Psychology in the Schools

(The TQCC of Psychology in the Schools is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Considerations for educators in supporting student learning in the midst of COVID‐1945
Social and emotional learning during early adolescence: Effectiveness of a classroom‐based SEL program for middle school students34
Learning goal orientation and psychological capital among students: A pathway to academic satisfaction and performance32
Returning to teaching during COVID‐19: An empirical study on elementary teachers' self‐efficacy31
Teacher empathy and students with problem behaviors: Examining teachers' perceptions, responses, relationships, and burnout31
The association between witnessing cyberbullying and depressive symptoms and social anxiety among elementary school students31
Using structural equation modeling to examine the relationship between Ghanaian teachers' emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, professional identity, and work engagement30
Engaged or excluded: LGBTQ youth's participation in school sports and their relationship to psychological well‐being29
Australian teacher stress, well‐being, self‐efficacy, and safety during the COVID‐19 pandemic29
How teachers' perceptions of the parent–teacher relationship affect children's risk for early childhood expulsion29
LGBTQ student experiences in schools from 2009–2019: A systematic review of study characteristics and recommendations for prevention and intervention in school psychology journals27
Applying a MTSS framework to address racism and promote mental health for racial/ethnic minoritized youth27
Beyond the four walls: The evolution of school psychological services during the COVID‐19 outbreak26
Understanding and addressing racial stress and trauma in schools: A pathway toward resistance and healing24
Relationships between role stress, professional identity, and burnout among contemporary school counselors23
Adapting strategies to promote implementation reach and equity (ASPIRE) in school mental health services22
Academic self‐efficacy and academic performance among high school students: A moderated mediation model of academic buoyancy and social support20
Educator perspectives on mental health resources and practices in their school17
The association between teacher‐student relationship and academic achievement: The moderating effect of parental involvement15
The impact of the COVID‐19 school closures on families with children with disabilities: A qualitative analysis15
Correlates of school bullying victimization among Black/White biracial adolescents: Are they similar to their monoracial Black and White peers?14
Supporting primary school students' mental health needs: Teachers' perceptions of roles, barriers, and abilities14
Development and validation of the reading motivation questionnaire in an English as a foreign language context14
Educational resilience among youth in foster care14
The mediating effects of metacognition and creative thinking on the relationship between teachers' autonomy support and teachers' self‐efficacy14
The longitudinal trajectories of teacher burnout and vigour across the scholar year: The predictive role of emotional intelligence14
Investigating teachers' job satisfaction, stress and working environment: The roles of self‐efficacy and school leadership14
The role of infant and early childhood mental health consultation in reducing racial and gender relational and discipline disparities between Black and white preschoolers13
Applying the demand–control–support model on burnout in students: A meta‐analysis13
The impact of parents' home‐ and school‐based involvement on adolescents' intrinsic motivation and anxiety in math13
A systematic review of the What Works Clearinghouse's behavioral intervention evidence: Does it relate to Black children13
A mixed‐method study of paraprofessional roles, professional development, and needs for training in elementary schools13
Exploring the experiences and responses of LGBTQ+ adolescents to school‐based sexuality education13
Greek teachers' resilience levels during the COVID‐19 pandemic lockdown and its association with attitudes towards emergency remote teaching and perceived stress13
PBIS fidelity, school climate, and student discipline: A longitudinal study of secondary schools13
Adapting the good behavior game for special education classrooms13
School belonging, self‐efficacy, and meaning in life as mediators of bullying victimization and subjective well‐being in adolescents13
Linking student self‐regulated learning profiles to achievement and engagement in mathematics12
Social support as a source of vitality among college students: The moderating role of social self‐efficacy12
College students' grit, autonomous learning, and well‐being: Self‐control as a mediator12
Communicating for workplace connection: A longitudinal study of the outcomes of listening training on teachers' autonomy, psychological safety, and relational climate12
Engaging peers to promote well‐being and inclusion of newcomer students: A call for equity‐informed peer interventions12
Can abacus course eradicate developmental dyscalculia11
Perceived stress and wellbeing in Romanian teachers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The intervening effects of job crafting and problem‐focused coping11
Grit, fit, gender, and academic achievement among first‐year college students11
Parental marital conflict, negative emotions, phubbing, and academic burnout among college students in the postpandemic era: A multiple mediating models11
Online self‐regulated learning and academic procrastination: A moderated mediation model11
Examining the structural validity of the SSIS SEL brief scales—Teacher and student forms11
Predicting peer acceptance and peer rejection for autistic children10
Parental involvement in homework of children with learning disabilities during distance learning: Relations with fear of COVID‐19 and resilience10
What do French school staff know about young carers? A qualitative study about their perceptions10
Advancing mental health screening in schools: Innovative, field‐tested practices and observed trends during a 15‐month learning collaborative10
The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well‐being among school students during the second wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic in India10
Mandatory voice: Implementation of a district‐led student‐voice program in urban high schools10
Investigating the relationship between emotion regulation strategies and self‐efficacy beliefs among adolescents: Implications for academic achievement10
Structural relationship among academic motivation, academic self‐efficacy, problem solving skills, creative thinking skills, and critical thinking skills10
Exploring the contributions of job resources, job demands, and job self‐efficacy to STEM teachers' job satisfaction: A commonality analysis10
Teachers' emotional expressiveness and classroom management practices: Associations with young students' social‐emotional and behavioral competence10
Identification of autism spectrum disorder and interprofessional collaboration between school and clinical settings9
The effects of unexpected changes to content delivery on student learning outcomes: A psychological contract perspective during the COVID‐19 era9
A longitudinal study of school climate: Reciprocal effects with student engagement and burnout9
Interdisciplinary teams: A model to support students with autism9
The effects of teacher–child racial congruence, child race, and emotion situation knowledge on teacher–child relationships and school readiness9
Examining the effects of the personal matrix activity with diverse students9
Secondary trauma, burnout, and teacher self‐care during COVID19: A mixed‐methods case study9
Psychological distress of COVID‐19 pandemic and associated psychosocial factors among Mexican students: An exploratory study9
Gender differences in vulnerability to maternal depression during early adolescence: Girls appear more susceptible than boys9
A meta‐analysis of Tier 2 interventions implemented within School‐Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports9
Growth of fixed mindset from elementary to middle school: Its relationship with trajectories of academic behavior engagement and academic achievement9
The role of GSA participation, victimization based on sexual orientation, and race on psychosocial well‐being among LGBTQ secondary school students9
Efficacy of mindfulness‐based stress reduction on fear of emotions and related cognitive behavioral processes in Chinese University students: A randomized controlled trial9
Teacher stress and burnout: The role of psychological work resources and implications for practitioners9
Comparing teacher stress in Chinese and US elementary schools: Classroom appraisal of resources and demands9
Boredom proneness and core self‐evaluation as mediators between loneliness and mobile phone addiction among Chinese college students8
The relationship between teacher stress and job satisfaction as moderated by coping8
Psychological state and its correlates of local college students in Wuhan during COVID‐19 pandemic8
Assessment of adaptive behavior in autism spectrum disorder8
Effectiveness of Sesame Workshop's Little Children, Big Challenges: A digital media SEL intervention for preschool classrooms8
Exploring educational engagement for parents with math anxiety8
Psychosocial perceptions and executive functioning: Hope and school belonging predict students' executive functioning8
Relationship between perceived social media addiction and social media applications frequency usage among university students8
Differential item functioning of the Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance‐3 for White and African American students8
Prediction of academic achievement in Dominican students: Mediational role of learning strategies and study habits and attitudes toward study8
Validation of the Five‐item Learning Climate Questionnaire as a measure of teacher autonomy support in the classroom8
On the different effects of teacher–student rapport on urban and rural students' math learning in China: An empirical study8
School nurse and COVID‐19 response7
Math homework purpose scale: Confirming the factor structure with high school students7
A multilevel model of the association between school climate and racial differences in academic outcomes7
School racial‐ethnic discrimination, rule‐breaking behaviors and the mediating role of trauma among Latinx adolescents: Considerations for school mental health practice7
Does educational stress mediate the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and academic life satisfaction in teenagers during the COVID‐19 pandemic?7
Individual and classroom collective moral disengagement in offline and online bullying: A short‐term multilevel growth model study7
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design in schools: Students' perceptions of safety and psychological comfort7
Burnout in urban teachers: The predictive role of supports and situational responses7
Exploring the relationship between teachers' perceptions of cultural responsiveness, student risk, and classroom behavior7
Implementation barriers and facilitators of a mindfulness‐based social emotional learning program and the role of relational trust: A qualitative study7
Centering trauma‐informed approaches in schools within a social justice framework7
Do teaching practices and enjoyment of science matter to science achievement?7
Validation of the South Korean adolescents version of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support7
Incorporating the indigenous evaluation framework for culturally responsive community engagement7
Teachers' experiences with K‐12 students' mental health7
Factors influencing the use of ICT to support students' self‐regulated learning in digital environment: The role of teachers in lower secondary education of Shanghai, China7
Parent–Child Connect: A culturally responsive parent training for Asian American parents at school7
A multicultural, gender, and sexually diverse affirming school‐based consultation framework7
Responding to the COVID‐19 public health emergency: The usefulness of an online brief psychological intervention with Italian university students7
Mental health, well‐being, and help‐seeking in schools among black adolescents: The role of discrimination in high‐achieving academic settings7
Current status and future directions in assessment of paraprofessional practices7
Diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with autism and ADHD7
When is the evidence sufficiently supportive of real‐world application? Evidence‐based practices, open science, clinical readiness level6
The relationship between principal support, teacher professional identity, and teacher professional learning in China: Investigating gender differences6
Exploring the factors relating to academic resilience among students with socioeconomic disadvantages: Factors from individual, school, and family domains6
The Inventory of Teacher‐Student Relationships: Factor structure and associations with school engagement among high‐risk youth6
Expanding notions of equity: Body diversity and social justice6
Teachers’ consistency of emotional support moderates the association between young children's regulation capacities and their preschool adjustment6
A mixed‐method analysis of the implementation process of universal screening in a tiered mental health system6
Information communication technology use and school belonging in Australian high school students6
Do subjective and objective resilience measures assess unique aspects and what is their relationship to adolescent well‐being?6
The linkages between Chinese children's both cognitive engagement and emotional engagement and behavioral engagement: Mediating effect of perceptions of classroom interactions in math6
The effect of phubbing, a behavioral problem, on academic procrastination: The mediating and moderating role of academic self‐efficacy6
School climate and bystander responses to bullying6
Implementation of drama therapy services in the North American school system: Responses from the field6
Bullied, bystanders, and perpetrators in the workplace: The role of empathy in teachers and school leaders' experiences6
Practice makes proficient: Evaluation of implementation fidelity following COMPASS consultation training6
Dual factor mental health model: Validation through mixture modeling and cut scores6
Art‐based mindfulness at school: A culturally responsive approach to school mental health6
The relationship between teacher's gender and deep learning strategy: The mediating role of deep learning motivation6
Anti‐LGBTQ+ sex education laws: The effects on students and implications for schools and school practitioners6
Perceived school climate and adolescent behaviors among Chinese adolescents: Mediating effect of social‐emotional learning competencies6
School‐wide positive behavioral interventions and supports in Dutch elementary schools: Exploring effects6
Exploring telehealth during COVID for assessing autism spectrum disorder in a diverse sample6
Systematic and evaluative review of school climate instruments for students, teachers, and parents6
A precorrection intervention to teach behavioral expectations to young children5
Mediating effect of resilience in the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction during COVID‐19: A cross‐country study of Thai and Chinese college students5
Beyond counting the correct responses: Metacognitive monitoring and score estimations in mathematics5
Settings, exchanges, and events: The SEE framework of self‐regulated learning supportive practices5
Evaluating psychometric properties of common autism educational identification measures through a culturally and linguistically responsive lens5
The influence of teachers' intrinsic motivation on students' intrinsic motivation: The mediating role of teachers' motivating style and teacher‐student relationships5
Associations between different forms of peer victimization and school absences: The moderating role of teacher attachment and perceived school safety5
Practice‐based coaching to improve culturally responsive practices in early childhood classrooms: A single‐case experimental design5
Identifying the helpfulness of school climate: Skipping school, cheating on tests, and elements of school climate5
The effect of graph standardization on intervention evaluation of practitioner‐created graphs5
Creative adolescent experiences of education and mental health during COVID‐19: A qualitative study5
Using latent profile analysis to investigate emotional intelligence profiles in a sample of American university students5
Elementary teacher self‐efficacy after a year of teaching during COVID‐195
Mitigating secondary traumatic stress in preservice educators: A pilot study on the role of trauma‐informed practice seminars5
Gender integration and elementary‐age students' classroom belongingness: The importance of other‐gender peers5
Early childhood educators' beliefs about child behavior and adult outcomes related to gender and play5
Relatıonship bullying in adolescent period with family functionalities and child behaviors5
Experiences of college students with disabilities and mental health disorders: Informing college transition and retention5
The influence of resilience on social creativity: Chain mediation effects of sense of humor and positive mood5
Test use and assessment practices of school psychology training programs: Findings from a 2020 survey of US faculty5
Students engagement in distant learning: How much influence do the critical factors have for success in academic performance?5
Differences between Spanish students' and teaching professionals' knowledge of and attitudes toward ADHD—Does knowledge influence attitude?5
Bullying in school and cyberbullying among adolescents without and with special educational needs in emotional–social development and in learning in Germany5
Asian American adolescents' mental health literacy and beliefs about helpful strategies to address mental health challenges at school5
Gender digital health literacy gap across age: A moderated moderation effect on depression among in‐school adolescents in Ghana during COVID‐195
The price of punishment: Days missed due to suspension in U.S. K‐12 public schools5
Emotion regulation, resilience, and mental health: A mediation study with university students in the pandemic context5
Changing misconceptions of abilities: The impact of a brief mindset refutation text intervention5
Effectiveness of Youth Mental Health First Aid training for parents at school5
Sympathy and active defending behaviors among Chinese adolescent bystanders: A moderated mediation model of attitude toward bullying and school connectedness5
Retention and job satisfaction of school psychologists5
Gender difference in the relationship between academic self‐efficacy, personal growth initiative, and engagement among Turkish undergraduates: A multigroup modeling4
A mixed‐method study examining solutions to common barriers to teachers' adoption of evidence‐based classroom practices4
Examining congruence in parent–teacher perceptions of middle school supports for students and families4
Effects of the HORS‐PISTE universal anxiety prevention program measured according to initial level of student problems4
Randomized controlled pilot study of feasibility and effectiveness of peer led remote Mindfulness‐Based Art Workshops on stress, anxiety, and depression in medical students4
Psychological symptoms in high achieving students: The multiple mediating effects of parental achievement pressure, perfectionism, and academic expectation stress4
Individualizing the autism assessment process: A framework for school psychologists4
Methods used to evaluate teacher well‐being: A systematic review4
How does future focus promote study engagement? A moderated mediation model of self‐esteem and dispositional awe4
Social media multitasking and college students' academic performance: A situation–organism–behavior–consequence perspective4
Effects of the universal positive behavioral interventions and supports on collective teacher efficacy4
The effect of family support on student engagement: Towards the prevention of dropouts4
Self‐compassion and subjective well‐being: A moderated mediation model of online prosocial behavior and gratitude4
The relationships between oral reading fluency, sustained attention, working memory, and text comprehension in the third‐grade students4
Loneliness and sleep disturbance among first‐year college students: The sequential mediating effect of attachment anxiety and mobile social media dependence4
COVID‐19 and health in children and adolescents in the US: A narrative systematic review4
Cognitive flexibility and grit during times of crisis for Turkish EFL teachers4
Team sports participation, depression, and suicidal ideation in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning adolescents4
Participation of students with extensive support needs in SWPBIS: Administrator and educator perspectives4
Resiliency and academic engagement: A moderated mediation model4
Mothers' and teachers' experience of school re‐entry after a child's prolonged absence due to severe illness4
Students' perfectionistic profiles: Stability, change, and associations with achievement goal orientations4
Natural rates of teacher praise in the classroom: A systematic review of observational studies4
An evaluation of the incremental impact of math intervention on early literacy performance4
“At Some Point We're Going to Reach Our Limit”: Understanding COVID‐19's impact on teacher burnout and subjective mental health4
Counselor and student perceptions of an mHealth technology platform used in a school counseling setting4
Results of a “Psychologically Wise” professional development to increase teacher use of proactive behavior management strategies4
Applying an ecosocial framework to address racial disparities in suicide risk among black youth4
Exploratory factor analysis, reliability, and validity of the interventionist knowledge and skills survey4
Creative arts therapy in the United States school system: An integrative systematic review of empirically evaluated interventions from the past decade4
Benefits for immigrant‐origin and nonimmigrant‐origin youth of discussing immigration in gender and sexuality alliances4
Supporting school‐community collaboration for the implementation of a multi‐tiered school mental health program: The Behavioral Health Team model4
Predicting performance of Middle Eastern female students: A challenge for sustainable education4
Supporting grandchildren's remote instruction during COVID‐19: Experiences of custodial grandmothers4
“My Name Is Sally Brown, and I Hate School!”: A retrospective study of school liking among conventional and Montessori school alumni4
Friendship quality and ethnocultural boys: An exploratory evaluation of the WiseGuyz Program4
Improving a universal intervention for reducing exclusionary discipline practices using student and teacher guidance4
Self‐esteem as a mediator of parental attachment security and social anxiety4
Emergent bilingual high school students' social and emotional experiences4
Best practices in online education during COVID‐19: Instructors' perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education4
Supporting paraprofessionals in schools: Current research and practice4
Anxiety and psychological needs of high school students: COVID‐19 period4
Elementary teacher occupational health outcomes across schools with varying resources and demographics4
University students' misconceptions about rational numbers: Implications for developmental mathematics and instruction of younger students4
Factors that predict adolescents' engagement with STEM in and out of school4
Evaluating the independent group contingency: “Mystery Student” on improving behaviors in head start classrooms4
Confirmatory factor analysis of the WIAT‐III in a referral sample4
Academic major satisfaction and regret of students in different majors: Perspectives from Self‐Determination Theory4
Self‐esteem in adolescents with learning difficulties: A study from the perspective of the students, parents, and teachers3
Integration of physical health and sensory processing assessment for children with autism spectrum disorder in schools3
Evidence of efficacy of the Integrated Literacy Study Group professional learning program to enhance reading instruction for students with emotional and behavioral disorders3
Student interest in mathematics homework: Do peer interest and homework approaches matter?3
Parental attitude and Instagram addiction: The mediating role of obsessive‐compulsive disorder3
Examining the relation between PASS cognitive processes and superior reading and mathematics performance3
The association between perceived social support and resilience among Chinese university students: A moderated mediation model3
The impact of teacher−student relationship on knowledge sharing among Chinese graduate students: The moderating roles of proactive personality3
Reflexive disclosure in qualitative research publications in school psychology (2006–2021)3
Autonomy support, personality, and mindset in predicting academic performance among early adolescents: The mediating role of self‐determined motivation3
Special education staff well‐being and the effectiveness of remote services during the COVID‐19 pandemic3
Teacher–student relationships and adolescents' classroom incivility: A moderated mediation model of moral disengagement and negative coping style3
Bayley‐4 performance of very young children with autism, developmental delay, and language impairment3
Assessing anxiety in youth with autism spectrum disorder3
The effect of music on accuracy in the Stroop test3
Teachers' personality types and their attitude toward receiving and employing postobservation feedback3
Critical thinking disposition and academic achievement among Chinese high school students: A moderated mediation model3
Applying behavioral analytic consultation to schools to assess and treat a student's elopement3
Sociopsychological determinants of COVID‐19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy among the students' of higher secondary schools in rural Bangladesh: A cross‐sectional study3
Qualitative analysis of school children's experience of receiving “Coping Cat program”: A cognitive behavioral therapy program for high anxiety3
Equitable practices in school mental health3
Improving learning science: Evaluating and comparing academic interventions using measures of learning speed3
Examining the implementation of Teacher–Child Interaction Training‐Universal in public schools3
Students' satisfaction with their academic majors and study commitment: The mediating role of academic psychological capital3
PASS neurocognitive assessment of children with autism spectrum disorder3
Procrastination, perceived maternal psychological control, and structure in math class: The intervening role of academic self‐concept3
Best practice assessments for autism spectrum disorders in schools3
Social anxiety and phubbing: The mediating role of problematic social networking and the moderating role of family socioeconomic status3
Utility of psychological and psychoeducational evaluation reports: A survey of teachers and school administrators3
How students conceptualize grade‐based acceleration in inclusive settings3
The quality of outcome measure reporting in early numeracy intervention studies3
Readability of English and Spanish forms of two adaptive behavior rating scales3
Implicit weight stigma and bullying perpetration in college students: The mediating role of explicit weight stigma and moral disengagement and the moderating role of empathy3
Development of a training and implementation model for school‐based behavioral health interventions3
An ecologically valid understanding of executive functioning3
Framework for successful school reintegration after psychiatric hospitalization: A systematic synthesis of expert recommendations3
A comprehensive examination of factors impacting collegiate athletes' utilization of psychological assessment and intervention services3
Boarding students' perceptions of school climate and well‐being across gender and sexual orientation3
The fundamental role of social validity in behavioral consultation in school settings3
The Persian version of the Psychotic‐Like Experiences Questionnaire for Children (PLEQ‐C): Psychometric properties in Iranian school students3
A survey of newly enrolled school psychology trainees: Estimates of key role and function3