Politics & Society

(The median citation count of Politics & Society is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
The Comparative Political Economy of Growth Models: Explaining the Continuity of FDI-Led Growth in Ireland and Hungary64
Exit, Control, and Politics: Structural Power and Corporate Governance under Asset Manager Capitalism26
Politics, Social and Economic Change, and Crime: Exploring the Impact of Contextual Effects on Offending Trajectories20
Tracing Settler Colonialism: A Genealogy of a Paradigm in the Sociology of Knowledge Production in Israel20
Post-Keynesian Macroeconomic Foundations for Comparative Political Economy19
The Politics of Innovation Policy: Building Israel’s “Neo-developmental” State19
Skill-Biased Liberalization: Germany’s Transition to the Knowledge Economy19
Delegated Censorship: The Dynamic, Layered, and Multistage Information Control Regime in China18
Brexit and British Business Elites: Business Power and Noisy Politics17
Quiet Politics and the Power of Business: New Perspectives in an Era of Noisy Politics17
Quiet Politics in Tumultuous Times: Business Power, Populism, and Democracy16
Structural Power, Hegemony, and State Capitalism: Limits to China’s Global Economic Power15
From Quiet to Noisy Politics: Transformations of Swiss Business Elites’ Power13
Teacher Unions, Political Machines, and the Thorny Politics of Education Reform in Latin America9
The Welfare State amid Crime: How Victimization and Perceptions of Insecurity Affect Social Policy Preferences in Latin America and the Caribbean9
German Business Mobilization against Right-Wing Populism8
The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion: Chinese Dual-Pension Regimes in the Era of Labor Migration and Labor Informalization8
Polarity Reversal: The Socioeconomic Reconfiguration of Partisan Support in Knowledge Societies8
The Specter of the Past: Reconstructing Conservative Historical Memory in South Korea7
Introduction: The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization6
Voting for Your Pocketbook, but against Your Pocketbook? A Study of Brexit at the Local Level6
Democratizing the Corporation: The Bicameral Firm as Real Utopia6
Volte-Face on the Welfare State: Social Partners, Knowledge Economies, and the Expansion of Work-Family Policies6
How Digitized Strategy Impacts Movement Outcomes: Social Media, Mobilizing, and Organizing in the 2018 Teachers’ Strikes6
Group-Specific Responses to Retrospective Economic Performance: A Multilevel Analysis of Parliamentary Elections5
The Alternative to Utopia Is Myopia5
Business Interests, Conservative Economists, and the Expansion of Noncontributory Pensions in Latin America5
When Can Dictators Go It Alone? Personalization and Oversight in Authoritarian Regimes5
Agents of Representation: The Organic Connection between Society and Leftist Parties in Bolivia and Uruguay5
Eviction and Voter Turnout: The Political Consequences of Housing Instability5
Banks’ Structural Power and States’ Choices on What Structurally Matters: The Geo-Economic Foundations of State Priority toward Banking in France, Germany, and Spain5
Building the Modern State in Developing Countries: Perceptions of Public Safety and (Un)willingness to Pay Taxes in Mexico4
Common Cause? Policymaking Discourse and the Prison/Welfare Trade-Off4
Polanyi and the Peasant Question in China: State, Peasant, and Land Relations in China, 1949–Present4
Quiet Politics, Trade Unions, and the Political Elite Network: The Case of Denmark4
Class Capacity and Cross-Gender Solidarity: Women’s Organizing in an Egyptian Textile Company3
The Rise and Fall of Japan’s New Far Right: How Anti-Korean Discourses Went Mainstream3
Domestic Bank Reform and the Contingent Nature of the Structural Power of Finance in Emerging Markets3
A Tale of Two Marxisms: Remembering Erik Olin Wright (1947–2019)3
Why Is Democracy So Hard? University of California, Berkeley Memorial Lecture for Erik Olin Wright, January 20203
The Corporation, Democracy, and the Idea of the Bicameral Firm2
Toward a Political Sociology of Dispossession: Explaining Opposition to Capital Projects in India2
Building Programmatic Linkages in the Periphery: The Case of the TRT Party in Thailand2
Suppression by Stealth: The Partisan Response to Protest in State Legislatures2
Revisiting the Hidden Developmental State2
Who Pays for Environmental Policy? Business Power and the Design of State-Level Climate Policies2
Captives at Large: On the Political Economy of Human Containment in the Sahara2
Is Liberal Socialism Possible? Reflections on “Real Utopias”2
Transforming the Welfare State, One Case at a Time: How Utrecht Makes Customized Social Care Work2
Racial Pay Parity in the Public Sector: The Overlooked Role of Employee Mobilization2
Harvesting Influence: Agrarian Elites and Democracy in Brazil2
Anything but Inevitable: How the Marshall Plan Became Possible2
Capital Flows and the Eurozone's North-South Divide2
Structural Power without the Structure: A Class-Centered Challenge to New Structural Power Formulations2