
(The median citation count of Survival is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Strategy for a Pandemic: The UK and COVID-1932
A Brutal Examination: Russian Military Capability in Light of the Ukraine War28
From Wuhan to the World: How the Pandemic Will Reshape Geopolitics26
The War in Ukraine and Global Nuclear Order23
Lessons of the SolarWinds Hack22
COVID-19 and the EU Economy: Try Again, Fail Better19
The Ukraine Crisis: Why and What Now?17
The Scientific Response to COVID-19 and Lessons for Security17
Finland, Sweden and NATO Membership16
Together or Apart? The European Union’s East–West Divide16
Europe Can Defend Itself14
The Cyber Dimension of the Russia–Ukraine War13
Pandemics and Politics12
Using Force to Protect Civilians in UN Peacekeeping11
Digital Coloniser? China and Artificial Intelligence in Africa11
Politics by Default: China and the Global Governance of African Debt10
Israel’s Right-wing Populists: The European Connection9
Subtle Connections: Pandemic and the Authoritarian Impulse9
Afghanistan and the Failure of Liberal Peacebuilding9
Ditch the NPT9
The Sino-Russian Relationship and the West8
War in the Grey Zone: Historical Reflections and Contemporary Implications8
Misplaced Restraint: The Quincy Coalition Versus Liberal Internationalism7
The UAE and the War in Yemen: From Surge to Recalibration7
Israel’s Evolving Iran Policy7
Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Military Scenarios and Outcomes6
Secret Intelligence and Public Diplomacy in the Ukraine War6
What the India–Russia Defence Partnership Means for US Policy5
Japan’s Grand Strategy: The Abe Era and Its Aftermath5
The Great Hype: False Visions of Conflict and Opportunity in the Arctic5
In the Shadow of Ukraine: India’s Choices and Challenges5
Disarming Arguments: Public Opinion and Nuclear Abolition5
The Contested Origin of SARS-CoV-25
NATO’s Next Strategic Concept: Prioritise or Perish5
The War in Ukraine and the European Central Bank5
UK Defence Policy After Ukraine: Revisiting the Integrated Review4
Sleepwalking to Solidarity? Russia, Ukraine and the European Dream4
Putin's Strategic Failure4
Russia’s Arctic Designs and NATO4
Community and COVID-19: Japan, Sweden and Uruguay4
The Rohingya Crisis: Can ASEAN Salvage Its Credibility?4
What Putin Fights For4
Germany and Russia: Farewell to Ostpolitik?4
Ukraine: The Shock of Recognition4
War and Peace: Reaffirming the Distinction4
NATO Facing China: Responses and Adaptations3
Towards a Quantum Internet: Post-pandemic Cyber Security in a Post-digital World3
Sanctioning Pandemic-plagued Iran3
India and US FONOPs: Oceans Apart3
Fraught Relations: Saudi Ambitions and American Anger3
Germany, Japan and the Fate of International Order3
Europe Can Afford the Cost of Autonomy3
Battalions to Brigades: The Future of European Defence3
The Military and the Constitution Under Trump3
Competing with the BRI: The West’s Uphill Task3
Getting Restraint Right: Liberal Internationalism and American Foreign Policy3
Trump’s Insurrection and America’s Year of Living Dangerously3
Russia’s Demise as an Energy Superpower2
Euro-Atlantic Security and the China Nexus2
Towards a New Model for US– Russian Relations2
The Zeitenwende at Work: Germany’s National Security Strategy2
Europe’s Defence Requires Offence2
Alliances and Nuclear Risk: Strengthening US Extended Deterrence2
Calibrating the EU’s Trade Dependency2
The Crisis of Liberalism and the Western Alliance2
Russia’s Deceptive Nuclear Policy2
Geopolitical Forecasting and Actionable Intelligence2
Quiet Engagement with the Taliban2
China Looks at the Korean Peninsula: The ‘Two Transitions’2
Vindicating Realist Internationalism2
Spin-on: How the US Can Meet China’s Technological Challenge2
Port Investments in the Belt and Road Initiative: Is Beijing Grabbing Strategic Assets?2
Belarus and Russian Policy: Patterns of the Past, Dilemmas of the Present2
A Useful Failure: Macron's Overture to Russia2
In Reply: To Repeat, Europe Can Defend Itself2
Opportunistic Aggression in the Twenty-first Century2
Endings and Surprises of the Russia–Ukraine War2
America and the Illiberal Order After Trump2
Ukraine’s Strategy of Attrition2
US Counter-terrorism: Moving Beyond Global Counter-insurgency to Strongpoint Defence2
What Kind of NATO Allies Will Finland and Sweden Be?2
Strategic Unpredictability: Assessing the Doctrine from Nixon to Putin2
The Iran Nuclear Deal and Sanctions Relief: Implications for US Policy2
Dilemmas of Aiding Ukraine2
An Afghan Tragedy: The Pashtuns, the Taliban and the State2
Republican Politics and Policy After Trump2
Why Have Chinese Diplomats Become So Aggressive?2
Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Verdict on the Limits of American Power2
Why Global Order Needs Disorder2
Resolving the Dilemma of UNSC Reform1
The Guns of Europe: Defence-industrial Challenges in a Time of War1
Joe Biden’s Post-transatlantic Moment1
Negotiating with North Korea … Again1
The War on Terror Has Not Yet Failed: A Net Assessment After 20 Years1
A New Concert? Diplomacy for a Chaotic World1
US–China Relations in the Shadow of Spengler1
The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future of International Order1
More than Decorative, Less than Decisive: Russian A2/AD Capabilities and NATO1
War and Arms Control: When to Pursue Cooperation1
Europe’s Fragile Unity1
The Energy Transition, Protectionism and Transatlantic Relations1
UN Peacekeeping After the Pandemic: An Increased Role for Intelligence1
The Strategic Implications of China’s Weak Cyber Defences1
Australia’s Archipelagic Deterrence1
Getting China Right1
Connecting Intelligence and Policy1
Response: Keep the NPT1
Russia and Eurasia1
Saving Strategic Arms Control1
The Geopolitics of Greenflation1
How the al-Qaeda–Taliban Alliance Survived1
The New Threat to the Test-Ban Treaty1
Xi Jinping’s Third Term1
Woman, Life, Freedom in Iran1
How the War Has Changed Russia1
Did the US Intelligence Community Lose Iran?1
Protecting US Interests in Afghanistan1
What Is This Thing Called Peace?1
Europe Cannot Defend Itself: The Challenge of Pooling Military Power1
The Consequences of Generative AI for Democracy, Governance and War1
Manoeuvre Versus Attrition in US Military Operations1
Rethinking Arms Control with a Nuclear North Korea1
Iran’s Grand Strategic Logic1
Strengthening the US Partnership with the Syrian Democratic Forces1
Reforming Ukraine’s Security Sector1
Hope Deferred: Russia from 1991 to 20211
The Perspective from Pyongyang: Limits of Compromise1
Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies0
Brief Notices0
The ‘China Model’ in the Middle East0
Russia and Eurasia0
Brief Notices0
Northern Exposure0
The United States, China and the Dispersal of Power0
Is Putin Doomed to Run in 2024?0
Middle East0
Truman Redux? Biden’s National Security Strategy0
Eastern Exposure: Germany Looks at Russia0
The Future of US–Israeli Relations0
Preventing the Next Social-media Genocide0
Latin America0
Swords and Emotions: The American Civil War and Society-centric Strategy0
How to End a War: Some Historical Lessons for Ukraine0
Asia’s Ukraine Problem0
Middle East0
Middle East0
South Asia0
Indo-Pacific Dilemmas: The Like-minded and the Non-aligned0
The Ambivalence of Soft PowerSoft Power and the Future of US Foreign Policy, Hendrik W. Ohnesorge, ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023. £90.00. 256 pp.0
Europe’s China Problem: How Not to Feed Beijing’s Military–Civil Fusion0
Britain in a Contested World0
Engaging North Korea: The Warming-up Phase0
Environment and Resources0
Towards Nuclear Stewardship with China0
Letter to the Editor0
Kissinger and Monnet: Realpolitik and Interdependence in World Affairs0
Calibrating Engagement with the Taliban0
Russia and Eurasia0
Brief Notices0
Whither Wagner? The Consequences of Prigozhin’s Mutiny and Demise0
Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies0
Culture and Society0
Brief Notices0
Editor’s Note0
The US–Mexico Border: Asylum, Fear and Trump0
Geography Lessons: American Decline and the Challenge of Asia0
A Critical Juncture: Russia, Ukraine and the Global South0
Lifting the Protection Curse: The Rise of New Military Powers in the Middle East0
Brief Notices0
Argentina’s Foreign Policy Under Milei: Limited Disruption?0
The Intricacies of UN Security Council Reform0
Politics and International Relations0
The State of NATO: An American View0
Culture and Society0
Algeria’s Assertive Re-emergence0
A Great and Growing Rift0
The Coup that Wasn’t: Jimmy Carter and Iran0
Germany’s Strategic Reorientations, Present and Past0
After Afghanistan: Intelligence Analysis and US Military Missions0
War, Conflict and the Military0
Living and Dying Nations and the Age of COVID-190
The US and South Korea: The Trouble with Nuclear Assurance0
Counter-terrorism and Intelligence0
Brief Notices0
Making Attrition Work: A Viable Theory of Victory for Ukraine0
The Trouble with Regime Change0
Brief Notices0
United States0
Nixon in China, February 1972: Revisiting the 'Week that Changed the World'0
Middle East0
Oppenheimer: The Man, the Movie and Nuclear DreadOppenheimer (American film), Christopher Nolan, director and writer. Distributed by Universal Pictures, 2023.0
The US Navy’s Generational Challenge0
The Economic Consequences of Xi Jinping0
Detect and Engage: A New American Way of War0
South Asia0
Ronald Steel and the American Century0
Trump’s Russia Legacy and Biden’s Response0
United States0
Letter to the Editor0
In Paranoid Style: The Last Days of Trump0
Uncle Sam’s Hidden Empire0
From Quad to Quint? Vietnam’s Strategic Potential0
What’s the UN Security Council For?0
Australia’s ‘Drums of War’0
Brief Notices0
Four Circles: Comprehending the China Challenge0
Donald Trump’s Legacy0
South Korea's Aircraft-carrier Debate0
Editor’s Note0
Hard Lessons from South Sudan0
Israel and the Iran Nuclear Deal: The Best of Bad Options0
Can the New Left Deliver Change in Latin America?0
CIA Agonistes0
Environment and Resources0
Zeitenwende One Year On0
The Russo-Ukrainian War and the Durability of Deterrence0
Intelligence, Strategy and Governance in the Twenty-first Century0
Disruptive Technologies and Nuclear Risks: What’s New and What Matters0
The Maritime Logic of the Melian Dialogue: Deterrence in the Western Pacific0
The US Navy and the Western PacificU.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: A New Strategy for Facing the Chinese and Russian Threat, Brent Droste Sadler. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2023. $39.0
Letter to the Editor0
Cyber Security and Emerging Technologies0
The H-bomb in the Swamp: Taking Nuclear War Seriously Again0
South Asia0
The Improbably Long Reach of the Rushdie Fatwa0
Telegram, ‘Milbloggers’ and the Russian State0
Russia and Eurasia0