perceptions of healthcare professionals3
The medicolegal landscape through the lens of COVID-19: time for reform3
Developing a culture of stewardship: how to prevent the Tragedy of the Commons in universal health systems3
COVID 19: questioning and change must be the new normal3
Mental health, the hidden crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic3
Carl Liebermeister and the emergence of modern medical statistics, Part 1: his remarkable work in historical context3
Do national policies for complaint handling in English hospitals support quality improvement? Lessons from a case study3