
(The TQCC of Ethos is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01.)
“Poor brain development” in the global South? Challenging the science of early childhood interventions17
Socialization, Autonomy, and Cooperation: Insights from Task Assignment Among the Egalitarian BaYaka9
A Critical Discourse Analysis of an Australian Incarcerated Trans Woman's Letters of Complaint and Self‐Advocacy8
Modeling Culture: A Framework8
The Varieties of Transformative Experience: Ethnographic Explorations6
Individuality and community: The limits of social constructivism6
When the Ghosts Live in the Nursery: Postpartum Depression and the Grandmother‐Mother‐Baby Triad in Luzhou, China6
When the Artificial Is Natural: Reconsidering What Bionics and Sensoria Do5
Tuning the self: Revisiting health inequities through the lens of social interaction5
South Korean Education Under Psychocultural Globalization5
Scrolling and the In‐Between Spaces of Boredom: Marginalized Youths on the Periphery of Vienna4
Promoting global ECD top‐down and bottom‐up4
Struggling Along in Nigeria: Depression, Treatment, and Morality4
The Linguistic Embodiment of Emotions. A Study of the Australian Continent3
The Day We Were Dogs: Mental Vulnerability, Shared Reading, and Moments of Transformation3
Notq Arrives at the Clinic: How Druze Therapists Deal with the Cultural Phenomenon of Remembering and Talking about Previous Incarnation Among the Druze in Israel3
The Other Within Oneself: Understanding Care for a Family Member with Early‐Onset Dementia Through the Lens of Dividuality3
The limits of “no limits”: Young women's entrepreneurial performance and the gendered conquest of the self3
The Good, the Dead, and the Other: Chronicles of a Nepali Phantasmicide3
Editorial: The solidarity imperative and changes at Ethos3
The Quilombola Movement: Sensing Futures in Afroindigenous Amazonia3
Making Sense of War Memories: An Analysis of Dutch Veteran Return Trips to Former Yugoslavia2
Doing Gender in Brazil: An Examination of the Motivations for Cultural Consonance2
Mommy brain in the United States2
Being Heard and Remembered: Young Adults’ Experiences of Recognition in the Social and Health Care Systems in Denmark2
Becoming Role Models: Pedagogies of Soft Skills and Affordances of Person‐Making in Contemporary China2
Embodiment, Empathic Perception, and Spiritual Ontologies in Q'eqchi’ Maya Healing: An Ethnographic Exploration2
The Years of Living Transformatively2
At the Edge of the Sensible: Cultivating Doubt in Radically Engaged Anthropology and Spirituality2
The Guard's Dilemma: Social Roles and Therapeutic Experience for Inpatient‐Guards in Tijuana's Community‐Based Addiction Treatment2
2018 Condon Prize for Best Student Essay in Psychological Anthropology “It Hurts Good”: Ethical Highs, From Addiction to Ultramarathon Running2
Rape, ritual, rupture, and repair: Decentering Euro‐American logics of trauma and healing in an analytic autoethnography of the five years after my rape in Sierra Leone2
Family Trouble: Changing (Dis)Orders and Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Uganda2
Decolonizing affect: Resonance as an ethnographic technique2
Embodied Routines and Ethnotheories of Morning Drop‐Offs at US and Chinese Preschools2
Seeing, being seen, and the semiotics of perspective2
What Does the Situation Say? Theorizing Multiple Understandings of Climate Change2
The landscapes of lives I: An action landscape approach to practices and the interface of individual and society2
Civil melancholia: Yemenite Jews’ responses to the kidnapping of their children1
Fairness, partner choice, and punishment: An ethnographic study of cooperative behavior among children in Helsinki, Finland1
Immaterial Alliances: Constructions of Self‐Other Relations and Conceptions of Belonging in the Therapeutic Narratives of Muslim and Buddhist Cambodians1
Embodying intimacy in everyday interaction: A biolinguistic study of long‐term partners in the Southeastern United States1
Listening with the Dead Other1
Feeding, food, and attachment: An underestimated relationship?1
Growing up in Nso: Changes and continuities in children's relational networks during the first three years of life1
Shaping hope in everyday life: Experiences of veteran spouses with post‐deployment mental health issues1
Book Reviews Essay: Ethics, Care, and Parenting in the Context of Invisible Disabilities.1
Looking Again and Beyond: The Power of Images in Intercultural Training in Youth Mental Health Care1
More than visual: The apprenticeship of skilled visions1
The Force of Love: Type II Diabetes in Vietnam as Tentatively Transformative Experience1
What it is to see: Artificial vision as constitutive interaction1
Your Own Personal Illness: Interpretation through the Spiritual Malady in Alcoholics Anonymous1
Envious Ethnography and the Ethnography of Envy in Anthropology's “Orient”: Towards A Theory of Envy1
Cultivating Ethnographic Sensibilities in Ethnographies of Dying People1
A Mind of Winter: The Transformative Experience of Estrangement by a Stateless Kurd in Exile in Denmark1
The Biosocial Body: HIV Visibility in an Age of Pharmaceutical Treatment in Indonesia1
Between us: Facilitated decision‐making in the relational experience of profound intellectual disability1
Emotional Pathways of Embodied Health Vulnerability: Maternal Health Risk and Emotional Distress among First‐ and Second‐Generation Immigrants on the US‐Mexico Border1
An Experience of Entitlement: The Intersection of High Socioeconomic Status, Self, and Early Recollections1
Individualization, Peer Learning, and the Cultural Model of Sociality in South Korean Education: The Case of an Educational Metaphor1
Forced Migration and Forced Disjunctions: An Exploration of Imagination's Role in Changing Long‐Standing Cultural Identity and Lifeways1
Managing the Risks of Schooling, Securing Middle‐Class Belonging: Russian, Palestinian, and Jewish Mothers in Israel1
Subjects to freedom: The entanglements of desire in Upland Indonesia1
Flucht nach vorne (seeking refuge in the future): Trauma, agency, and the fantasy of onward flight among refugees in Berlin1