Communication Research

(The H4-Index of Communication Research is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
Computer-Mediated Communication, Social Media, and Mental Health: A Conceptual and Empirical Meta-Review170
Using Media for Coping: A Scoping Review67
Using a Personality-Profiling Algorithm to Investigate Political Microtargeting: Assessing the Persuasion Effects of Personality-Tailored Ads on Social Media60
Confirmation Bias and the Persistence of Misinformation on Climate Change42
Social Media Use and Adolescents’ Well-Being: Developing a Typology of Person-Specific Effect Patterns30
“Be Nice or Leave Me Alone”: An Intergroup Perspective on Affective Polarization in Online Political Discussions29
Constructing Discourses on (Un)truthfulness: Attributions of Reality, Misinformation, and Disinformation by Politicians in a Comparative Social Media Setting27
Mistake or Manipulation? Conceptualizing Perceived Mis- and Disinformation among News Consumers in 10 European Countries25
When Brands (Don’t) Take My Stance: The Ambiguous Effectiveness of Political Brand Communication24
How Perpetrator Identity (Sometimes) Influences Media Framing Attacks as “Terrorism” or “Mental Illness”21
Casual Condomless Sex, Range of Pornography Exposure, and Perceived Pornography Realism18
A Meta-Analysis of Factors Related to Health Information Seeking: An Integration from Six Theoretical Frameworks17
Privacy Cynicism and its Role in Privacy Decision-Making16
“It’s Going to be Out There For a Long Time”: The Influence of Message Persistence on Users’ Political Opinion Expression in Social Media14
The Importance of Trending Topics in the Gatekeeping of Social Media News Engagement: A Natural Experiment on Weibo14
Framing as a Bridging Concept for Climate Change Communication: A Systematic Review Based on 25 Years of Literature14