Zeitschrift fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik

(The TQCC of Zeitschrift fuer Anglistik und Amerikanistik is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Multimodal Research in Linguistics5
Enaction Through Co-speech Gesture: The Rhetorical Handing of the Mental Timeline5
Contemporary Art Practice and Indigenous Knowledge3
Suggestive Landscape2
The Slimic Imagination and Elemental Eco-Horror2
It’s Time to Do News Again2
On Multiple Paths and Change in the Language Network2
Indigenous Knowledges in North America: An Introduction1
How to Read the ‘Literary’ in the Literary Market1
Surfacing Ecological Disaster:Poets for Living Watersand the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill1
(Dis)Enchanting the City: Charles de Lint’s Urban Fantasy Fiction1
Hashtags and Environmental Literacy in the EFL Classroom1
From Product Placement to Boundary Work: Further Steps towards an Integrated Sociology of Literary Communication1
“England Prevails?” Contemporary UK Politics and Alan Moore’s Border-Challenging Comics1
Reading Strategies and Impossible Worlds in Fiction: With Reference to Lincoln in the Bardo1
London and Cloisterham as an Imperial ‘Heart of Darkness’ in Dickens’s The Mystery of Edwin Drood1
Descriptive Economy in the New Weird Short Story: China Miéville’s “The Condition of New Death”1
The Horrors of the Oriental Space and Language in H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Shadow over Innsmouth”1
Between Causative and Passive: Agentivity in the Affactive Construction1
Diachronic Construction Grammar – Introductory Remarks to This Special Issue1
What Film Translation can Tell us About the Creation of Meaning, the Role of Accents and Gestures – A Few Essayistic Remarks About Multimodality1
The ‘Fast Runner’ Trilogy, Inuit Cultural Memory, and Knowledge (Re-)Production1
Representations of Pro-Choice Protesters in US News Media0
The Aesthetics and Politics of Elemental Agency0
Michael Weber: Die Chronologie von Emily Brontës Wuthering Heights. Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media0
Greatness and the Convertibility of Literary Capital: W. D. Howells and Black Writers0
The Short Story, the New Weird, and the Literary Market0
ZAA at 700
British-American Contrasts in the Use of the Past Perfect: Negotiating Ambiguity versus Redundancy?0
Novel Didactics? Defoe’s Legacy in the Contemporary Children’s Robinsonade0
Freud by Numbers? – Hysteria and Transgenerational Haunting in Patrick McGrath’s Constance (2013)0
Desiring Walls: Fantasies of Containment and Reimagined British Pasts0
“No more little boxes” – Poetic Positionings in the Literary Field0
Books Received0
John B. Thompson: Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing0
Mary Ashraf and the “Research Group on Working Class Literature”: The Programmatic Pursuit of a New Research Field in the GDR Anglistik0
The Kitchen and the Factory: Spaces of Women’s Work and the Negotiation of Social Difference in Antebellum American Literature0
Contemporary Literature and Social Invisibility: Introduction0
“Tall, Dark and Tasty”: Masculinity in Food and Beverage Advertising0
A Persistent Borderland: Glasgow, the Anglo-Scottish Border, and the Making of (North) British Identity, 1700–17300
Authorial Lives and Deaths: Revisiting Perumal Murugan’s Literary Death and Afterlives0
Yasna Bozhkova: Between Worlds: Mina Loy’s Aesthetic Itineraries0
Work in Progress: Curatorial Labor in Twenty-First-Century American Fiction0
Revisiting Gradience in Diachronic Construction Grammar: PPs and the Complement-Adjunct Distinction in the History of English0
Müller, Timo: The African American Sonnet: A Literary History0
Filmic Gold: The Elemental Aesthetics of the Klondike Gold Rush in Bill Morrison’s Dawson City: Frozen Time (2016)0
“Organised Clairvoyance”: Supranational Surveillance and Controlled Borderlessness in H. G. Wells’sA Modern Utopia0
Afterword: Running with the Metaphor of Social Invisibility0
Introduction to the Special Issue0
Becoming (In)Visible: Self-Assertion and Disappearance of the Self in Contemporary Surveillance Narratives0
María J. Lopez and Pilar Villar-Argáiz: Secrecy and Community in 21st-Century Fiction0
Hawaiki According to Tupaia: Glimpses of Knowing Home in Precolonial Remote Oceania0
Books Received0
Sounds Like America: The Elemental Politics of Walt Whitman and John Luther Adams0
The Poetics of (Un)Mournability: Emma Donoghue’s Hood (1995) as an Elegy in Invisible Ink0
Character and Perspective in Cosmic Horror: Lovecraft and Kiernan0
Saul Noam Zaritt: Jewish American Writing and World Literature: Maybe to Millions, Maybe to Nobody0
Half-Witted or Hard-Working-Fun-Loving Women? – A Corpus-Assisted Study of Gendered Collocation in the New Zealand Alpine Club Journal Corpus0
Horror and the Holocaust: ‘Prestige Horror’ and Frank Pierson’s Conspiracy (2001)0
Melville’s Mirrors: Literary Criticism and America’s Most Elusive Author0
Ambiguity Avoidance by Means of Function Words in English? Providing Additional Corpus-based Counterevidence0
Bracketing Ephemera: Robert Paltock’s The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins and Eighteenth-Century Book Culture0
Alongside – The Novel: New Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Fiction0
Books Received0
How to Read the Literary Market: An Introduction0
Books Received0
Sōþes ne wanda. The Avoidance is Separation Metaphor in West-Germanic Argument Structure0
Spreading the Work: Introducing Eighteenth-Century ‘Derivatives’ in the Classroom0
Books Received0
Experience(s) of Decorporation: The Invisibilisation of Care in John Lanchester’s Capital (2012)0
The Role of Gender in the Realisation of Apologies in Local Council Meetings: A Variational Pragmatic Approach in British and New Zealand English0
Profit and Loss: ‘Indian’ Art at Sherman Institute, a Native American Off-Reservation Boarding School0
Exploring the Effect of Conversion on the Distribution of Inflectional Suffixes: A Multivariate Corpus Study0
Wotan’s Biopunk: The Grim(m) German God and His English Bloodsport in Sarban’s The Sound of His Horn0
Ulla Haselstein: Gertrude Steins literarische Porträts0
Personal Pronouns: Variation and Ambiguity0
Inspector Gowda’s Divided City: Space, Inequality, and Crime in Anita Nair’s Bangalore Novels0
Sherronda J. Brown: Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture0
Crossing the Walls: Reading Doris Lessing’s The Memoirs of a Survivor as a Hopeful Dystopia0
Mean Streets: Tracking the Dispositives of Address(es) with China Miéville’s “Reports of Certain Events in London”0
The Heroic Programme of Sherlock0
Ina Bergmann: The Nineteenth Century Revis(it)ed: The New Historical Fiction0
Measured Life: Making Live, the “Modern System of Science,” and the Animated Bodies of Frankenstein0
Searching for the Broad Present: The Chronotope in Teju Cole’s Open City0
Resisting (through) the Elements of Race: A Fugitive Humanist Reading of Colson Whitehead’sThe Underground Railroad0
From Charlotte Smith to Jane Austen: The Evolution of the English Novel0
Homes Unbound: Flight, Displacement, and Homing Desire in Exile Persian Poetry0
Haunting Homes and Emerging Dilemmas of Being in the World: A Commentary0
Gender-Marking -ess: The Suffix that Failed0
Myth and Intersections of Myth and Gender in Canadian Culture: Margaret Atwood’s Revision of the Odyssey in The Penelopiad0
“To this Silent Paper I May Confess it”: Diary Writing and Trauma in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall0
‘Perced to the Roote’: Refugee Tales and the Poetics of In/Visibility0
Multimodal Event Construals: The Role of Co-Speech Gestures in English vs. Czech Interactions0
Unusual Alliances of Knowledge Production: A Reading of Disney’s Frozen 20
Modes of Social Closure in Morten Tyldum’s Film The Imitation Game0
Books Received0
Books Received0
György Lukács and the Eighteenth-Century Novel0
A Twice-Told Tale? Nathaniel Hawthorne, Genre, Sponsorship0
Arvind Thomas: Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Late Middle Ages0
Marianne Nicolson’s Land-Based Knowledgescape Cliff Painting0
The Long and the Short of It: Approaching the (Un-)Representable in China Miéville’s “The Tain” (2002) and “The Condition of New Death” (2014)0
Books Received0
Herman Melville0
Invocations of Indigeneity in the Colonial Red/White/Black Triad0
First Nations Healing: From Traditional Medicine to Experimental Ethnopharmacology0
Modern Novel Writing in the Eighteenth Century: ‘Classic’ and Later Perspectives0
Creating Realities: Business as a Motif in American Fiction, 1865–19290
Transcendental Homelessness, Planetary Homes (In a Time of War): Perspectives From North and South0
Positionality in a Contemptuous Time: Ethical Considerations and Discussions on Researching Language, Gender, and Sexuality0
The Curious Case of Ditransitive Pity, or the Productivity of an Unproductive Pattern0
Authors of Slender Means? Female Authorship in Mid-Twentieth-Century British Fiction0
Marlon Lieber: Reading Race Relationally: Embodied Dispositions and Social Structures in Colson Whitehead’s Novels0
Daniela Keller and Ina Habermann: Brexit and beyond: Nation and identity0
Robinson Crusoe – But on Mars: Investigating Intertextuality in Andy Weir’sThe Martian(2014)0
Wiegandt, Kai. J. M: Coetzee’s Revisions of the Human. Posthumanism and Narrative Form0
How Useful is Bourdieu’s Notion of Cultural Capital for Describing Literary Markets?0
Thresholds of In/Visibility and the Scopic Power of Literature0
Heterotopic Spaces as Pathways to Discovering Transcultural Self in Brian Castro’s Shanghai Dancing and Birds of Passage0
Stefan Schubert: Narrative Instability: Destabilizing Identities, Realities, and Textualities in Contemporary Popular Culture0
Sara Ahmed: The Feminist Killjoy Handbook0
Books Received0
Black Print Unbound: The Christian Recorder, African American Literature, and Periodical Culture0
Haunted by Homes: A Short Introduction0
‘Wonder’ Nouns and the Development of a Mirative Constructional Network: An Exercise in Semiotic Diachronic Construction Grammar0
Home Is where the Bees Are! Beekeeping as Homing in Christy Lefteri’s The Beekeeper of Aleppo and Tamara Kotevska and Ljubomir Stefanov’s Honeyland0
Homes: A Quartet0
British Borders and/in East Africa: World War II and Multidirectional Memory in Nadifa Mohamed’s Black Mamba Boy0